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$19.80Coprosma propinqua9090 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: MingimingiSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 5mUses(NZ Native)A tough native New Zealand shrub with interlaced foliage and an abundance of fruit that changes from white to dark blue in au...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Coprosma repens4545 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: TaupataSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 6mUses(NZ Native)A native New Zealand small tree or shrub with thick, broad glossy leaves. An extremely tough hardy tree that can withstand coast...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Coprosma robusta8080 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: KaramuSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 6mUses(NZ Native)This hardy native shrub or small tree is great for shelter, hedging and as a nurse plant. Featuring glossy green leaves and brigh...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Coriaria arborea25002500 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: TutuSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 6mUses(NZ Native)This common New Zealand Native is a robust large shrub or small tree. The many branches are laden with pairs of long glossy, gr...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49.70Dysoxylum spectabile2.52.5 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Kohekohe, New Zealand MahoganySubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 15mUses(NZ Native)This seed is only available fresh for a few weeks each year April / MaySubscribe to our mailing list f...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Fuchsia excorticata10001000 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Konini, Kotukutuku, Tree FuchsiaSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 14mUses(NZ Native)This native New Zealand tree can be recognised by its red papery outer bark and its twisted form. ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Hebe salicifolia500500 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Koromiko, KoromukaSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 5mUses(NZ Native)A wide spreading native New Zealand shrub with light green, spear shaped leaves which. The white to violet flower h...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Hoheria angustifolia6060 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Hungere , Narrow-leaved LacebarkSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 10mUses(NZ Native)An attractive Native New Zealand specimen or shelter tree. With narrow serrated leaves and masses of s...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Hoheria lyalli6060 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Mountain LacebarkSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 6mUses(NZ Native)A small flowering tree native to New Zealand. Commonly found on forest margins and along streams between 600m and 1000...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Knightia excelsa2525 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Honeysuckle, RewarewaSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 30mUses(NZ Native)Rewarewa is one of New Zealand's most distinctive looking native trees. A tall upright forest tree with a trunk t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Myoporum laetum1212 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: NgaioSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 10mUses(NZ Native)An attractive Native New Zealand tree with bright green leaves, stout spreading branches and glossy fleshy leaves. Naturally occu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Myrsine australis6060 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Mapou, Red MatipoSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 6mUses(NZ Native)A distinctive Native New Zealand tree with reddish branches and smooth leathery, green leaves with wavy edges. The bar...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Pennantia corymbosa4040 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Bellbird Tree, KaikomakoSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 10mUses(NZ Native)An attractive native New Zealand tree with thick leathery leaves. The mature tree is elegant with white fragra...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Pittosporum crassifolium2020 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: KaroSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 5mUses(NZ Native)A small tree or shrub native to New Zealand with ascending branches, dark red flowers and grey/green leaves. Karo is one of New Zea...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Pittosporum eugenioides100100 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Lemonwood , TarataSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 12mUses(NZ Native)Wide spreading Native New Zealand shrub or tree. The largest pittosporum. Leaves are yellow/green with undulating ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Plagianthus regius100100 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Manatu, RibbonwoodSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 10mUses(NZ Native)A tall growing native New Zealand column tree with strong upward growth. It has a light airy appearance and forms ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Pseudopanax arboreus100100 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Five Finger, Puahou, WhauwhaupakuSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 30mUses(NZ Native)A branched and wide spreading native New Zealand tree. Five Finger is one of our commonest native t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Pseudopanax crassifolius6060 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Horoeka, LancewoodSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 12mUses(NZ Native)Lancewood is a native New Zealand tree with a round headed form and a straight, clean trunk. In the juvenile form, t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Sophora microphylla1212 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: KowhaiSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 20mUses(NZ Native)A tall tree native to New Zealand with one or more trunks. Regarded by most New Zealanders as our national flower- Kowhai are am...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Solanum aviculare6565 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: PoroporoSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 3mUses(NZ Native)A very fast growing native New Zealand openly branched soft shrub. A perennial that is a common urban weed in many parts of the...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Griselinia littoralis1212 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Broadleaf, Kapuka, PapaumaSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 7mUses(NZ Native)Bushy tree with a rough dark trunk bearing thick glossy green rounded leaves that are paler underneath on a y...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Ficinia spiralis250250 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Desmoschoenus spiralis, Golden Sand Sedge, PingaoSubscribe to get stock updates and information about our latest deals. Enter your email SubscribeHeight - 0.8mUses(NZ Native)A native New Zealand sedge found along coastlines and in sand dunes. It's become l...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19.80Myrsine salicina3535 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: ToroHeight - 8mUses(NZ Native)Small upright tree bearing long narrow smooth leaves that are erect and reddish-yellow when young. Leaves 7-18cm long by 2-3cm wide, with a smooth edge. Fruit red to purple, 8-9mm long. New Zealand distribution in coa...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$56.80Nestegis cunninghamii77 viable seeds per gram:Also Known as: Black maireHeight - 25mUses(NZ Native), commonly called black maire is a native tree of New Zealand. grows to over 20 metres high, and has long, leathery leaves that have a recessed mid-rib. The tree has rough, cork-like bark, and produces red or yellow fruits...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0