Discover more like Hydrangea Rose Bouquet Tea Rose
$99.99Hydrangea Rose Bouquet Tea RoseDramatic Roses paired with matching buds Hydrangea's in a beautiful handmade teardrop vase with silver badge, complemented by Charente Rose and Rose Petal perfume. This beautiful life-like arrangement has been set in a gel, and the petals infused with a fine fragrance. Each arrangement has been skil...Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Homewares 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose & Hydrangea Bouquet - Clear Tear Drop Glass - PINK - TRH03Each life-like perfumed Tea Rose Hydrangea has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown clear tear drop vase with a silver signature Cote Noire ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$85Côte Noire Hydrangea - PinkAdd a touch of elegance to your home with our beautiful Cte Noire Hydrangea in Pink. Featuring lush, realistic foliage and delicate pink blooms, this hydrangea is the perfect addition to your decor. Bring a touch of nature indoors and brighten up any room with this stunning flower arrangement.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$199** NEW ** Cote Noire Luxury Round 13 Rose Bud Bouquet - French Pink, Green & White - RRB13All our arrangements are made by hand every step of the way. The special gel formula is hand poured, and each flower stem is cut to size and arranged by one of our passionate floral designers. Each is then perfumed by hand, individually checked finally hand boxed. Enclosed with your natural touch Ro...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$179Cote Noire Luxury Hydrangeas - Ivory - LHY01Each life-like perfumed Luxury Hydrangeas has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch appearance and arranged in a luxury faceted vase. Cte Noire arrangements are made from a true work...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$179Cote Noire Luxury Hydrangeas - Blush - LHY03Each life-like perfumed Luxury Hydrangeas has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch appearance and arranged in a luxury faceted vase. Cte Noire arrangements are made from a true work...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$199** NEW ** Cote Noire Luxury Round 13 Rose Bud Bouquet - Green & White - RRB12All our arrangements are made by hand every step of the way. The special gel formula is hand poured, and each flower stem is cut to size and arranged by one of our passionate floral designers. Each is then perfumed by hand, individually checked finally hand boxed. Enclosed with your natural touch Ro...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$179Cote Noire Luxury Hydrangeas - Blue - LHY05Each life-like perfumed Luxury Hydrangeas has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch appearance and arranged in a luxury faceted vase. Cte Noire arrangements are made from a true work...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$85Côte Noire Hydrangea - BlueAdd a touch of elegance to your home with our Cte Noire Hydrangea in beautiful blue. The life-like petals and delicate scent will brighten up any room. Give the gift of luxury or treat yourself to this stunning and realistic faux flower.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$105.99Blue Hydrangea In Clear GlassA beautifully presented bouquet of soft hydrangeas complemented by White Hydrangea and Charente Rose perfume. Fragrance : White Hydrangea - Notes of red pin and orange blossom on a sandalwood base. Charente Rose - Top notes of rose petal, rose leaf and base note of white musk Finished in a stunning white gift box with boxBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Homewares 0 0
$199** NEW ** Cote Noire Luxury Round 13 Rose Bud Bouquet - Mixed Pink - RRB14All our arrangements are made by hand every step of the way. The special gel formula is hand poured, and each flower stem is cut to size and arranged by one of our passionate floral designers. Each is then perfumed by hand, individually checked finally hand boxed. Enclosed with your natural touch ro...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$179Cote Noire Luxury Hydrangeas - Mauve - LHY04Each life-like perfumed Luxury Hydrangeas has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch appearance and arranged in a luxury faceted vase. Cte Noire arrangements are made from a true work...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose Bouquet Clear Tear Drop Glass - Ivory White - TR01Each life-like perfumed Tea Rose has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown clear tear drop vase with a silver signature Cote Noire badge. Cte...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose Bouquet - Clear Tear Drop Glass - Pink Blush - TR02Each life-like perfumed Tea Rose has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown clear tear drop vase with a silver signature Cote Noire badge. Cte...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose Bouquet - Dark Tear Drop Glass - Pink Blush - TR02BEach life-like perfumed Tea Rose has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown dark tear drop vase with a gold signature Cote Noire badge. Cte No...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose Bouquet - Dark Tear Drop Glass- FRENCH PINK - TR06BEach life-like perfumed Tea Rose has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown dark tear drop vase with a gold signature Cote Noire badge. Cte No...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose Bouquet - Clear Tear Drop Glass - French Pink - TR06Each life-like perfumed Tea Rose has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown clear tear drop vase with a silver signature Cote Noire badge. Cte...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose Bouquet - Dark Tear Drop Glass - Ivory White - TR01BEach life-like perfumed Tea Rose has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown dark tear drop vase with a gold signature Cote Noire badge. Cte No...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$90Cote Noire Tea Rose Bouquet - Clear Tear Drop Glass - MAGENTA - TR08Each life-like perfumed Tea Rose has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch and appearance. Arranged in a hand-blown clear tear drop vase with a silver signature Cote Noire badge. Cte...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$179Cote Noire Luxury Hydrangeas - Champagne - LHY02Each life-like perfumed Luxury Hydrangeas has been skilfully hand crafted and is set in gel giving it the appearance of water. Each petal has a special natural coating to give them a true to life touch appearance and arranged in a luxury faceted vase. Cte Noire arrangements are made from a true work...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$79Hydrangea Mixed Bouquet WhiteThis Hydrangea Mixed Bouquet is the perfect accessory to add a splash of colour to the home. With remarkable attention to detail, this floral bunch has a mix of stunningly realistic white hydrangeas, white buds, vibrant green leaves and sturdy green stems. Place in a floral arrangement for a refresh...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Homewares 0 0
$30Cote Noire 15ml Room Spray - White Hydrangea - GMS16The fragrances in the Cote Noire range take inspiration from the idyllic Charente countryside with each scent striving to capture a portrait of traditional French life. The fragrances encompass patisserie favourites, fragrant teas, succulent fruits and enticing florals. White Hydrangeas: Notes of red pine and orange blossom on a sandalwood baseBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$27.99Loose Leaf Tea InfuserA tea lovers essential. Let your tea leaves dance and unfold in this reusable, stainless steel tea infuser. Sits easily in most mugs and teapots.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$260Côte Noire Grand Rose Bouquet Mixed Pink Pink BoxCote Noire Grand Rose Boquet is a beautiful addition to your home. It helps transform any room by looking gorgeous and smelling wonderful.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0