Discover more like Vol 14: ATPL(A) Air Law (October 2023) - GST Excl
$114.78Vol 14: ATPL(A) Air Law (October 2023) - GST ExclThe ATPL(A) Air Law self study guide is designed to cover the syllabus requirements of AC61-7 Appendix III (subject 36), and to assist you in developing your knowledge and understanding of the rules which guide and limit New Zealand's air transport operations. Also available in iBook format To downl...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$136.95Waypoints Vol 14: NZ ATPL(A) Air LawThe ATPL(A) Air Law study guide gives you the applicable CAR and/or AIP references for each of the AC61-1.7 syllabus items and where appropriate includes comments which are intended to clarify, expand, and/or summarise the requirements. The study guide provides you with an idea of how well you have ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$65.22Vol 05: PPL/CPL Air Law (September 2024) - GST ExclAir Law is a subject that revolves around a number of documents such as Civil Aviation Rules, the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), the Civil Aviation Act and a few other legislative documents. The syllabuses for both aeroplane and helicopter Air Law, and references to the applicable docum...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$86.96Vol 10: Instrument Rating Law (February 2024) - GST ExclThe Instrument Rating Law text has been rewritten to cover the recently revised syllabus requirements of AC61-17 (subject 52) Rev 14, and to assist you in developing your knowledge and understanding of the rules which guide and limit IFR in New Zealand. Also available in iBook format The current ver...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0