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$79.90Dandelion World Split Vowel WorkbookReading and Writing Activities for Dandelion World Split Vowel Spellings Photocopiable spelling and comprehension activities to accompany the non-fiction readers in the Phonic Books Dandelion World Split Vowel Spellings series. Learn how to read with Dandelion World decodable books and activities fo...Buy from Store Showing More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$239.90Dandelion World Split Vowel Spellings (Guided Reading Set)This guided reading set has six copies of each book (36 books in total). Dandelion World Split Vowel Spellings comprises six fully decodable non-fiction books which introduce the spellings a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, and u-e and is aimed at children in Reception to Year 2 learning their split vowel spelling...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$41.90Dandelion World Split Vowel SpellingsThis series comprises six fully decodable non-fiction books which introduce the spellings a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, and u-e and is aimed at children in Reception to Year 2 learning their split vowel spellings and who love to read non-fiction. complements any systematic phonics programme and can be used in...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$46.90Dandelion Readers Split Vowel SetDandelion Readers Split Vowel Spellings set contains reading practice for split vowel spellings a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. These books can be used alongside any phonics reading program. This set includes 6 books, one for each spelling and one that includes all the spellings. - Dandelion Readers Spl...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$234.50Dandelion Readers Split Vowel Set - Guided Reading SetDandelion Readers Split Vowel Spellings guided reading set contains 6 copies of each book (36 books in total). This set contains reading practice for split vowel spellings a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. These books can be used alongside any phonics reading program. SB179 - Dandelion Readers Split Vowel...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$84.90Dandelion World Workbook Stages 8-15Photocopiable activities to accompany the Dandelion World Stages 8-15 non-fiction readers. Activities focus on blending, segmenting skills, supporting word-building, comprehension, and early writing in a fun and accessible way for young children. Cover digraphs: ch, sh, th, ck, wh, ng, qu. Covers: VCC, CVCC, CCVC CCVCC words.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$84.90Dandelion World Workbook Stages 16-20Photocopiable activities to accompany the Dandelion World Stages 16-20 non-fiction readers. Activities focus on blending, segmenting skills, supporting word-building, comprehension, and early writing in a fun and accessible way for young children. Covers phase 4b of Letters and Sounds, introducing word endings: tch, ve and le. Simple two-syllable words (e.g. laptop) and suffixes -ed, -ing.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$84.90Dandelion World Workbook Stages 1-7Photocopiable activities to accompany the Dandelion World Stages 1-7 non-fiction readers. Activities focus on blending, segmenting skills, supporting word-building, comprehension, and early writing in a fun and accessible way for young children. Covers: s, a, t, i, m, n, o, p b, c, g, h, d, e, f, v, k, l, r, u, j, w, z, x, y, ff, ll, ss, zzBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$64.90Dandelion Launchers Workbook Units 11-15A spiral bound book of photocopiable, multi-sensory activities linked to Dandelion Launchers 11-15. Phonic progression of books: Smart Kids Reader ProgressionBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$57.90Dandelion Launchers Workbook Units 1-3Spiral-bound book of photocopiable, multi-sensory activities linked to Dandelion Launchers Units 1-3 (110 pages). Phonic progression of books: Smart Kids Reader ProgressionBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$64.90Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20 WorkbookTake children on a carefully structured progression, introducing the spellings tch and ve and simple two-syllable words. - Unit 16: tch and ve (e.g. match and have) - Unit 17: simple two-syllable words (e.g. laptop) - Unit 18: two-syllable words and words with the suffix -ed (e.g. jumped, lifted, gr...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$72.90Dandelion Readers Extended Code - Level 2The Dandelion Extended Code Level 2 extends learning from the previous set of books, introducing 2 or 3 alternative spellings for the vowel sounds. Dandelion Readers Level 2 - Book 1 - Viv Wails: ai, ay, a Dandelion Readers Level 2 - Book 2 - Sweet Dream: ee, e, ea Dandelion Readers Level 2 - Book 3...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$74.90Dandelion Readers Extended Code - Level 1The Dandelion Extended Code Series extends learning from the previous sets of books. Each book in this set 1 of 14 enchanting books introduces one new spelling for a vowel sound. Dandelion Readers Level 1 - Book 1 - The Mail: ai Dandelion Readers Level 1 - Book 2 - The Tree: ee Dandelion Readers Lev...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$72.90Dandelion Readers Extended Code - Level 3The Dandelion Extended Code Series extends learning from the previous sets of books. Level 3 books introduce more alternative spellings for the vowel sounds introduced in Levels 1 2: - Dandelion Readers Level 3 - Book 1 - Jake the Snake: ai, ay, a, a-e, ea - Dandelion Readers Level 3 - Book 2 - The ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$76.90Moon Dogs Split Vowel Series ActivitiesPhotocopiable activities to accompany the set of six books in Phonic Books Moon Dogs Split Vowel Spellings, decodable phonics books for structured literacy intervention with older readers. This activity book includes activities for word building, reading, spelling, and comprehension linked to the Moon Dogs Split Vowel Spellings books.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$29.99$12.99$12.99 Keep all your important life documents and information in one easy-to-access place, with the Keeping it Together workbook. This simple workbook gives you peace-of-mind, knowing youre sorted. And when the time comes, family members know where to find this vital information and youll know your wishes will be followed. Available in hardcopy or PDF.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$29.99$12.99$12.99 We all know it getting started is often the hardest thing to do. Have no fear Ive made it easy, with my Getting Started Workbook. This simple workbook shows you how to plan and schedule writing down your story, how to set deadlines, and how put it all into action. Order yours today, and lets get you started. Available in hardcopy or PDF format.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$84.90Dragon Egg Series ActivitiesIncludes activities such as word building, reading, spelling and comprehension linked to the 10 books in the Dragon Eggs Series. Reintroduces alternative vowel spellings for 10 different vowel sounds. Book 1: ae Book 2: ee Book 3: oe Book 4: er Book 5: ow oi Book 6: oo Book 7: ie Book 8: aw Book 9: air Book 10: ar Download our Phonic Books progression chart here.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$59Pur-purse WorkbookFeel empowered, own your purse become the queen you were always meant to be. A workbook created by sisters to help women get comfortable talking about money and living their best life.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$89.90Dandelion World Stages 16-2010 books, 2 at each stage, take children on a carefully structured progression. Covers phase 4b of Letters and Sounds, introducing word endings: tch, ve and le. Simple two-syllable words (e.g. laptop) and suffixes -ed, -ing.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$84.90Dandelion Readers, Set 2, Units 11-20 Reading & Writing ActivitiesPhotocopiable workbook offering blending, segmenting, spelling, writing, reading and comprehension activities to complement our Dandelion Readers Set 2, Chips for Lunch. 166 pages. Phonic progression of books: Smart Kids Reader ProgressionBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$84.90Dandelion Readers, Set 1, Units 11-20 Reading & Writing ActivitiesPhotocopiable activities workbook to complement Dandelion Readers Set 1: Pip Gets Rich. Includes blending, segmenting, spelling, writing, reading and comprehension activities. 155 pages.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$94.90Dandelion World Stages 8-15Set of 16 non-fiction books introducing adjacent consonants. Covers Phases 3b and 4a of Letters and Sounds. 10 different books cover digraphs: ch, sh, th, ck, wh, ng, qu. 6 different books cover: VCC, CVCC, CCVC CCVCC words.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0
$64.90Dandelion Readers Units 1-10 - Set 4comprises ten books and is aimed at children in Year 0 to Year 2. Each book introduces CVC level words, consonant digraphs and adjacent consonants. Dandelion Readers Unit 1: s, a, t, i, m Dandelion Readers Unit 2: n, o, p Dandelion Readers Unit 3: b, c, g, h Dandelion Readers Unit 4: d, e, f, v Dand...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Business > Educational support services 0 0