Michelle Dawson 1k2,662 views  1,564 clicks

Earth Angel is concerned with the state of our environment and the fact that many individuals and businesses continue to have difficulty in sourcing products to take direct action in their everyday personal lives or business operations to create a more sustainable world.

Earth Angel would like to encourage you take action for a sustainable New Zealand through considering how you spend your purchasing power.

Products offered will enable you to purchase recycled products, use renewable sources of energy, or adopt more sustainable practices in your home or business.

Michelle Dawson has been working with individuals and businesses in adopting sustainable practices since 1999 and enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge with others to help them take action towards a sustainable future both at home and work by acting as a guiding angel.

Earth Angel is a New Zealand based company that specialises in supporting individuals, businesses and communities be kinder to the environment through taking action towards a sustainable New Zealand.

Articles published about Earth Angel include: New Zealand Herald - Clean & Green, 15th October 2009 Her Magazine March 2009 Auckland Today January/February 2009

1 to 19 of 19
  • $15 +
    A New Green History of the World
    Author: Clive Ponting Publisher: Vintage Originals - revised edition (2007) The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilisations. Clive Pontings book studies the relationship between the environment and human history. It examines world civilisations from Sumeria to ancient Egypt, from Easte...
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  • $45 +
    Our Earth - Global Warming The Evidence
    Author: Peter Murray Publisher: Murray Books, Australia (2007) Climate change threatens the basic elements of life for people around the world - access to water, food, health, and use of land and the environment. On current trends, average global temperatures could rise by 2-3 degrees celsius wi...
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  • $40 +
    Echoes in the Blue
    Author: C George Muller Publisher: Koru Press, New Zealand (2006) Ignoring a 20-year moratorium on commercial whaling, Japan continues to send its whaling fleet deep into the Antarctic to kill whales under the guise of ‘scientific research’. Thrust into this volatile situation is Richard Major...
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  • $20 +
    Planet Earth - The Future
    Authors: Environmentalists and biologists, commentators and natural philosophers in conversation with Fergus Beeley, Mary Colwill, and Joanne Stevens Publisher: BBC, United Kingdom (2006) Planet Earth is the most spectacular television series about the natural world that has ever been broadcast. I...
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  • $45 +
    Ecological Literacy
    Edited by: Michael K Stone and Zenobia Barlow Publisher: Sierra Club Books, United States (2005) Educating Out Children for a Sustainable World Preface by Fritjof Capra Reorienting the way human beings live on the Earth and educating children to their highest capacities have much in common, say t...
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  • $30 +
    Good News for a Change - Hope for a Troubled Planet
    Authors: David Suzuki and Holly Dressel Publisher: Allen & Unwin, Australia (2002) We all know the bad news. The natural systems that support our lives are in trouble. They are threatened by the population explosion around the globe, the unfettered escalation of technology and the seemingly insat...
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  • $40 +
    An Inconvenient Truth
    Author: Al Gore Publisher: Rodale Books, United States (2006) Our climate crisis may at times appear to be happening slowly, but infact it is happening very quickly - and has become a true planetary emergency. The Chinese expression for crisis consists of two characters. The first is a symbol fo...
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  • $10 +
    Environment and Industry
    Authors: New Zealand Scientists Publisher: [Christchurch]The NZ Institute of Chemistry (Inc), New Zealand (1974) New Zealand, because of its geography, low population and relatively small industrial capacity, is often regarded as being far removed from the pollution problems of the rest of the wo...
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  • $25 +
    Beyond the Limits
    Authors: Donella H Medows, Dennis L Medows and Jorgen Randers Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, United States (1992) The authors of Beyond the Limits, sequal to the international bestseller The Liomits to Growth, have revised their landmark population and economic growth scenarios using...
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  • $20 +
    Authors: Jack Anderson with James Boyd Publisher: Sidgwick & Jackson, United Kingdom (1983) The economic crisis of the early 1980s threatened the basic cohesion of the West. It was largely caused by the thirty-fold leap in oil prices during the 1970s. Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative report...
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  • $25 +
    Hothouse Earth
    Author: John Gribbin Publisher: Bateman Press, United Kingdom (1990) The Greenhouse Effect & Gaia Hothouse Earth ecamines the greehouse effect against a broader background of natural climatic processes. Awardwinning science writer John Gibbin explains exactly why the world is getting warmer, wha...
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  • $18 +
    Burning Isses - The Failure of New Zealand Response to Climatic Change
    Author: Alexander Gillespie Publisher: Dunmore Press, New Zealand (1997) Climate change may be the greatest problem facing humanity in the foreseeable future. Burning Issues has been written to clarify the current debate on climate change and to show how New Zealand contributes to the global pro...
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  • $18 +
    Unsettled Outlook - NZ in a Greenhouse World
    Authors: Matt McGlone, Tom Clarkson and Blair Fitzharris Publisher: GP Books, New Zealand (1990) Three NZ scientists - all presently researching climate change - summarise and interpret the maze of recent studies and predictions. They begin by discussing the nature and workings of the atmosphere a...
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  • $40 +
    Environmental Ethics
    Author: Louis P Pojman Publisher: Wadsworth, United States (2001) Louis P Pojman, renowned philosophy scholar, author, and a pioneer in bringing the environmental ethics course to the college campu, has collected 81 of the best argued, clearestm and most accessible readings inprint. Topics include...
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  • $15 +
    An Introduction to Sustainable Development
    Author: Jennifer Elliot Publisher: Routledge, (1994) An examination of the world's existing patterns and processes of development and their environmental impact confirms the urgent need for sustainable development. With population, resources, economics and environment inextricably linked, this int...
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  • $15 +
    Environment - The International Challenge
    Author: Geoffrey Palmer Publisher: Victoria University Press, New Zealand (1995) Geoffrey Palmer addresses the barriers in international law which have precented worldwide commitment to reducing environmental damage. Paperback, 191 pages (used)
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  • $25 +
    Green Nature/Human Nature
    Author: Charles A Lewis Publisher: University of Illinois Press (1996) Green Nature/Human Nature describes the psychological, sociological, and physiological responses of people to vegetation in cities and forests, as well as in horticultural therapy programs in hospitals, geriatric institutions, p...
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  • $15 +
    Greenhouse Earth
    Author: Annikka Nilsson Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, United Kingdom (1992) Since the greenhouse effect and global warming were first brought up on the international agenda of environmental problems, many efforts have been made to evaluate critically the scientific base for any predictions about ...
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