Discover more like Native Kamahi Honey 250g
$13.90Native Kamahi Honey 250gKamahi (weinmannia racemosa) is a tree found in large areas of native forests in the Southern and South-West coasts of the South Island. Here in this remote, untouched wilderness the Kamahi tree is able to flourish. The Kamahi flowers are prolific honey bearers and loved by the bees in the early sum...Buy from Store Showing More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$25.90Premium UMF® 5+ Manuka Honey 250gPure Vitalitys Certified UMF 5 Manuka Honey 250g is harvested from some of the most remote and pristine regions of the South Islands West Coast of New Zealand, from the flowers of our native Manuka tree. New Zealand Manuka Honey has a well-deserved, world-wide reputation based on extensive scientifi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$40.90Premium UMF® 10+ Manuka Honey 250gPure Vitalitys Certified UMF 10 Manuka Honey 250g is harvested from some of the most remote and pristine regions of the South Islands West Coast of New Zealand, from the flowers of our native Manuka tree. New Zealand Manuka Honey has a well-deserved, world-wide reputation based on extensive scientif...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$75.90Premium UMF® 15+ Manuka Honey 250gPure Vitalitys Certified UMF 15 Manuka Honey 250g is harvested from some of the most remote and pristine regions of the South Islands West Coast of New Zealand, from the flowers of our native Manuka tree. New Zealand Manuka Honey has a well-deserved, world-wide reputation based on extensive scientif...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Native 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24Manuka Honey MGO 83+ 250gSingle Source Manuka Honey This delicious tasting honey is produced from the beautiful Manuka tree ( leptospermum ), which is Native to New Zealand. This honey is full flavoured, has a smooth creamy texture and contains a distinctive taste that leaves you wanting more.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$22West Coast Honey 500gNelson Honeys owner Phil calls our West Coast Honey a Fruit Bowl of Honeys and with that hes referring to the wide range of native floral sources that make up our West Coast Honey. Our bee hives are positioned in the pristine wilderness that is the West Coast of New Zealands South Island. Our bees f...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$61.50Manuka 514+ 250g (15+)This 514 MGO is a darker golden honey with a smooth texture and has a more subtle, less sweet flavour than other honey. It tastes exceptional on its own, or try a dollop in your morning smoothie. Our New Zealand Honey Bees source our honey from the native manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium).Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$14.90Pure Vitality Clover 250gWhite Clover honey is New Zealands most common honey. Our inland mountains, valleys and plains with their large pastoral farms and conservation lands are the ideal location in which to produce pure white clover honey. Clover is a sweet honey with a smooth, creamy texture and a mild aroma of sweet ap...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$13.90Native Wildflower Honey 250gThis honey has captured the unique taste of New Zealand, produced from an array of flora that is so unique and varied. Pure Vitality's Wild Flower Honey is an amber coloured honey with a distinctive, smooth taste. It is a delicious blend of the nectar from the wild flowers which grow abundantly in t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$13.90Native Beechwood Honey 250gHoneydew is different from other honey as it is not derived from the nectar of the plant. Beech Forest Honeydew is sourced from New Zealands unique beech forests, found along the Southern Alps mountain range. A small scale insect living under the bark causes a honeydew to run down the outside of the...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$24.50Cheese Pairing CollectionHoney has a natural affinity with cheese, in this unique collection pack we have selected our favourite honey to pair with cheese. This collection pack provides tasting notes for each honey as well as our perfect cheese and honey pairing recommendations Included in the box: Wild Thyme Honey, Blue Borage Honey and Kamahi Honey (3x40gBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$13.90Native Rata Honey 250gThe rare and brilliant red flower of the Rata tree only shows itself every 3 to 4 years. To extract the Rata nectar our bees are carefully nestled deep within the West Coast forests of New Zealands South Island. Our expertly located beehive locations make our Rata honey special. The high quality and...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$24.50Native Botanicals CollectionWe bring you a taste of New Zealand at its purest. The perfect gift for any honey lover, these varietals are unique to New Zealand Containing three hand packed glass jars featuring Manuka, Pohutukawa and Kamahi Honey. The perfect gift for any food lover this collection of New Zealand Native honey varietals are sourced from our unique New Zealand landscape.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49Honey Luxury Collection - 160g JarsWe bring you a taste of New Zealand at its purest. The perfect gift for any food or honey lover, these varietals are unique New Zealand. Choose between. NZ Native Botanicals Collection - Three hand packed glass jars featuring Manuka, Pohutukawa and Kamahi Honey. New Zealand Native honey varietals ar...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$17.90Manuka Blend 250gPure Vitality's harvested from some of the most remote and pristine regions of the South Islands West Coast of New Zealand, from the flowers of our native Manuka tree and other floral sources. Pure Vitality's Manuka Blend Honey contains unique Manuka compounds, validated by an independent laboratory...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Pharmaceutical preparation 0 0
$37Manuka Honey 263+ 250Single Source Manuka Honey This delicious tasting honey is produced from the beautiful Manuka tree ( leptospermum ), which is Native to New Zealand. This honey is full flavoured, has a smooth creamy texture and contains a distinctive taste that leaves you wanting more.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Kamahi 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$12.99Wanaka Honey Raw Wildflower 250gIntroducing The Wanaka Honey Company, a charming family-owned business nestled in the heart of Wanaka, Central Otago. Their hives are strategically placed in pristine countryside locations, allowing their bees to thrive on a diverse array of wild summer flowers. The result Exquisite, all-natural hon...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$11.90Blis HoneyBlis with BLIS K12™ and Manuka + Kamahi HoneyBLIS PROBIOTICS HONEYBLIS is a soothing probiotic lozenge containing premium New Zealand Kamahi Manuka honeys, ideal for sore throats. BLIS PROBIOTICS is a range of probiotics containing Streptoccocus salivarius K12 (BLIS K12), a probiotic for the mouth and throat, that was discovered in New Zealand...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$11.99HoneyBLIS® with BLIS K12® | Soothing Throat LozengesDescription The Soothing Agent And Cough Lozenges HoneyBLIS lozenges contain BLIS K12, a strain of advanced oral probiotics that support your mouths immune defences by crowding out bad bacteria in your oral cavity and re-populating it with good bacteria. Unique to New Zealand, Manuka honey is produc...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49New Zealand Honey Gift PackThis gorgeous Honey gift pack is a wonderful gift for family and friends or an extra special treat to enjoy just for yourself. It contains a delightful selection of top-quality New Zealand honeys that will enlighten your palate. This gift pack includes: 1 x Manuka Honey 250g Mossops Manuka honey is ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Kanuka 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$18Cheese Pairing Honey CollectionHoney has a natural affinity with cheese, in this unique collection pack we have selected our favourite honey to pair with cheese. This collection pack provides tasting notes for each honey as well as our perfect cheese and honey pairing recommendations Included in the box: Wild Thyme Honey, Blue Borage Honey and Kamahi Honey (3x40g)Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0