Science Resource Box 3 views Claim this Business

Educational science resources for teachers, students, children and home, with emphasis on future focused skills
1 to 24 of 24
  • $45 +
    How does your garden grow?
    A science experiment kitEver wondered how to make gardening into a science, or, how to find the science in growing a garden? This kit does just that. It contains 13 experiments and the gear you need to perform experiments in your school garden. Find out about pollinators, beneficial insects, inhabit...
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  • $15 +
    Backyard Bugs (A guide to pest control in the home and garden)

    An excellent visual reference guide to insects, mites, you will find in gardens. Full of identification photos and superb illustrations. Control methods include IPM, biocontrol, insect pathogens, resistant plants, intercropping, companion plants, and so are great for sustainability concepts.

    Condition: New

    210x150mm, 147 pages

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  • $23 +
    Common Seaweeds of New Zealand

    Identification guide to seaweeds around the coasts of New Zealand. Ideal for field trips.

    Condition: New

    210x140mm, 96 pages

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  • $9.90 +
    Trace fossils
    Soft coastal rocks with holes created by marine molluscs. In New Zealand these are likely to be angel wing (Barnea similis), date mussel (Zelithophaga truncata) or piddocks (Pholadidea suteri and P. tridens) These holes are called trace fossils as they are evidence of the existence of past life, yet...
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  • $8.90 +
    a mineral containing high concentrations of iron in the form of titanomagnetite (Fe2 (Fe3 ,Ti)2O4).It is used to manufacture iron and steel, and because of its high iron concentration, it is attracted to a magnet (see third picture; magnet is inside plastic bag).Size: 100g bagLocality: North Island,...
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  • $8.90 +
    Calcareous sand
    Sand comprising almost entirely of multicoloured, crushed sea shells. Shells are made of calcium carbonate in the form of mineral calcite or aragonite.The shell fragments react with acid, e.g. white vinegar, to produce CO2 gas. This i llustrates how increased acidity of the oceans can erode the calc...
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  • $8.90 +
    Silica sand

    A white Northland sand consisting of very fine crystalline silica (SiO2) grains, i.e. almost pure quartz. Creates a very bright and glary beach. Used for glass-making in Whangarei and Auckland.

    The sand grains are best viewed under a magnifying glass or through a stereo microscope using good lighting.

    Size: 100g bag

    Locality: Northland, New Zealand.

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  • $8.90 +
    Greywacke sand
    consisting of quartz, orthoclase and plagioclase feldspars, calcite, iron oxides and graphitic, carbonaceous matters and other materials.Greywacke is 'New Zealand's rock', being the most common, and forming massive geological structures such as the Southern Alps. It originally formed from eroded sed...
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  • $23.95 +
    Daphnia live culture
    Daphnia culture for sale. Often called water fleas, Daphnia are small crustaceans that are one of the most studied living organisms and are very popular in Secondary School Science and Biology. They can be used to investigate the compound eye, digestive system, reproductive system, appendages used f...
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  • $143 +
    Daphnia live culture 8-Pack
    Often called water fleas, Daphnia are small crustaceans that are one of the most studied living organisms. They can be used to investigate the compound eye, digestive system, reproductive system, appendages used for movement and life cycle stages. They also make great experimental animals, commonly ...
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  • $23.95 +
    Paramecium live culture
    These large paramecia are an ideal unicellular organism for study under a compound microscope. Visible are internal organalles (contractile vacuoles, macronucleous, food vacuoles, oral groove,.) and also their external beating cilia, using 100–200x magnification. Motility is by use of cilia and th...
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  • $7.95 +
    Daphnia micro pack
    A pack containing three important items for studying live water fleas (Daphnia) under the microscope:- pipettes with large holes to prevent damage to water fleas when transferring them to a slide; pipettes not intended for volume measurement- concave slides (slides with a shallow cavity) that hold a...
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  • $9.95 +
    Nature's Helicopters (Science L2–3)
    A pack containing sycamore seeds for engaging discovery-type activities and for simple investigations into spinning flight. See how spinning flight helps the seeds disperse away from the parent plant. A teacher's guide gives starter questions and investigation ideas. Great for engagement, observatio...
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  • $9.95 +
    Seed Dispersal (Science L3–5)
    A pack containing sycamore seeds for engaging investigations relating to spinning flight and seed dispersal. The teacher's guide gives starter questions and investigation ideas. Great for observations and inferences, comparisons, fair tests/controlled experiments and biomimicry investigations.Pack c...
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  • $14.95 +
    Tree lucerne seeds (NCEA Level 2 Bio, AS 2.3)
    Seeds of tree lucerne, otherwise known as tagasaste (Chamaecytisus palmensis). Use for germination experiments involving breaking dormancy by three different methods of scarification. Or, just grow the plants!The treeTree lucerne is an introduced, small, fast growing, evergreen tree reaching 6 metre...
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  • $9.95 +
    Pollen (Insect pollinated species)
    Pollen from a named flower species, representative of the typically large, sticky pollen grains that insect pollinated plants produce.Use for microscopic examination.Tips:- Use a fine paint brush to extract tiny quantities at a time.- A dry mount using a coverslip works best.- Compare bottom lightin...
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  • $9.95 +
    Pollen (Wind pollinated species)
    Pollen from a named tree species, representative of the typically small, smooth pollen grains that wind pollinated plants produce.Use for microscopic examination.Tips:- Use a fine paint brush to extract tiny quantities at a time.- A dry mount using a coverslip works best.- Compare bottom lighting, t...
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  • $9.95 +
    Fern spores
    Spores of the native Parablechnum montanum fern. (Previously known as Blechnum montanum.)Spores are haploid (N) and produced by the sporophyte generation of ferns.Use for microscopic examination. Not intended for sowing.Tips:- Use a fine paint brush or toothpick to extract tiny quantities at a time....
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  • $12.95 +
    Speciation in maples (NCEA Bio Level 3)
    Introduction: This kit demonstrates examples of speciation within maple trees by observing their seeds. Intended for demonstration, or handling by students. Real life, hands-on!Key science: Speciation, seed morphology, phylogenetic relationships.Kit contains: x50 trident maple (Acer buergerianum) se...
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  • $12.95 +
    Convergent evolution (NCEA Bio Level 3)
    Introduction: This kit demonstrates real life examples of convergent evolution in the form of winged seeds that are capable of gliding. Intended for demonstration, or handling by students. Real life, hands-on!Key science: Convergent evolution, seed morphology, phylogenetic relationships.Kit contains...
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  • $12.95 +
    Breaking dormancy in kōwhai seeds (NCEA Bio Level 2)
    Introduction: This pack demonstrates how to break dormancy in kōwhai seeds using two controlled experimental methods. Seeds only germinate in favourable conditions and our native kōwhai are no exception. They require, in addition to warmth, moisture and oxygen, other techniques to weaken their tou...
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  • $9.95 +
    Big Backyard Bugs (Interactive poster)
    A colourful A3 interactive poster featuring typical big bugs (insects) found in New Zealand backyards, including: monarch butterfly, cicada, katydid, praying mantis, german wasp, bumble bee, drone fly, American cockroach, black field cricket, huhu beetle, red admiral and tree weta. Cut out the pictu...
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  • $9.95 +
    Backyard Birds (Interactive poster)
    A colourful A3 interactive poster featuring typical birds found in New Zealand backyards, including: blackbird, chaffinch, dunnock (hedge sparrow), goldfinch, greenfinch, fantail, myna, sparrow, silvereye (waxeye) starling and tui. Cut out the pictures of the birds and place in the correct locations...
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  • $9.95 +
    Rocky Seashore Animals (Interactive poster)
    A colourful A3 interactive poster featuring typical animals found along New Zealand rocky seashores, including: barnacles, blue periwinkles, radiate limpet, green chiton, butterfly chiton, rock oyster, catseye, sea-tulip, cushion star, green-lipped mussel, half crab, yellow and white anemone, red wa...
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