Kiwicare LawnPro Protect 600g


These granules help protect your lawn against grass grub and insect pests in lawns and soil.
This container will treat 180m2

- Sprinkle evenly over area to be protected at a rate chosen from the table below.
- Water in for a minimum of 2 hours by gentle sprinkler irrigation or moderate to heavy rain (at least 10 mm). You can measure the amount of water applied by setting a measuring cup, such as supplied on many Kiwicare products, in the area and waiting until it contains water to 10 mm.

- Grass Grub - 100 g per 15 m2 - Use when grubs are feeding close to the surface (Sept-Mar). Can also be used any time of year as both protective and curative grass grub control.
- Porina Caterpillar - 100 g per 30 m2 - Sprinkle evenly over lawn and water in.
- Slaters, Earwigs, Crickets - 100 g per 10 m2 - Use on garden beds and around buildings.
- Wireworm - 100 g per 10 m2 -Sprinkle on affected soil.
- Ants, Cockroaches (as barrier) - 100 g per 20 m2 - Apply 50 cm band on soil/gravel areas around buildings and water in. Use around outdoor ant nest sites.
- Cluster Fly Larvae - 100 g per 30 m2 - Sprinkle over turf within 200 m of previously affected buildings and water in (Nov–Mar).


- To protect beneficial pollinating insects such as bees do not apply to lawns or turf containing flowers and do not apply to soils around plants in flower or likely to flower soon afterwards.
- Keep domestic fowls off treated areas for 6 days.
- Although Protect is safe to use where there are pets, we recommend keeping dogs and cats. off the lawn during application and until the product is watered in.
- Not for use on vegetables or other crops.

Product Safety Information

Please note this product is pick up only, it cannot be shipped. Purchase in store or online for click & collect.

LawnPro Protect SDS

For more information about this product, head to the manufacturer's site here

Used Container Safe Disposal

- Insecticide or fungicide - As far as possible use the entire contents of the container for the product’s purpose. Then rinse the container with water, disposing of the rinse water in a waste area of ground where it will not contaminate waterways. Repeat the rinse and disposal twice further. Then dispose of the container in general rubbish.

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