More like Kiwicare Predator Free Pack
$54.99Kiwicare Predator Free PackHeres what youll find in your. It features everything youll need to keep your backyard predator free, including: - Rat and Mice Stations - NO Rat and Mice Bait Blocks - A Rodent Detector Card - Manuka Tree Seeds - Victor Rat and Stoat Trap More about Kiwicare's support for Predator Free 2050. If you...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$34.50Hypermite Soil Pest Predator 1 LitreHyper-Mite is a soil-dwelling predatory mite also known as known as Stratiolaelaps scimitus that feeds on fungus gnats (mycetophilids, sciarid flies), shore flies, the pupae of thrips and other insects, mites and nematodes in soil and growing media. It is also proving to be very useful against the p...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Garden supply 0 0
$59Spider Mite Predator Mite - E Pack of 1000Mite-E for Spider Mite Control Phytoseiulus persimilis Highly effective predatory mite designed for spider mite control, specifically targeting the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and other plant-feeding mites in the Tetranychidae family. This beneficial mite is ideal for use in integr...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Garden supply 0 0
$23Kiwicare Organic Spraying Oil 1LOrganic Spraying Oil is a natural alternative to control a wide range of insects pests and diseases. Suitable for use on roses, fruit trees, citrus and ornamentals with no withholding period. Directions 1: Spray foliage until run off occurs. 2: Cover leaves on both the upper and lower surfaces as co...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$50.13Kiwicare Plant Health Spectrum Concentrate 500 ml- Kiwicare Plant Health Spectrum Concentrate - A dual purpose insect and disease control for roses and ornamental shrubs - Contact insecticide, miticide and systemic fungicide action giving longer lasting control - Controls existing diseases and pests - Prevents new infections and systemic fungicide stops diseases getting started - 500 ml makes up 50 L - Technical Sheet Shipping OptionsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$40.50Bioforce - Mite-E™ for Spider Mite Control (Drop-Shipped - There will be delay…Strawberry crops 1 predator mite per 2.5 square metres 1 bottle per 400m2 If spider mites are present in "hot spots" or in larger numbers, treatments of 20-50 mites per m2 may be necessary to bring the pest levels down more quickly. Handling: Mite-E is dispatched via courier and should reach you wit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$25Ladybird eggs dusky Pack of 100The Dusky Ladybird also known as Scymnus loewii is a small predatory ladybird. It is primarily an aphid predator, however it will also predate on a wide variety of alternative prey, including psyllid and whitefly eggs, mites, and the eggs of larger insects such as butterflies and moths. The Dusky La...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Garden supply 0 0
$43Kiwicare LawnPro Protect 600gThese granules help protect your lawn against grass grub and insect pests in lawns and soil. This container will treat 180m2 - Sprinkle evenly over area to be protected at a rate chosen from the table below. - Water in for a minimum of 2 hours by gentle sprinkler irrigation or moderate to heavy rain...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$23Kiwicare Spectrum Plus 750ml RTUTriple action fungicide, insecticide and foliar feed for roses and ornamentals. Benefits Triple action formula contact insecticide, systemic fungicide and foliar feed action giving longer lasting control. For use on roses and ornamentals. Easy to use liquid. No leaf burn or marking. Kills insects vi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$35Herbi Zymes All Natural Pest Control - pre-mixedHerbi ZYMES controls White Flies, Mites, Fungus Gnats, Fruit flies and other soft-bodied Insects. It repels other pests like caterpillars by boosting the plants self-defense, which also supports controlling a range of fungal diseases. The product evaporates after a while and leaves no residues. The ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$65.14Pestoff Bird control paste 500gFor pest control of nuisance birds in horticulture, domestic and industrial pest control and agriculture. For controlling sparrows, mynahs, blackbirds and magpies, starlings, sparrows, pigeons and other pest birds. Safe to use and approved for use in New Zealand. A narcotic product for the control o...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Automotive > Agricultural machinery or equipment wholesaling 0 0
$83Herbi Zymes All Natural Pest Control - ConcentrateHerbi ZYMES removes White Flies, Aphids, Mites, Fungus Gnats, Fruit flies and other soft-bodied Insects, while boosting the plant resilience. Herbi Zymes can be used in any situation from prevention to highly infested. The dosage should make full contact with pests, eggs and larvae): APPLICATION: So...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20.93Kiwicare Organic Insect Control Ready to Use 1 L- Kiwicare Organic Insect Control Ready to Use - Natural pyrethrum insecticide - For use on fruit, vegetables, roses and ornamentals - BioGro Certified Organic for use in organic gardening - One day withholding period - Technical Sheet Organic Insect Control is the safe, effective and organic way to...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$29.99Anti BIRD SPIKES Pigeon Deterrent Pest Control 10pc 300 spikes10 PACK STAINLESS STEEL Anti BIRD SPIKES Pigeon Deterrent Pest Control 300 Spike Features: Constructed from UV Stabilized Polycarbonate. Temperature resistant from -40 C to 60 C. Protects surfaces up to 10 cm wide from pigeons and similar sized birds. Snap lines allow you to adjust the length of you...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Homewares 0 0
$35Kiwicare Weed Weapon Kiwicare 1L Ready to UseIdeal for combating weeds in driveways, paths and fence lines this product kills weeds fast and also prevents weed seeds germinating. Directions 1: Shake well before use. 2: Adjust nozzle to SPRAY position. 3: Spray onto weed foliage until just wet. 4: Spray ground where weeds tend to grow and long ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49Kiwicare LawnPro Turfclean Ultra 400mlTurfclean Ultra is a fast-acting lawn weed killer that controls the broadest range. With a multi-action formula, this product works well to control all the common broadleaf lawn weeds, including: - Dandelion - Clover - Hydrocotyle - Onehunga - Oxalis - Daisies - Dock - Plantain and more Directions M...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$22.29Kiwicare Copper Fungicide Liquid 200mlFor control of a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases on fruits, vegetables and ornamentalsIin a liquid concentrate. Concentrate.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$99Trap Double Entry Small 64cmDouble entry traps are best used without bait. Place in spot likely to be used as a thoroughfare, like a hole in a hedge of fence- where a clear path through can be seen. The mesh allows vegetation of foliage to grow through and thus disguise the trap. Handle allows safe retrieval of trap with anima...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Specialised food 0 0
$20.98Kiwicare Organic Super Spraying Oil Ready to Use 1 L- Kiwicare Organic Super Spraying Oil Ready to Use - Organic horticultural oil in a ready to use spray bottle for control of insect pests and disease control - For use on roses, fruit trees, citrus and ornamentals - No withholding period - Controls pests including scale insects, mealy bugs, aphids, ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$35Rat Bait Box - LargeKerbl Larger box for rat baiting. Features removable (for cleaning) 13cm x 7cm bait tray suitable for blocks or loose bait. Rats enter beside tray. Key lock. Child and pet safe.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Specialised food 0 0
$28.30D-Rat Mouse/Rat TrapThe D-Rat is the ideal trap for use around the house, farm or in the bush. Works perfectly anywhere. The trap is 100% user-friendly, needing no contact with the catch. D-Rat is suitable for mice or rats. It is mounted vertically, clear of the ground (a releasable cable tie is provided.) Mount on a p...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Specialised food 0 0
$22.98Kiwicare LawnPro Turfclean & GreenKills weeds and greens grass. Easy to use, hose pack Treats an area of 230mBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24Bundle Pack Insect control and Plant food 控虫植物营养便利组合套装Home Shop. Bundle Pack Insect control and Plant food. MUZI SUCCULENT Where you start your botanic dream. - Home - All Products - Limited-Time Flash Sale - - Plants - Hoya - - Indoor Plants - - Other Plants - - Succulents - - Haworthia - - Potted Plants - - Pots - Unique Handmade - - Budget Sets - - ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Health & Beauty > Cosmetic 0 0