Discover more like XLR8 Power Sack
$255XLR8 Power SackThe latest New Zealand innovation in functional training. Simply fill the sack with a Strength Bag to convert a sled tow resistance training tool. - Enjoy all the advantages of metal sled tow training with none of the disadvantages. - Resisted Sprinting, Strongman, Anaerobic Conditioning Core Traini...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$180XLR8 Power Speed SledThe original kiwi speed sled. Christchurch made precision engineered speed and power training tool. Designed with an 1inch weight pole to suit standard weights. Tubular sled base glides straight and true across grass. Benefits of Sled Towing - Get fast and explosive. - Train on your own. - Run at ma...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$308XLR8 ProwlerPush your drive power, strength, core and determination to the limit. - Focus on pure driving power or anaerobic gut busting push and dragging workouts. - Great for developing specific total body power. - Heavy duty powder coated steel construction. - Commercial quality. - Attractive sleek finish. - Includes heavy duty drag harness and connecting lead.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$135.32Flat Base Power SledConstructed of Powder Coated High-Gauge 5mm Flat Steel Plate. Designed with a 2inch weight pole to suit Olympic weights. - This unit is will take heavier weights than traditional sleds using Olympic Bumper Plates. - Fits up to 150kg in weight to handle the most gut-busting towing, crawling and dragg...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$364XLR8 Dog SledGreat for push, pull, drag and tow training on almost any surface. - Heavy gauge power coated steel construction. - Commercial quality. - Push bars can be placed in the holes on either side of sled. - Attachments on either side of the load platform to allow you to attach towing leads for harness training. - Easy to assemble and transport. - Includes heavy duty drag harness and connecting lead.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$550Prowler SledA rugged and durable Prowler weight sled for pushing and pulling workouts. Built for commercial use, the frame is constructed of a 3mm walled box section with solid steel uprights, and can hold 300kgs of additional weight. - 48kg unweighted. Prowler weighted sleds have a number of uses across a rang...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Clothing > Footwear 0 0
$229XLR8 Speed & Agility Athlete Pack - Field SportsGet fast and get fit - The best speed, agility, and quickness training programme you will find for field sport athletes, including football, Touch Rugby, Flag football, Rugby, League, and Hockey. - Train on your own or with 2-3 teammates. Split the cost of the pack with training partners - They are ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$155XLR8 Team Agility Cross LadderAnother first from the XLR8 New Zealand R and D team. - This large cross ladder is constructed of 44m coloured Ladders forming a giant cross pattern ideal for team or group training. - Train up to 20-30 people in an 8m square area, add balls, cones to test the skills even further. - Quite simply the...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$319XLR8 Court Sports Team Training PackFlex your team's agility and quickness with our Netball Basketball Speed Agility Pack. This pack is the ultimate training set-up for getting fit and quick. Custom designed for coaches, teachers and trainers of any level to run flexible fitness, speed and agility training sessions for court team spor...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$339.15XLR8 Bouncing Medicine Ball SetHigh quality industrial strength Medicine Ball. A staple in gyms and fitness studios around the globe - Made from superior blend of rubber with a hollow construction allowing the balls to bounce. - These balls stay round as the weight is in the shell wall. - Excellent dimple textured grip for comfor...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$79XLR8 Mini Hurdles 30cmHigh quality 30cm Mini Hurdles. 100,000 sold worldwide. An essential item for all levels of fitness, movement and speed conditioning. - Develops correct stride technique. Improves lateral speed. - Perfects arm control and body balance. Great for jump training drills. - Simple drills for all ages and...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$199XLR8 Speed & Agility Athlete Pack - Court SportsEnhance Speed Agility Take your performance on the court to the next level with the XLR8 Speed Agility Athlete Pack. Designed specifically for court sports, this pack is all about helping you increase your speed and agility on the court. With a combination of training drills and equipment, you'll be...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$350Power SledPush you way to build stronger legs with the Komodo. This multi-directional versatile for any push, pull or speed training. If you cannot turn the sled, simply lift out the upright arms and place them in the opposite holes to change direction. - Dual direction design - 50cm high post to add weight plates - Assembly is required - KomodoBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Gymnasium equipment 0 0
$55.60XLR8 Twin Speed ChuteIf youre serious about speed training the Twin Speed Chute is for you. The two parachutes deploy to create double the resistance for the ultimate high speed training load. - XLR8 Chutes have been developed over many years of successful use at the highest level of sport. Quality of materials, stitchi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$457XLR8 Sports Active Fitness Pack High SchoolThis pack suits 20 people if all completing the same activity. Or, up to 40 if the class is split into 3-4 groups rotating around different activity stations. About Carefully designed with quality XLR8 equipment to ensure safe and effective sports movement training and conditioning. Training focus f...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$148.75XLR8 Weighted Vest 20kgMaximize Power and Strength With the. you can take your workouts to the next level by adding extra resistance to increase power and build strength. Whether you are doing squats, lunges, or push-ups, this vest will challenge your muscles and help you achieve your fitness goals faster. Enhance Speed a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$71.20XLR8 Multi-Coloured Fastfoot LadderDesigned in-house here in New Zealand 10 years ago, it is by far our most popular speed and agility tool, with thousands sold worldwide. The original is still the best;cross-training agility formation to target high-speed don't buy a cheap copy. - Enjoy all the benefits of standard ladders with so m...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$67.15XLR8 Power BagsThe original kiwi design, over 50,000 sold worldwide. Buy once and train forever. Excellent for functional training strength, core stability and power training. - Manufactured to precise specifications. - Designed to withstand tough treatment but not suitable for slamming. - Four rubber handles for ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$197XLR8 Agility Pole Set -1.7m Yellow SetSet of 10 Poles and carry Bag. - 1.7m heavy duty PVC agility poles on rigid spike base for easy and stable ground insertion. - This quality system is easy to set up and ideal for numerous ball skills and agility drills or for use as field markers. - Super strong and flexible PVC will stand up to the...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$469.60XLR8 Bouncing Medicine Ball Studio SetAttractive space saving medicine ball studio set. Set includes: - 1 x heavy duty Storage Rack - 1 x 2kg XLR8 Rubber Medicine Ball - 1 x 3kg XLR8 Rubber Medicine Ball - 1 x 4kg XLR8 Rubber Medicine Ball - 1 x 5kg XLR8 Rubber Medicine Ball - 1 x 6kg XLR8 Rubber Medicine Ball Made from superior blend o...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$190Sprint Sled + Tow StrapA lightweight, easily transportable speed sled for acceleration and maximal speed training. Allows the addition of load to sprinting drills. The Industrial Athletic Sprint sled is a folded 8mm steel unit that glides on grass or pavement alike. Their fully collapsible plate post and low profile desig...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Clothing > Footwear 0 0
$229XLR8 Speed for Sport Gym PackMust have selection of tools for your gym equipment library. the ideal choice for athletes and trainers seeking superior training results. Packed with tools for honing speed, agility, and quickness, it's perfect for indoor or small-area use. Lightweight and compact, this pack offers unbeatable perfo...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$535XLR8 Sports Conditioning Pack - High SchoolPack Contents - 6 x Speed Resistor Belts - Loaded Speed Strength Acceleration - 6 x 15cm Micro Hurdles - Running, Jumping, Hopping, Lateral - 6 x 30cm Mini Hurdles - Running, Jumping, Hopping - 1 x 8m Multi Coloured Footspeed Ladder- Balance, Agility, Running, Jumping, Hopping, Dodging - 6 x Flat Ba...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$99Godzilla Multi Power HarnessHigh powered super heavy duty multi harness. Specifications: - Six Steel D rings - no plastic components. - 75mm wide padded straps. - Triple stitching and reinforced edging. - Padded sheath over the chest straps for comfort under heavy load. - Full foam padded back plate for strength and comfort. -...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0