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$82.50Multi Feeder Bait StationThe very safe, efficient and effective bait station that holds 2 kgs of Pindone Rabbit Bait. These are available in 2 packs or 4 packs. A double walled cylindrical polythene tube sealed at each end with opening and closing feeding and filling ports along one side. Rotating adjustable outer sleeve th...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$223.30Multi Feeder Bait Station + Rabbit Bait SpecialWhy not get yourself a bargain with this fantastic deal. 2 x Multi Feeder Bait Stations 10kg Pindone Rabbit Bait. The Multi Feeder Bait Station is very safe, efficient and effective bait station that holds 2kgs of Pindone Rabbit Bait. Pindone Rabbit Bait is a tried and trusted highly effective antic...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$45Multifeeder Bait StationA cylindrical polythene tube sealed at each end with opening and closing feeding and filling ports along one side. A rotating and sliding adjustable outer sleeve opens and closes the station by aligning or misaligning the portholes. A safe and efficient poison bait dispenser that holds 2kg of bait s...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$41.40Sentry Feeder Bait StationTheis a popular, cheap, compact and weather proof bait station. Suitable to use for our entire entire bait / pellet range and will hold 300 grams of bait. These are available in 1 packs, 6 packs or 10 packs. Sentry feeder bait stations can be used to control the following pests: rabbits, possum and ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$120.56Key Industries Pestoff Possum Bait & StationContains anti-coagulant pellet and bait station for the control of possums and rabbits.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Landscaping supply 0 0
$53.19Key Industries Rabbit Bait StationMulti purpose three feeding ports bait station for feeding pellet baits to pests, ideally rabbits.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Landscaping supply 0 0
$99Trap Double Entry Small 64cmDouble entry traps are best used without bait. Place in spot likely to be used as a thoroughfare, like a hole in a hedge of fence- where a clear path through can be seen. The mesh allows vegetation of foliage to grow through and thus disguise the trap. Handle allows safe retrieval of trap with anima...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Specialised food 0 0
$75Pindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets 2kgPart No: VTA-PDR02 Active Ingredient: 0.25g/kg Pivalyn A 1st generation multi feed anti coagulant bait that reduces the danger to domestic pets. If pets do ingest Pindone, Vitamin K is an effective antidote. Rabbits like the taste so theyre unlikely to stop feeding before consuming a lethal dose - t...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$199Pindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets 10kgPindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets Active Ingredient: 0.25g/kg Pivalyn A 1st generation multi feed anti coagulant bait that reduces the danger to domestic pets. If pets do ingest Pindone, Vitamin K is an effective antidote. Rabbits like the taste so theyre unlikely to stop feeding before consuming a leth...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$73.20Pindone Rabbit Bait AgtechPindone Rabbit Bait is a tried and trusted highly effective anticoagulant cereal pellet bait. Recommend rate of application is between 2-3 kgs into your bait station i.e. multi feeder bait stations. It's important to leave enough bait in the bait station to last 2 days to allow all potential rabbits...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36.95BlocBox Rat Bait Station - Large | KerblKeep on top of unwanted vermin. Child and pet safe. Larger bait station box for rat bait. Features removable for easy cleaning bait tray (13cm x 7cm) suitable for blocks or loose bait. Rats enter beside tray. - Fits in corners - Holds bait blocks or loose bait - Child and pet safe - Key lock for add...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Potting mix manufacturing and packaging 0 0
$71.30Pindone Possum / Rat BaitPindone Possum Bait is a tried and trusted highly effective anticoagulant cereal pellet bait. This is available in 2kg or 10kg pails, or 25kg bags. This bait is perfect for use in either Kilmore feeder, Sentry Feeder or Pied Piper bait station'. A Controlled Substance Licence is not required to use ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$24.99Vanguard Rat Bait StationTarget Species: For Rodent/ Rat Control One bait station, multiple baiting options" The similar to the run-through bait station. It is simple and easy to use. This bait station has been tried and tested in the field and is used by industry professionals. Secure bait blocks onto the horizontal bar in...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$87.90Pindone Possum & Rat BaitOnly for use in bait stations forthe control of possums rats. Possums: Ideally a suitable bait station will have the ability to hold 2kgs of pellets. Place along bush borders at intervals of 50-100m. Rats: For a low infestation place 150gms into a bait station and maintain an uninterrupted supply of...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Seed wholesaling 0 0
$35Rat Bait Box - LargeKerbl Larger box for rat baiting. Features removable (for cleaning) 13cm x 7cm bait tray suitable for blocks or loose bait. Rats enter beside tray. Key lock. Child and pet safe.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Food > Specialised food 0 0
$23Philproof ® Large Possum Bait stationThe Philproof Large possum bait station can hold 1,800g of pelleted bait and is suitable in remote locations, or where you want to limit return visits for rebaiting. This is important in remote places, when access to refill the bait station isBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$23Philproof ® Large Possum Bait stationThe Philproof large possum bait station can hold 1,800g of bait and is suitable more accessible locations. This is important in remote places, when access to refill the bait station is difficult. 1,800g of Pestoff is enough bait to kill 23 larBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$177.80Key Industries Pestoff Possum Bait 10kgAnti-coagulant pellet for use in bait stations to control possums and rabbits.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Landscaping supply 0 0
$23Philproof ® Large Possum Bait stationThe Philproof Large possum bait station can hold 1,800g of pelleted bait and is suitable in remote locations, or where you want to limit return visits for rebaiting. This is important in remote places, when access to refill the bait station isBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$138EnviroMate100TM - Automated Bait StationTarget Species: For Rodent and Possum Control Increase catch rate with fewer visits to the target area" The EnviroMate is an all-in-one non-toxic/ toxic bait dispensing pest control tool. This automated and programmable tool can be used alone or in conjunction with traps. EnviroMate 100TM is strong ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$263.91Pindone Rabbit Pellets 25KgA 1st generation multi feed anti coagulant bait that reduces the danger to domestic pets. If pets do ingest Pindone, Vitamin K is an effective antidote. Rabbits like the taste so theyre unlikely to stop feeding before consuming a lethal dose - therefore there should be no bait shyness. You dont need...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Automotive > Agricultural machinery or equipment wholesaling 0 0
$54.52Dead Rat Cafe TrapTunnel type bait station to protect bait from the weather and to keep away from household pets.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Landscaping supply 0 0
$35Protecta HD Bait Station Northern HylinesHeavy-duty PROTECTA Bait Station is made of injection-molded plastic to withstand the toughest baiting situations indoors and out. This tamper-resistant bait station features a durable living hinge" that lets technicians open and close the station over 100,000 times without fracturing. PROTECTA Bait...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$176.11First Strike Rat & Mice soft bait in a teabag 5.5kgA highly palatable soft bait for the control of rodents, including those resistant to other anticoagulants. 2nd generation anticoagulant. The 10g soft bait sachet is the smallest securable bait available. Very effective against both rats and mice. Use as the first line of attack to get fast results in your rodent control programme. Active Ingredient: Difethialone Pack Size: 5.5kgBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Automotive > Agricultural machinery or equipment wholesaling 0 0