Discover more like Greytown Honey - Wildflower 350g
$24.90Greytown Honey - Wildflower 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Native 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Rewarewa 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Kamahi 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.90Greytown Honey - Kanuka 350gWinnie the Pooh loves honey. Mr Blackwell loves honey. Any extension of the comparison would result in a brief but entertaining set of internet memes, followed by several terminations of employment. But imagine Mr Blackwell's delight at discovering a family business producing the very highest qualit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$69.90Greytown Honey - Gift Box Manuka (4 x 80g)You've been asking us to the point of nagging for a smaller selection of Greytown Honey's incredible handcrafted honey. We don't mind. Honestly. And voila - just for you. In the Mnuka gift box, you'll find four jars of pure delight: Mnuka Honey 400. Mnuka Honey 200. Mnuka Honey 100 and Knuka Honey -...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$12.99Peplers - Feijoa Jam 350gThis feijoa jam from Peplers captures the unique and complex flavour of feijoas. With a hint of pineapple, guave and mint, this jam has the perfect consistency between a smooth spread and flavourful fruit pieces.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$5.60Ceres - Organic Tomato Puree - [350g]A famous Italian artist once said simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" we think he must have been talking about our Tomato Puree. Organically grown tomatoes are vine-ripened under the Italian sun, allowing nature to develop their full flavour. Theyre then cooked and strained into this rich paste. No added sugars, thickeners, or weird numbers. Voil, simple sophisticationBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$19.90Earthbound - Wildflower Honey - [310g]Earthbound Creamed Wildflower Honey is made by our bees that have collected nectar from a local source of wildflowers. The taste and composition of our wildflower honey can vary depending upon the variety of flowers in bloom at the time the honey is made. The potential health benefits of this honey are many due to its nutrient-rich content and anti-microbial properties.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$15Creamed Wildflower HoneyAvailable now - Our new seasons honey Earthbound made by our bees that have collected nectar from a local source of wildflowers. The taste and composition of our wildflower honey can vary depending upon the variety of flowers in bloom at the time the honey is made. The potential health benefits of t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$33.90Wildflower Honey 500g - 100% Natural Pure New Zealand Premium HoneyFREE Shipping New Zealand Nationwide Wildflower Honey (Also known as Multifloral Honey) is collected from a wide variety of native bush and pastoral flowers throughout New Zealand and then blended to create a multi floral honey. Wildflower Honey has a strong flavour of combined honey types, making i...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$13.99Tamarind Chutney MedThis tamarind chutney has amazing levels of flavour, and adds a little kick Comes in 300ml and 500ml bottles.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$23.99Hunt & Gather Pepper and Garlic GrinderThis delicious blend of garlic and peppercorns is sure to give your meat and veggie dishes some extra flavour. 114gBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$9.50Greenfood - Organic Hummus - [280g]Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Organic. Add to sandwiches and burgers or an appetiser on flatbreads brochette. Great as a relish dip or spread or an ingredient added to sauces or salad dressings.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$105Bulk Raw Wildflower HoneyEarthbound Creamed Wildflower Honey is made by our bees that have collected nectar from a local source of wildflowers. The taste and composition of our wildflower honey can vary depending upon the variety of flowers in bloom at the time the honey is made. The potential health benefits of this honey ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$10.50Iliada - Organic Olive Paste (Tapenade) - [175g]Iliada organic olive paste is an authentic Kalamata olive spread (tapenade), delicious on toast, crackers or pizza bread. Use it as a salad dressing, or in sauces for pasta.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$25.50The Village Press 500 mLThese rich olive oils are divine to cook with or to serve with crunchy baquetteBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$16.50Fig CompoteFigs poached with walnuts and toasted sesame seed. Absolutely fabulous with yoghurt and ice-cream or with creamy cheeses. Size: 70g All Te Mata Figs products are gluten free and dont use preservatives or additives.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$473 Hot Sauces + Hot Honey (save $5)Includes: Oi Oi Green Chipotle Blue Label Lizard Exposer Hot HoneyBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Sauces 0 0
$9.99Manuka & Wildflower Honey 500gA delicious blend of characteristic creamed Manuka honey and wildflowers that include rewarewa, clover, kamahi and tawari. Some people find that manuka is too strong a flavour for their preference but still want a dark flavoursome honey. Manuka with Wildflower is just that product. MoreBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$12.50Wildflower HoneyFree Gift with Purchase, limited time only - Receive a free 500g jar when you buy our premium Mighty Mnuka MGO300 now only $35. Just add both jars to your cart and the Wildflower 500g will be 100% free upon checkout. Wax Eyed Bees Wildflower Blend Honey is a union of three beloved varieties. Our Wil...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$11.99Texas Prime RubThis Texas prime rub is great for seasoning your meat, veggies or seafood before cooking. Plus, it can be used to add some flavour to salad dressings, hamburgers and roast veggies.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0