Discover more like Greytown Honey - Kamahi 350g
$24.90Greytown Honey - Kamahi 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Native 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Rewarewa 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Wildflower 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Kanuka 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$69.90Greytown Honey - Gift Box Manuka (4 x 80g)You've been asking us to the point of nagging for a smaller selection of Greytown Honey's incredible handcrafted honey. We don't mind. Honestly. And voila - just for you. In the Mnuka gift box, you'll find four jars of pure delight: Mnuka Honey 400. Mnuka Honey 200. Mnuka Honey 100 and Knuka Honey -...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$12.99Peplers - Feijoa Jam 350gThis feijoa jam from Peplers captures the unique and complex flavour of feijoas. With a hint of pineapple, guave and mint, this jam has the perfect consistency between a smooth spread and flavourful fruit pieces.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$40$6- $6.00 Kamahi honey is a beautiful tasting honey with hints of caramel and vanilla.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0 -
$13.90Native Kamahi Honey 250gKamahi (weinmannia racemosa) is a tree found in large areas of native forests in the Southern and South-West coasts of the South Island. Here in this remote, untouched wilderness the Kamahi tree is able to flourish. The Kamahi flowers are prolific honey bearers and loved by the bees in the early sum...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$412.5KG Raw Kamahi Honey100% Raw New Zealand Kamahi Honey. Beautiful native honey which has anti-bacterial qualities and contain high amounts of minerals and trace elements with great health benefits. Is a great tasting, natural, sweet honey. Available in a variety of sizesBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$34.90Kamahi Honey 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand Nationwide Kamahi Honey has a unique composition of complex flavours, with a lanolin aroma and an earthy flavour, this honey is creamy and pale with a smooth buttery texture and has a distinctive light bitter finish taste. Kamahi Honey is collected and made by bees from the...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$12.70Kamahi HoneySmooth, rich and sweet, Kamahi honey is a delight to taste. The delicate flower of the New Zealand native Kamahi tree produces this delicious, distinctly aromatic honey with a buttery aftertaste. Arataki crafted using our tried true creamed honey process to create a honey with a beautifully smooth, thick and spreadable texture. Arataki Honey is 100% pure, natural New Zealand Honey.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$40$6$6.00 Kamahi honey is a beautiful tasting honey with hints of caramel and vanilla.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0 -
$25Kamahi ’N HoneyStreamlands KAMAHI Honey is 100% pure, natural New Zealand Honey. It is the most hidden treasure in New Zealand. This sophisticated honey is relatively unknown outside of New Zealand. Our Passionfruit n Honey is a delight to taste. It is a smooth, rich, and well-balanced flavor. It smells like caram...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$22.40Kamahi Honey | 500gKamahi honey is gathered from the lowland bush unique to New Zealand's Southern coastal hills. Its well-balanced flavor is perfect for honey-lovers who like their honey clean, slightly nutty and less sweet. Try Kamahi in spicy Thai foods or with a decadent fruit and cheese platter. Ingredients: 100%...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Wholesale trade 0 0
$9.99Kamahi Honey 500gKamahi is a common tree found in many of New Zealand's rugged native forests, and is an excellent source of honey. The creamy coloured flowers are very attractive to bees and bloom in abundance throughout the Spring producing a light amber honey with a distinctive, full-bodied complexity of flavour preferred by many honey connoisseurs. MoreBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$15Kamahi HoneyKamahi Sale: BB DATE 500g - BB: 05.10.22 1kg - BB: 30.05.21 Happy Valley's buttery golden-yellow in colour with a rich bouquet of flavour and after tones. Kamahi honey has a smooth creamy texture and is packed full of natural goodness and taste with a natural and distinctive aroma. Most Kamahi honey...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Holding company operation 0 0
$5.60Ceres - Organic Tomato Puree - [350g]A famous Italian artist once said simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" we think he must have been talking about our Tomato Puree. Organically grown tomatoes are vine-ripened under the Italian sun, allowing nature to develop their full flavour. Theyre then cooked and strained into this rich paste. No added sugars, thickeners, or weird numbers. Voil, simple sophisticationBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$13.99Tamarind Chutney MedThis tamarind chutney has amazing levels of flavour, and adds a little kick Comes in 300ml and 500ml bottles.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$12500g Raw Kamahi HoneyBeautiful native honey which has anti-bacterial qualities and contain high amounts of minerals and trace elements with great health benefits. This is a great tasting, natural, sweet honey for all to enjoy.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$23.99Hunt & Gather Pepper and Garlic GrinderThis delicious blend of garlic and peppercorns is sure to give your meat and veggie dishes some extra flavour. 114gBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$14Kamahi 500gReal honey lovers will appreciate the distinctive musty aroma and a complex bouquet of sweet, earthy flavours and after tones. These handy 500g size's would only last about a week in our house, so if this is a sneaky selfish pot just for you then 500g should do it, but if the whole family are honey ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$11.50Kamahi HoneyBold, with a distinctive musty aroma and a complex bouquet of sweet, Kamahi honey has earthy flavours and after tones. Perfect for the everyone to enjoy or as a thoughtful gift in its own right Our high quality Kamahi contains many antioxidants. Antioxidants have been linked to not only healthy skin...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0