Discover more like Zilco Regular Dressage Eggbutt Bit
$52.90Zilco Regular Dressage Eggbutt BitStainless Steel Dressage Eggbutt bit. This bit can be used on its own as a snaffle, or with a fixed cheek weymouth as a bradoon. Cob Size (12cm/4 3/4") Mouth thickness 13mm Ring Size 50mmBuy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$57.90Zilco Blue Eggbutt Training BitThis stainless steel training bit has neat eggbutt rings and a "lozenge" shaped joint that sits flat on the tongue with rein pressure. The blue colour is achieved through oxidation of the carbon steel during the forging process. It is designed to discolour quite quickly with use and the result is in...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$57.90Zilco Thin Mouth Eggbutt BitThin mouth eggbutt with flat rings. A popular all-round bit. Stainless Steel. Shetland/Small Pony Size (10cm/4") Mouth Thickness 15mm Ring Size 70mm Pony Size (11.5cm/4 1/2") Mouth Thickness 15mm Ring Size 70mmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$62.90Zilco French Link Eggbutt SnaffleThe plate of the French mouth eggbutt lies flat on the tongue and lessens the "nutcracker" action experienced with single joint snaffles. A much kinder bit. Stainless Steel. Mouth Thickness 14mm Ring Size 70mmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$139Winning Tongue Plate (WTP) locking eggbutt bitWTP eggbutt locking bit. The locking mechanism reduces the nut cracker action making it an extremely kind bit. Great conditionBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$199Sweet Iron Eggbutt Bradoon Jointed - 12mmAn underlay bit is used in combination with a dressage bar, so there are two different bits in the horse's mouth at the same time. The rings of a snaffle bit are smaller so that there is enough space for the action of the dressage bar. The bar and snaffle combination is mainly used in higher dressag...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$229Sprenger KK Ultra RS Dynamic Eggbutt bitSprenger Dynamic RS, KK Ultra Sensogan Eggbutt bit. Excellent condition. Retails new for over $350Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$74.90Zilco Tongue Control Eggbutt SnaffleBradoon style eggbutt with tongue control plate. The plate acts as a tongue layer to keep the horse from putting it's tongue over the bit, therefore allowing the rider to maintain proper control. Stainless Steel. Pony Size (11.5cm/4 1/2") Mouth Thickness 13mm Ring Size 50mm Cob Size (12.5cm/5") Mouth Thickness 13mm Ring Size 50mmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$229Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Eggbutt bit. these are pre-loved bits in excellent condition If your horse is tentative into the contact (inconsistent), the NS Tranz Eggbutt offers the stability within the mouth needed to boost the horses confidence encouraging it to seek the bit, taking the rein forwards. Very beneficial for short tense nec...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$84.90Zilco White Mouth Training SnaffleWhite mouth eggbutt training bit with "lozenge" shaped joint that sits flat on the tongue with rein pressure. Similar to "KK Training Bit". The polyurethane covering encourages relaxation, particularly in younger horses and forms a thicker mouthpiece that has a milder action. Cob Size (12.5cm/5") Mouth Thickness 20mm Ring Size 70mmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$139Winning Tongue Plate (WTP) extended plate eggbutt bit 5.5"WTP locking 5.5" extended plate eggbutt bit. The locking mechanism reduces the nut cracker action making it an extremely kind bit. Great conditionBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$36.50Zilco Brad Lugging BitStainless Steel with a straight bar mouthpiece. A popular lugging bit with a close fitting jaw piece for instant response. Cob Size (12.5cm/5") Mouth Thickness 12mm Ring Size 65mmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$199Bombers Bit Eggbutt McHardyBombers Eggbutt McHardy The Eggbutt cheek piece prevents pinching of the lips and gives a solid feel against the side of the face. It also prevents the bit being pulled through the mouth. The release is slower than the loose ring and also introduces light poll pressure. The McHardy Elliptical Dressa...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$64.90Zilco Full Check Breaking BitStainless steel full cheek breaking bit with players. Sometimes called a "Mouthing Bit". The bars prevent the bit from sliding through the horse's mouth, while the keys are designed to help mouth a young horse by encouraging play. Cob Size (12.5cm/5") Mouth Thickness 14mm Cheek Length 180mmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$180Trust Inno Sense Flexi Soft- Eggbutt (Trial Bit)This Trust bit is a flexible mouthpiece that can be used for all horses but is especially suitable for young horses and horses with sensitive mouths. The plastic is FDA approved, which means that the material is non-toxic and contains no plasticisers. In addition, the bits are very sturdy due to the...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$54.90French Eggbutt BitThe Plate of the French Eggbutt lies flat on the tongue and stops the nutcracker action of a snaffle. This is a kinder bit.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$60.90Zilco Thick Mouth Training Snaffle BitThick mouth stainless steel ring bit with "lozenge" shaped joint that sits flat on the tongue with rein pressure. Similar to "KK Training Bit" Cob Size (12.5cm/5") Mouth Thickness 21mm Ring Size 65mmBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$69.90Zilco French Link Baucher / Hanging Cheek SnaffleStainless Steel. The baucher is most often seen in use for showjump and dressage phases in eventing. The reins attach to the eggbutt-like ring at the mouthpiece, while the bridle cheeks attach to the smaller ring. This makes the bit sit flat against the horse's face and is quite fixed in the mouth. ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$215Bomber Cable Eggbutt (Trial Bit)The Eggbutt Snaffle Cable reduces the nutcracker action while the added benefit of the spring-back" action of the cable further reduces pressure in all areas and by eliminating the link joining the mouth pieces a further pressure point is removed, thus making this softer than conventional snaffles. ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$89Eggbutt Mac-Genis Roller Balotade® Bit. 5"Eggbutt Mac-Genis (McGenis) Roller Balotade Bit. Brand new 5" (125mm) Made of stainless steel, it has three small copper rollers mounted on both sides of a slightly curved mouthpiece. Mac-Genis bit rolls are designed to roll on the jaw. Thanks to this, they prevent the phenomenon of crossing the man...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$199Bombers Bit Eggbutt Ported BarrelBombers Eggbutt Ported Barrel The Eggbutt cheek piece prevents pinching of the lips and gives a solid feel against the side of the face. It also prevents the bit being pulled through the mouth. The release is slower than the loose ring and also introduces light poll pressure. The port creates relief...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$289Neue Schule Turtle Top Eggbutt bitNeue Schule Turtle Top Eggbutt Bit bit. These bits are pre-loved but in excellent condition The NS Turtle Top comes standard in a 16mm mouthpiece width and is dressage legal. Turtle Top with Flex is an anatomy-inspired double jointed bit design with enhanced mouthpiece stability, through optimised a...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$200Trust Waterford- Eggbutt (Trial Bit)This Waterford is a great option for a horse that is strong but sensitive, or potentially a rider who wants a bit that can help them bring a horse back with a lighter aid. The multiple breaks allows the bit to wrap around your horses mouth, applying a very even pressure over a large surface area. The Eggbutt sides allow for stability and fast aid uptake and release.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$199Sprenger KK Training Eggbutt bitThis is the standard Herm Sprenger KK Training Eggbutt Bit. Its diameter is 18mm and characterized by the following: This eggbutt maintains the same characteristics the loose ring correction version. It is also well suited for fat tongued horses. The eggbutt is more quiet in the mouth and with the t...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0