Discover more like Kiwicare LawnPro Protect 600g
$43Kiwicare LawnPro Protect 600gThese granules help protect your lawn against grass grub and insect pests in lawns and soil. This container will treat 180m2 - Sprinkle evenly over area to be protected at a rate chosen from the table below. - Water in for a minimum of 2 hours by gentle sprinkler irrigation or moderate to heavy rain...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$36.71LawnPro Protect Insect Control Granules 600 g- LawnPro Protect Granules - Protects against insect pests in lawns and soil - Provides long-lasting control of insect grubs, caterpillars and insects in lawns including ants, grass grubs, Porina caterpillars, cluster flies, wireworms, earwigs, slaters and more - 600 g treats up to 180 m2 - Technical Sheet Healthy Lawns and Grasses Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$22.50Kiwicare LawnPro ProtectGranules provide long lasting control of insect grubs, caterpillars and insects in lawns. Prevents soil insect pests by forming a protective barrier at the soil surface. Easy to use shaker pack. Available in 350g, 600g or 3kgBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20.90LawnPro ProtectProvides long lasting control of insect grubs, caterpillars and insects in lawns, improving the condition of your grass. - Prills prevent soil insect pests by forming a protective barrier at the soil surface. - The active ingredient washes off the granules and stays on surface and in the upper layer...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Seed wholesaling 0 0
$22.98Kiwicare LawnPro Turfclean & GreenKills weeds and greens grass. Easy to use, hose pack Treats an area of 230mBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49Kiwicare LawnPro Turfclean Ultra 400mlTurfclean Ultra is a fast-acting lawn weed killer that controls the broadest range. With a multi-action formula, this product works well to control all the common broadleaf lawn weeds, including: - Dandelion - Clover - Hydrocotyle - Onehunga - Oxalis - Daisies - Dock - Plantain and more Directions M...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$32Kiwicare LawnPro Fungus Control for Lawns 200mlLawn fungal diseases cause stress, browning out and death of lawn grasses. Lawns are susceptible in warm damp conditions. LawnPro Fungus Control for Lawns protects lawn grasses from fungal disease. Lawn disease prevention: Dilute 10 ml per litre of water and apply at a rate of 1 litre of spray to 5 ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$45Kiwicare LawnPro Prickle & Hydrocotle 250mlLawnPro Prickle and Hydrocotyle has been formulated for the control of broadleaf weeds such as Onehunga prickle weed, thistles, hydrocotyle, clovers, creeping oxalis and other broadleaf weeds in New Zealand lawns. Benefits - Systemic active works to control common lawn weeds - Curative - kills exist...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$39.90LawnPro Prickle and HydrocotyleThis is the one for that annoying Onehunga weed that likes to get into the kids feet. Get it before it seeds and then oversow with Vintage Rye grass.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Seed wholesaling 0 0
$23Kiwicare Organic Spraying Oil 1LOrganic Spraying Oil is a natural alternative to control a wide range of insects pests and diseases. Suitable for use on roses, fruit trees, citrus and ornamentals with no withholding period. Directions 1: Spray foliage until run off occurs. 2: Cover leaves on both the upper and lower surfaces as co...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$50.13Kiwicare Plant Health Spectrum Concentrate 500 ml- Kiwicare Plant Health Spectrum Concentrate - A dual purpose insect and disease control for roses and ornamental shrubs - Contact insecticide, miticide and systemic fungicide action giving longer lasting control - Controls existing diseases and pests - Prevents new infections and systemic fungicide stops diseases getting started - 500 ml makes up 50 L - Technical Sheet Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$6Kiwicare NO Mice One Touch Mouse Trap 1 Pack- Effective control of mice - No mess - Re-usable - Easy to set - Easy to dispose of mice - Safe to use in kitchens, pantries and other places rodenticide cannot be usedBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$54.99Kiwicare Predator Free PackHeres what youll find in your. It features everything youll need to keep your backyard predator free, including: - Rat and Mice Stations - NO Rat and Mice Bait Blocks - A Rodent Detector Card - Manuka Tree Seeds - Victor Rat and Stoat Trap More about Kiwicare's support for Predator Free 2050. If you...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$11Kiwicare NO Rats & Mice Weatherproof Bait Blocks 160g- Highly Attractive Rat and Mouse Bait - Highly effective, indoor and outdoor control of rats and mice - Indoor and outdoor rodent control - Weatherproof rodenticide for damp areas - Highly palatable to rodents for more effective control - Low eco-toxicity - Reduced risk to pests or scavenging animals - Technical Sheet 1-2-3 Rodent Control Programme Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$23Kiwicare LawnPro MossclearEffectively kills moss, liverworts, and algae in lawns. Concentrate.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$27.14LawnPro Fungus Control for Lawns 200 ml- LawnPro Fungus Control for Lawns - Protects grasses from fungal diseases such as red thread, brown patch, fusarium and pythium - Lawns are susceptible to fungal disease in warm damp conditions causing stress, browning out and death of lawn grasses - Can also be used as an animal repellant protecti...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$47LawnPro Turfclean UltraClovers, dandelion, oxalis - this deals to them all. Not for use on couch.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Seed wholesaling 0 0
$23.30LawnPro Mossclear Concentrate 200 ml- LawnPro Mossclear - Provides selective control of moss, liverwort, algae and slime in lawns, fine turf and bowling greens - Kills moss spores, giving long term control - Leaves lawn grasses unaffected - Technical Sheet Healthy Lawns and Grasses Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$7Natural Pest Control by Bruce Chapman & David PenmanThis book has been specifically written with the home gardener in mind. Some alternative cultural and biological pest controls are discussed. These include the use of repellants and attractants. The question of plant resistance and diversity is examined. If chemicals must be used, what is the proper method The prudent gardener, is is suggested, will &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$14$10Original price was: $. $10 Current price is: $10. per 50cm strip Rated 4.80 out of 5 based on 10 customer ratings (10 customer reviews) FREE FAST DELIVERY ALL ACROSS FOR ORDERS OF $75 or more (Save $25) NO MINIMUM - Order just the number of strips (50cm lengths) you need 3 DAY JANUARY SUPER SALE Don...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0 -
$17.15Kiwicare Gro-Sure Houseplant Insect Control Spray 300 ml- Kiwicare Gro-Sure Houseplant Insect Control Spray - Organically certified ready to use spray for the natural control of insect pests on indoor plants - Natural pyrethrum insecticide - Controls aphids, mealy bugs, fungus gnats and more - Technical Sheet More information on Gro-Sure Houseplant product at Kiwicare Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$18.29Kiwicare Plant Health Spectrum Plus 750 ml- Kiwicare Plant Health Spectrum Plus Ready to Use - Controls fungal diseases, mites and insect pests; it contains 2 active ingredients plus fertiliser - Fast acting - Neonicotinoid free - Triple action formula of contact insecticide/miticide, systemic fungicide and foliar feed action giving longer ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$15.38Kiwicare Organic Super Spraying Oil Concentrate 250 ml- Kiwicare Organic Super Spraying Oil Concentrate - Organic horticultural oil for insect pest and disease control - For use on roses, fruit trees, citrus and ornamentals - No withholding period - BioGro certified for use in organic growing - Also available in 1 L ready to use - Technical Sheet Use a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$10.90Neem Seed Meal (Ecocert Organic)Organic Neem Seed Meal Natural Pest Management NPK = 5 - 2 - 2 Neem Seed Meal is very effective for managing insects and pests as an antifeedant, repellent, insecticide, nematicide and growth disruptor making it ideal for fruiting and flowering plants with pest problems. Neem Seed Meal is not only f...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0