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$50Decolonisation in Aotearoa - Education, Research and PracticeEditors Jessica Hutchings and Jenny Lee-Morgan have drawn together leading Mori writers and intellectuals on topics that are at the heart of a decolonising education agenda, from tribal education initiatives to media issues, food sovereignty, wellbeing, Christianity, tikanga and more. A key premise ...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$75Research Methods for Education and the Social Disciplines in Aotearoa New ZealandFor emerging researchers, introductory content that is specific to the Aotearoa context can be hard to find. draws on the thinking of numerous local researchers to deliver an overview and introduction to research methodology and methods, in a way that closely ties with contexts researchers will deal...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$65Weaving te Whariki : Aotearoa New Zealand's Early Childhood Curriculum Docu…Aotearoa New Zealand's early childhood curriculum framework Te Whariki was recognised internationally as an innovative and far-sighted early childhood curriculum policy text. In 2017 the New Zealand Ministry of Education released a refreshed version of the 1996 framework that aimed to both underpin ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$115.16Nursing and Midwifery Research : Methods and Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice ANZAn indispensable guide to understanding, applying and conducting research in practice It is essential that nurses and midwives are able to understand, interpret, synthesise and apply research for effective practice. Nursing and Midwifery Research is a well-established, highly regarded and comprehens...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$127.95Nursing and Midwifery Research : Methods and Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice ANZAn indispensable guide to understanding, applying and conducting research in practice It is essential that nurses and midwives are able to understand, interpret, synthesise and apply research for effective practice. Nursing and Midwifery Research is a well-established, highly regarded and comprehens...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$88.99Best Practice in Professional Supervision : A Guide for the Helping ProfessionsThis second edition of Best Practice in Professional Supervision is a fully updated and revised guide to being an excellent supervisor in the social care, nursing, counselling and allied health professions. This field has developed rapidly in the past 10 years, and this new edition contains essentia...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$119.99Understanding Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice in Health: Print and …In this third edition of Greenhalgh's award-winning Understanding Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice in Health, students will gain a complete overview of the most common topics covered in a standard 12-week evidence-based practice unit for Nursing and Allied Health courses. Throughout the ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$176.99Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New ZealandThis book is a major revision of the previous edition of the New Zealand Psychological Society-s professional practice handbook. It represents the continuing evolution of psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand which has been shaped by the interaction of international theory and practice, te ao Maori and...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$132Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health ProfessionsEvidence-based Practice across the Health Professions is a contemporary guide to modern evidence-based practice. Fully revised and updated, it continues to keep the focus on the knowledge and skills that clinicians and students really need to make evidence-based informed decisions. It provides a fou...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$232.95Midwifery Preparation for Practice + EAQ Access Card : 2 VolumesNow in its 5th edition Midwifery Preparation for Practice continues to present a global model of midwifery best practice that is supported by a range of examples from the Australian, New Zealand and international midwifery contexts. Endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives and the New Zealand ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$190.99Educational PsychologyThere is a strong connection between theory and practice with an emphasis on educational implications and applications of research on human development, cognitive science, learning, motivation, teaching, and assessment, showing how information and ideas drawn from educational psychology research can...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$129.95The Professional Practice of Teaching in New Zealandcontains a wealth of information that beginning and more experienced teachers need to know in order to learn to teach well. Written specifically for the New Zealand setting, it highlights a range of knowledges and skills that teachers require in order to make a positive difference to their students-...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$26.50Riwia me te Matai ArorangiLINDA TUHIWAI SMITH: This is the Mori language version of Riwia and the Stargazer. Linda (Ngti Awa, Ngti Porou) is Distinguished Professor at Te Whare Wnanga o Awanuirangi. She is a leading scholar and researcher in indigenous studies, indigenous education and kaupapa Mori research and has written m...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$130.99Introduction to Research Methods in EducationBased on Keith Punch's bestselling Introduction to Social Research Methods, this book introduces the research process in a range of educational contexts. In this updated second edition, you'll find guidance on every stage of research, with chapters on developing research questions, doing a literatur...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$64.95Teaching Languages to Adolescent Learners : From Theory to PracticeTeaching languages to adolescents can be a challenge, but one that is most rewarding What works What doesn-t work This book provides a reader friendly overview on teaching modern languages to adolescents (Years 7-13). Each chapter takes an aspect of language teaching and learning, and explains the u...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$66.60Cultural Safety in Aotearoa New ZealandIn this second edition of. editor Dianne Wepa presents a range of theoretical and practice-based perspectives adopted by experienced educators who are active in cultural safety education. Thoroughly revised to incorporate the latest methods and research, this edition reflects updates in government p...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$280The Methodology and Practice of Therapeutic JurisprudenceThe community of therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) scholars and practitioners has grown in size and influence, both nationally and internationally, to the point where it has become a key driver of reform in courts and the criminal justice system. the first comprehensive work that explores and explains ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$93.99Language Curriculum DesignNow in its second edition, describes the steps involved in the curriculum design process, elaborates and justifies these steps, and provides opportunities for practicing and applying them. Crystal-clear and comprehensive yet concise, the steps are laid out at a general level so that they can be appl...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$50He Awa Whiria: Braiding the Knowledge Streams in Research, Policy and PracticeThe concept of a braided river - he awa whiria - inspired the creation by pioneering educational researcher Professor Angus Macfarlane of a framework connecting Indigenous and Western perspectives. The He Awa Whiria framework has been used to support bicultural partnership approaches to policy devel...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$180Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental HygienistEach new print copy includes Navigate 2 Preferred Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, Navigate 2 TestPrep, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools. Staying true to Esther Wilkins- pioneering visi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$62.14Performing Music Research : Methods in Music Education Psychology and Performance SciencePerforming Music Research is a comprehensive guide to planning, conducting, analysing, and communicating research in music performance. The book examines the approaches and strategies that underpin research in music education, psychology, and performance science. It reviews the knowledge and skills ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$23.01Dice Weld Practice Kit - 3mm AluminiumWe pride ourselves on quality here at Offroad Addiction, we believe there is no such thing as too much practice if you are always looking to improve your skills. We designed these as practice pieces to keep skills sharp before jumping onto a big job or simply just to fill in some time and hone in the skills and machine settings further.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Film and video production 0 0
$54.99G5 MegaMeat Ballistic Matched Practice PointThe perfect practice point Designed using aerodynamics to be ballistically matched to the wind drag and resistance of the broadhead. Now, there is no need to waste a broadhead just for practice or ruin a target from broadhead blades.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting equipment 0 0