Michelle Dawson 1k2,662 views  1,564 clicks

Earth Angel is concerned with the state of our environment and the fact that many individuals and businesses continue to have difficulty in sourcing products to take direct action in their everyday personal lives or business operations to create a more sustainable world.

Earth Angel would like to encourage you take action for a sustainable New Zealand through considering how you spend your purchasing power.

Products offered will enable you to purchase recycled products, use renewable sources of energy, or adopt more sustainable practices in your home or business.

Michelle Dawson has been working with individuals and businesses in adopting sustainable practices since 1999 and enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge with others to help them take action towards a sustainable future both at home and work by acting as a guiding angel.

Earth Angel is a New Zealand based company that specialises in supporting individuals, businesses and communities be kinder to the environment through taking action towards a sustainable New Zealand.

Articles published about Earth Angel include: New Zealand Herald - Clean & Green, 15th October 2009 Her Magazine March 2009 Auckland Today January/February 2009

1 to 15 of 15
  • $85 +
    Sustainable Consumer Services
    Authors: Minna Halme, Gabriele Hrauda, Christine Jasch, Jaap Kortman, Helga Jonuschat, Michael Scharp, Daniela Velte and Paula Trindade Publisher Earthscan, United Kingdom (2005) The goal for the consumer oriented business should be to make a profit and to do it without costing the Earth. Yet ...
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  • $20 +
    Down to Earth
    Author: Forest L Reinhardt Publisher: Harvard Business School Press (2000) It is time for environmental management, long the exclusive province of specialists, to join the corporate mainstream. Firms large and small feel mounting pressure from government regulators, environmental organisations, an...
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    Cases in Environmental Management and Business Strategy
    Author: Richard Welford Publisher: Pitman Publishing, United Kingdom (1994) This casebook consists of real-life case studies which illustrate a range of possible strategies for environmental iprovement and is an invaluable resource for further debate on key environmental issues affecting business. ...
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  • $40 +
    The Sustainable Corporation
    Authors: Dexter Dunphy and Andrew Griffiths Publisher: Allen & Uwin, Australia (1998) Those who will prosper are corporations which thrive on the continuous renewal of human talend and ecological resources. Australia's corporations are shaping up to two acute challenges. In the face of global com...
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    Sustainable Leadership
    Authors: Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink Publisher: Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons), United States (2006) In Sustainable Leadership, Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink address one of the most important and often neglected aspects of leadership: sustainability. The authors seet out acompelling and origi...
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  • $20 +
    The Seed Handbook
    Author: Lynne Franks Publisher Thorsons, United Kingdom (2000) The Seed Handbook (Sustainable Enterprise and Empowerment Dynmanics) is a ten-stage program that is both an economic and personal growth tool. Offering practical as well as meditative exercises, it gives you the confidence to trust yo...
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  • $40 +
    The Green Bottom Line
    Editors: Martin Bennett and Peter James Publisher: Greenleaf Publishing, United Kingdom (1998) Environmental Accounting for Management To date, both internal and external corporate environmental reporting and management systems have focused on physical input-output measures. However, external sta...
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  • $50 +
    Busienss and Society - Corporate strategy, public policy, ethics
    Authors: James E Post, Anne T Lawrence, and James Weber Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, United States (2002) Explore the complex relationship between modern business and ist stakeholders with the market leader... For more than 30 years Business and Society has maintained the standard of...
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  • $40 +
    The Fourth Wave
    Authors: Herman Bryant Maynard Jr and Susan E Mehrtens Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, United States (1993, 1996) A new era of business leadership and global well-being The Fourth Wave forsees a radically different future in which business principles, concern for the environment, personal i...
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  • $20 +
    Mid-Course Correction
    Author: Ray Anderson Publisher: The Peregrinzilla Press, United States (1998) Toward a Sustainable Enterprise: The Interface Model Of value to business people, environmentalists and educators alike, Mid-course correction is a business book about the environment that's written from a personal pe...
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  • $15 +
    Business As Unusual
    Author: Anita Roddick Publisher: Thorsons, United Kingdom (2000) Anita Roddick is one of the world's most outspoken, controversial and successful businesswomen. Business as Unusual charts the story of Roddick and her company, The Body Shop, through the lows and highs of the last decade. Along t...
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  • $40 +
    Business And the Environment
    Authors: Richard Welford and Richard Starkey Publisher: Earthscan, United States (1996) This Earthscan Reader includes the most important and innovative chapters and articles on the interaction of business and the environment. The Reader brings together, in one book, the seminal contributions to t...
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  • $12 +
    Working Greener
    Author: Kathleen Ralston Publisher: Green Press, Australia (1990) Working Greener provides practical approaches to developing a greener workplace. It has ideas for many different levels of organisations and industies. Paperback, 123 pages (Used)
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  • $20 +
    A New Generation of Business Leaders
    Author: Leanne Holdsworth Publisher: Holdsworth Press, New Zealand (2000) There's a revolution going on in business - the holistic business leadership revolution. Some business leaders are breaking free from the shackles of traditional management, leaving behind heartless journeys up the corporat...
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  • $18 +
    Body and Soul
    Author: Anita Roddick Publisher: Ebury Press, United Kingdom (1991) 'My belief is that we are doing something new, and there are no rules because no one has been there before. We are proving that you can be successful and still keeo your sense of soul, you can make a profit and still be a force ...
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