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$132Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health ProfessionsEvidence-based Practice across the Health Professions is a contemporary guide to modern evidence-based practice. Fully revised and updated, it continues to keep the focus on the knowledge and skills that clinicians and students really need to make evidence-based informed decisions. It provides a fou...Buy from Store Showing More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$119.99Understanding Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice in Health: Print and …In this third edition of Greenhalgh's award-winning Understanding Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice in Health, students will gain a complete overview of the most common topics covered in a standard 12-week evidence-based practice unit for Nursing and Allied Health courses. Throughout the ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$70.99Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyFrom an experienced clinician and a prominent psychotherapy researcher, this book synthesizes the evidence base for cognitive-behavioral therapy and translates it into practical clinical guidelines. Therapists and students learn how to implement core CBT techniques, why and how they work, and what to do when faced with gaps in scientific.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$156.55Clinical Naturopathy: An Evidence-Based Guide to PracticeWritten by Jerome Sarris and Jon Wardle, Clinical Naturopathy: An evidence-based guide to practice articulates evidence-based clinical practice. It details the principles, treatment protocols and interventions at the forefront of naturopathic practice in the 21st century. Clinical Naturopathy equips...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$97.95Hough's Cardiorespiratory Care : An Evidence-Based Problem-solving ApproachThis textbook contains: Q A case studies, with scans and x-rays; outcome measures for problems and diseases; boxes with learning and practice tips to encourage reflection; tables with definitions, normal values and comparisons.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$576Wilkins- Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, Fourteenth Edition progresses through crucial topics in dental hygiene in a straightforward format to ensure students develop the knowledge and skills they need for successful, evidence-based practice in today-s rapidly changing oral health care environment. This cornerstone text, used in almost e...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$127.95Nursing and Midwifery Research : Methods and Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice ANZAn indispensable guide to understanding, applying and conducting research in practice It is essential that nurses and midwives are able to understand, interpret, synthesise and apply research for effective practice. Nursing and Midwifery Research is a well-established, highly regarded and comprehens...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$137Mental Health in Nursing : Theory and Practice for Clinical SettingsHolistic overview of mental health for nurses in a practice setting All nurses play an important role in supporting mental health as part of holistic care provision. This book is designed to help students and novice clinicians to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to care for peop...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$180Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental HygienistEach new print copy includes Navigate 2 Preferred Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, Navigate 2 TestPrep, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools. Staying true to Esther Wilkins- pioneering visi...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$115.16Nursing and Midwifery Research : Methods and Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice ANZAn indispensable guide to understanding, applying and conducting research in practice It is essential that nurses and midwives are able to understand, interpret, synthesise and apply research for effective practice. Nursing and Midwifery Research is a well-established, highly regarded and comprehens...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$88.99Best Practice in Professional Supervision : A Guide for the Helping ProfessionsThis second edition of Best Practice in Professional Supervision is a fully updated and revised guide to being an excellent supervisor in the social care, nursing, counselling and allied health professions. This field has developed rapidly in the past 10 years, and this new edition contains essentia...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$176.99Professional Practice of Psychology in Aotearoa New ZealandThis book is a major revision of the previous edition of the New Zealand Psychological Society-s professional practice handbook. It represents the continuing evolution of psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand which has been shaped by the interaction of international theory and practice, te ao Maori and...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$103.95Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Adults and PaediatricsThe fifth edition of this seminal textbook continues to provide those who are studying or are in practice with comprehensive evidence-based coverage of all the main aspects of respiratory and cardiac physiotherapy throughout the whole lifespan - - neonates - infants - children - adolescents - adults...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$110.65Herbs and Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Guide (4th Edition, Vol. I-II)Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th Edition: An evidence-based guide is an authoritative, evidence-based reference. This two volume resource is essential to the safe and effective use of herbal, nutritional and food supplements. The first volume provides a foundation of knowledge in the clinical prac...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$179.40Health Care and the Lawrecognised as one of the leading texts setting out the basic principles of health care law in New Zealand. Since 2010 when the 4th edition of this book was published, there have been a number of legislative changes in the area of health care law, including health and safety, the euthanasia debate, p...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$256.50Evidence-Based Physical Examination Textbook and Handbook SetComplete evidence-based guidance on the assessment of patients across the life span and development of sound clinical reasoning in one convenient and affordable set The. Second Edition delivers an empirical approach to history-taking and physical assessment techniques while focusing on patient well-...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$107.10Community Health and Wellness : Principles of Primary HealthThe 7th edition of Community Health and Wellness has been fully revised and streamlined to incorporate contemporary thinking and research in community health and wellness from Australia, New Zealand and the global community. Written by Jill Clendon and Ailsa Munns, the new edition provides an easy-t...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$186.99Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy : The Theoretical Basis and Practice Appl…In occupational therapy practice, well-designed groups represent social and cultural contexts for occupational performance in everyday life. Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy: The Theoretical Basis and Practice Application of Group Intervention, the best-selling text for over 25 years by Marily...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$367.99Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic ReasoningFeaturing Simulations Powered by Kognito. Fourth Edition teaches students how to assess and diagnose common disorders of human body systems. This text is a practical resource for students and APNs charged with assessing and solving clinical patient issues, taking them beyond physical examination as ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$99.99Ethics : The Heart of HealthcareEthics: The Heart of Health Care - a classic ethics text in medical, health and nursing studies - is recommended around the globe for its straightforward introduction to ethical analysis. In this Third Edition David Seedhouse again demonstrates tangibly and graphically how ethics and health care are...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$223.16Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing ANZ : Assessment and Management of Clinica…Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing ANZ 5th edition continues as the most comprehensive, go-to reference for developing the core aspects of professional nursing care in Australia and New Zealand. With a clear framework of person-centred care, critical thinking, clinical reasoning and evidence-based pra...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$154Clinical Sports Medicine : InjuriesBrukner Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine, the world-leading title in sport and exercise medicine, is an authoritative and practical guide to physiotherapy and musculoskeletal medicine for clinicians and students. To accommodate the rapid advances in the professions, this fifth edition has been expand...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$199eTouch For Health Software (Windows or Mac)by Earl Gail Cook The Electronic Companion To TFH, including Practice Management Program. The eTouch CD software provides instructions, illustrations digital movies to guide you through the testing balancing process of Touch For Health, and includes client records practice management software. Keep ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$226.99Dental Caries : The Disease and its Clinical ManagementFirst published in 2003, Dental Caries: The Disease and its Clinical Management has become the leading resource on cariology. In this highly-anticipated new edition, the editors maintain the same focus on high-level coverage of the disease aetiology and process, clinical management best-practice, an...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0