Discover more like Pindone Possum & Rat Bait
$87.90Pindone Possum & Rat BaitOnly for use in bait stations forthe control of possums rats. Possums: Ideally a suitable bait station will have the ability to hold 2kgs of pellets. Place along bush borders at intervals of 50-100m. Rats: For a low infestation place 150gms into a bait station and maintain an uninterrupted supply of...Buy from Store Showing More like this Business > Seed wholesaling 0 0
$64Pindone Possum & Rat 2kgPindone Possum Rat 2kg # -body data-pb-style=YMO7IGO justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll Pindone Possum and Rat iBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$71.30Pindone Possum / Rat BaitPindone Possum Bait is a tried and trusted highly effective anticoagulant cereal pellet bait. This is available in 2kg or 10kg pails, or 25kg bags. This bait is perfect for use in either Kilmore feeder, Sentry Feeder or Pied Piper bait station'. A Controlled Substance Licence is not required to use ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$265Pindone Possum & Rat Pallets 25kgPindone Possum Rat Pallets 25kg # -body data-pb-style=QNY2T3M justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll Pindone PossumBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$145Pindone Possum and Rat Pellets 10Kgbody data-pb-style=EE64R6E justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll Pindone PossumBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$130The No Escape Deal!2x Pied Piper bait stations 1x2kg Pindone possum rat bait 2x Rat traps. Fantastic value, save over 15Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$68.90Pindone Rabbit BaitOnly for use in bait stations forthe control of rabbits. Apply bait at the rate of 2-3kg per hectare in stations. Active ingredient: Contains 0.25g/kg PindoneBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Seed wholesaling 0 0
$62.40Pied Piper Bait StationThe Pied Piper bait feeding system is a New Zealand designed and manufactured product to feed poisoned cereal pellets, the cheapest form of rat and mouse control baits, to rat and mouse populations. The system was designed to offer rodent population's baits that are eaten in situ and cannot be taken...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$172.50Feracol Striker 18gfor possum and rat control Save yourself time and effort with this ready-to-use product. Feracol Strikers control possums and rats with minimal effect on birds theyre often used where it's highly important that birdlife is not affected. One Feracol Striker = 18g of Ferafeed 213 non-toxic paste with ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$199Pindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets 10kgPindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets Active Ingredient: 0.25g/kg Pivalyn A 1st generation multi feed anti coagulant bait that reduces the danger to domestic pets. If pets do ingest Pindone, Vitamin K is an effective antidote. Rabbits like the taste so theyre unlikely to stop feeding before consuming a leth...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$223.30Multi Feeder Bait Station + Rabbit Bait SpecialWhy not get yourself a bargain with this fantastic deal. 2 x Multi Feeder Bait Stations 10kg Pindone Rabbit Bait. The Multi Feeder Bait Station is very safe, efficient and effective bait station that holds 2kgs of Pindone Rabbit Bait. Pindone Rabbit Bait is a tried and trusted highly effective antic...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$240Pindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets 10 kg With MultiFeederRabbit Pellets are a first generation anticoagulant cereal based pellet. A great deal of Pindone would need to be consumed for animals, such as cats and dogs, to suffer poisonous effects which makes Pindone less hazardous to non-target animals while still being lethal to rabbits. Rabbits like the ta...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$115Pindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets 2 kg With MultiFeederRabbit Pellets are a first generation anticoagulant cereal based pellet. A great deal of Pindone would need to be consumed for animals, such as cats and dogs, to suffer poisonous effects which makes Pindone less hazardous to non-target animals while still being lethal to rabbits. Rabbits like the ta...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$75Pindone AgTech Rabbit Pellets 2kgPart No: VTA-PDR02 Active Ingredient: 0.25g/kg Pivalyn A 1st generation multi feed anti coagulant bait that reduces the danger to domestic pets. If pets do ingest Pindone, Vitamin K is an effective antidote. Rabbits like the taste so theyre unlikely to stop feeding before consuming a lethal dose - t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$24.99Vanguard Rat Bait StationTarget Species: For Rodent/ Rat Control One bait station, multiple baiting options" The similar to the run-through bait station. It is simple and easy to use. This bait station has been tried and tested in the field and is used by industry professionals. Secure bait blocks onto the horizontal bar in...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$96.60Pestoff Possum Pellets - 10 kgSuitable for control in urban and rural areas. A highly palatable cereal based anticoagulant bait. For use in all Possum bait stations also available on this site. &nbsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$138EnviroMate100TM - Automated Bait StationTarget Species: For Rodent and Possum Control Increase catch rate with fewer visits to the target area" The EnviroMate is an all-in-one non-toxic/ toxic bait dispensing pest control tool. This automated and programmable tool can be used alone or in conjunction with traps. EnviroMate 100TM is strong ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$82.50Multi Feeder Bait StationThe very safe, efficient and effective bait station that holds 2 kgs of Pindone Rabbit Bait. These are available in 2 packs or 4 packs. A double walled cylindrical polythene tube sealed at each end with opening and closing feeding and filling ports along one side. Rotating adjustable outer sleeve th...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$73.20Pindone Rabbit Bait AgtechPindone Rabbit Bait is a tried and trusted highly effective anticoagulant cereal pellet bait. Recommend rate of application is between 2-3 kgs into your bait station i.e. multi feeder bait stations. It's important to leave enough bait in the bait station to last 2 days to allow all potential rabbits...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$45Multifeeder Bait StationA cylindrical polythene tube sealed at each end with opening and closing feeding and filling ports along one side. A rotating and sliding adjustable outer sleeve opens and closes the station by aligning or misaligning the portholes. A safe and efficient poison bait dispenser that holds 2kg of bait s...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Rat Bait StationProfessional lockable. Tamper proof, ideal for areas where children and pets are present. Small unobtrusive size but with a large bait capacity. These will hold up to 12 of Bug King's professional grade soft baits, ensuring a quicker knock down of rodent nests. All rat bait stations come with Bug King's professional installation guide.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$41.40Sentry Feeder Bait StationTheis a popular, cheap, compact and weather proof bait station. Suitable to use for our entire entire bait / pellet range and will hold 300 grams of bait. These are available in 1 packs, 6 packs or 10 packs. Sentry feeder bait stations can be used to control the following pests: rabbits, possum and ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$140Vertox Mouse BaitTarget Species: For Mouse, Mice and Rat control Its a wax attack" s are a highly palatable formulation designed keeping in mind the weather conditions/ situations. The incorporation of bio-stat inhibits the growth of both fungi and bacteria should the bait be exposed to damp or humid conditions. Thi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$86.25Resoakable Rat LuresResoakable Rat Lures - for rodent control "Resoak and reuse" The resoakable lures are strong, longer-lasting and holds a lure scent well. As the name goes, they are resoakable. When the scent dissipates, just recharge the lures by soaking or spraying with our Lure-It range. Resoakable Rat Lures are ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0