Discover more like Kamahi Honey
$11.50Kamahi HoneyBold, with a distinctive musty aroma and a complex bouquet of sweet, Kamahi honey has earthy flavours and after tones. Perfect for the everyone to enjoy or as a thoughtful gift in its own right Our high quality Kamahi contains many antioxidants. Antioxidants have been linked to not only healthy skin...Buy from Store Showing More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$55.25Mountain Gold Native Honeys X 7 (multi buy-Unboxed)Gift Pack of 7 Native New Zealand Honeys. Choose from 3 options ( 7 x 500g, or 7 x 250g, or 7 x 110g). Perfect for the Christmas Gift for people who have everything. Brand: Mountain Gold Honey, Mountain Gold Manuka Manuka Honey UMF 5 x 500g,250g, or 110g Pohutukawa x 500g,250g, or 110g Southern Rata...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$12Grafter's Raw Honey - Bush BlendFRUITY HERBAL VELVETY Floral notes of Pohutakawa, Kamahi, Rewarewa and Kanuka.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$9NZ Native Bush HoneyThe Authentic Honey Native Bush Honey is a delicious multi-floral blend sustainably collected from the lush New Zealand bush. A combination unique every season, is generally comprised of RewaRewa (Knightia excelsa), Kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and a touch of Hinau (Elaeocarpus dentatus) and any oth...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$23Kamahi 1kgThis honey is bold, with a distinctive strong and sweet aroma and a complex bouquet of sweet, Kamahi honey has earthy flavours and after tones. Perfect for the everyone to enjoy or as a thoughtful gift in its own right This 1kg jar of high quality Kamahi contains many antioxidants. Antioxidants have...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$14Kamahi 500gReal honey lovers will appreciate the distinctive musty aroma and a complex bouquet of sweet, earthy flavours and after tones. These handy 500g size's would only last about a week in our house, so if this is a sneaky selfish pot just for you then 500g should do it, but if the whole family are honey ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$9.60Multi-Floral Mānuka Honey (250g, 500g & 1kg)This Mnuka Blend honey is a certified Multi-Floral Mnuka, meaning it meets the MPI Science Definition for export. A milder flavour profile and a sweeter finish than Mono-Floral Mnuka, it's a super affordable way to enjoy New Zealand Mnuka Honey.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$8.50Kamahi HoneyAn intense strong, complex, flavour sensation. Perfect for adding to recipes. Pale and beautifully buttery golden in colour. Its a fabulous honey to go with cheeses. Native New Zealand. Brand: Mountain Gold Honey Kmahi (Weinmannia racemosa), is an evergreen small shrub to medium-sized tree. It is th...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$34.90Kamahi Honey 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand Nationwide Kamahi Honey has a unique composition of complex flavours, with a lanolin aroma and an earthy flavour, this honey is creamy and pale with a smooth buttery texture and has a distinctive light bitter finish taste. Kamahi Honey is collected and made by bees from the...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$12500g Raw Kamahi HoneyBeautiful native honey which has anti-bacterial qualities and contain high amounts of minerals and trace elements with great health benefits. This is a great tasting, natural, sweet honey for all to enjoy.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$8250g Creamed Kamahi - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 250g Creamed Kamahi, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$7250g Creamed Kamahi - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 250g Creamed Kamahi, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$15.60Mono-floral Mānuka Honey MGO250+ (250g, 500g & 1kg)A yummy "medical grade" Mono-Floral Mnuka Honey with 250 mg of methylglyoxal per kg. Tested in an independent laboratory and confirmed to meet the MPI Manuka Honey Science Definition for export. Always raw and never ultra heat treated. Scientific studies around the world have proven New Zealand Mnuk...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$13.40Hunt & Gather Bee Co Rewarewa Local HoneyDescription Rewarewa is the New Zealand honeysuckle which produces this flavoursome honey with an amber hue. Originating in the Coromandel Peninsula back country, this honey has a rich, malty taste. Dollop some onto your morning porridge to add some excitement. Size 250g, 500g 1kg.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$9.99Kamahi Honey 500gKamahi is a common tree found in many of New Zealand's rugged native forests, and is an excellent source of honey. The creamy coloured flowers are very attractive to bees and bloom in abundance throughout the Spring producing a light amber honey with a distinctive, full-bodied complexity of flavour preferred by many honey connoisseurs. MoreBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$13.40Hunt & Gather Bee Co Bush Blend Local HoneyDescription The Bush Blend contains nectar from native trees in the bush margins of the Coromandel Ranges. It is the pioneer honey from our first hives and were excited to share it with you. Slap it on toast and enjoy with your favourite brew. Size 250g, 500g 1kg.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$11.50Kamahi 250gLove a little night cap of lemon and honey This 250g jar of kamahi honey, has a distinctive musty aroma and a complex bouquet of sweet tones. Foodies love the earthy flavours and aftertaste of Kamahi honey, and this is the perfect size to collect alongside your breakfast honey favourite, and to add ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$29.90Hunt & Gather Bee Co Manuka (mgo100+) Local HoneyDescription Manuka is the superhero of New Zealand honey (it's got powers ). Our rich, creamy and full-flavoured Manuka honey comes from the Coromandel Peninsula's east coast. Eat it by the spoonful, straight from the jar and enjoy it's unique antibacterial properties. Our Manuka Honey has an MGO100 rating; equivalent to a UMF5. Size 250g, 500g and 1kg.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$7.20Native Flora Honey (250g, 500g, 1kg)By far our most popular every day eating honey is that produced from the nectars of our Native Wildflowers that grow abundantly in our treasured ngahere (forest). Raw and unblended our Native Flora (a.k.a. bush blend) honey is a true taste of all the wonderful native species found in our Northland F...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$25Kamahi ’N HoneyStreamlands KAMAHI Honey is 100% pure, natural New Zealand Honey. It is the most hidden treasure in New Zealand. This sophisticated honey is relatively unknown outside of New Zealand. Our Passionfruit n Honey is a delight to taste. It is a smooth, rich, and well-balanced flavor. It smells like caram...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$40$6- $6.00 Kamahi honey is a beautiful tasting honey with hints of caramel and vanilla.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0 -
$18.60Hunt & Gather Bee Co Kanuka Local HoneyDescription Ka nuka is the lesser known cousin of ma nuka, and its going to be the next big thing on the honey scene The kanuka tree blooms in mid summer with thousands of small white flowers, similar in appearance to it's well-to-do relative, manuka. Gathered in the Waikato, our kanuka honey is smo...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$13.40Hunt & Gather Bee Co West Coast Blend Local HoneyDescription The West Coast Blend comes from the hills surrounding Raglan. Containing nectar from trees such as the pohutakawa, manuka and rewarewa, this blend is a unique local flavour. Smear it over a kahawai before you it goes into the smoker and youre onto a winner. Size 250g, 500g and 1kg.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$412.5KG Raw Kamahi Honey100% Raw New Zealand Kamahi Honey. Beautiful native honey which has anti-bacterial qualities and contain high amounts of minerals and trace elements with great health benefits. Is a great tasting, natural, sweet honey. Available in a variety of sizesBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0