Discover more like Evolve Charm - Daisy Cow
$59Evolve Charms Silver Daisy Cow LK098Our cute little Daisy cow charm represents this gentle animal, that features so predominately in the green fields of Aotearoa. It may bring back fond memories of our grandparents or parents, trekking out to the paddock before dawn, to milk Daisy the house cow. Thanks Daisy for our breakfast milk on those cold, frosty morningsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$89Evolve Charms DANGLES - STG COW PENDANT CHARM ( HARDWORKING)LKD057 Our beautiful Cow pendant charm symbolises this gracious and gentle animal, that is featured so predominantly in the green fields of Aotearoa. Cows provide one of the most important exports in New Zealand, dairy products. Finely crafted from sterling silver, this charm is an iconic token for all hardworking country folk.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$75Evolve Charms Enamel - COW ( HARDWORKING) ENAMEL & SILVERLKE094 Our beautiful Cow charm symbolises this gracious and gentle animal, that is featured so predominantly in the green fields of Aotearoa. Cows provide one of the most important exports in New Zealand, dairy products. Finely crafted from sterling silver featuring enamel, this charm is an iconic token for all the hard-working New Zealanders.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$69Evolve Charms Enamel Daisy (Prosperity) LKE072Known as the flower that symbolises new beginnings and growth, our Daisy charm features two stunning white enamel flowers with a golden cubic zirconia centre. This charm also pays tribute to the ever-important bee. Essential to our ecosystem, the bee pollinates our precious flora helping to grow and strengthen gardens in New Zealand and across the globe.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$59Evolve Koru (Growth) CharmSterling silver charm by Evolve New Zealand. Free delivery within for all orders over $99. Complete range of Evolve charms online.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$59Evolve Monarch Butterfly CharmSterling silver charm by Evolve New Zealand. Free delivery within for all orders over $99. Complete range of Evolve charms online.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$59Evolve Netball CharmSterling silver charm by Evolve New Zealand. Free delivery within for all orders over $99. Complete range of Evolve charms online.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$89Evolve Charms DANGLES - STG HORSE PENDANT CHARM ( COURAGE)LKD062 Horses are intelligent and brave creatures, highly valued for their power, bravery and companionship throughout the ages. Our silver Horse pendant charm is especially designed for those special individuals that show dedication and courageous spirit every day, just like this majestic and noble animal.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$69Evolve Charms Silver Dragonfly (New Beginnings) LK224Our Dragonfly charm was inspired by the native Giant Bush Dragonfly, found in summer dancing amidst our effervescent New Zealand streams. The dragonfly, a fast moving creature of the wind, symbolises change and new beginnings. This charm gives you the inner strength to create something new and fresh, and embrace the winds of change.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$59Evolve Charms DANGLES SILVER NZ MAP PENDANT CHARM- DANGLE LKD019The iconic outline of New Zealands shores connects us with a unique culture, incredible natural beauty and our happiest memories. Whether as a memento of awesome experiences in New Zealand or a proud symbol of home, this charm is a treasured keepsake. Our Map design celebrates your special affinity ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$89Evolve Charms DANGLES - STG DUCK PENDANT CHARM ( SUPPORTIVE)LKD060 Our Duck pendant charm is a symbol of support and care. Ducks fly together in a V formation, making flight easier. They will swap leadership mid-flight, sharing the responsibility so they can fly efficiently, supporting one another. This endearing Duck pendant charm celebrates your nurturing and caring nature.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$75Evolve Charms Murano Glass New Zealand GK55Black is New Zealands unofficial colour. Our elegant faceted charm reveals hints of greens and blues that reflect aspects of our stunning country. From shimmering seas, morning dew in our forests, glow-worms in mysterious caves, to clean untouched starry night skies, this exquisite charm honours Aotearoa, New Zealand.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$75Evolve Charms Enamel - DUCK ( SUPPORTIVE) ENAMEL & SILVER )LKE093 Our Duck charm is a symbol of support and care. Ducks fly together in a V formation, making flight easier. They will swap leadership mid-flight, sharing the responsibility so they can fly efficiently, supporting one another. This endearing Duck charm celebrates your nurturing and caring nature.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$69Evolve Charms Silver Axe (Courage) LK230Our powerful axe charm represents the true spirit of the Kiwi woman. The crisscrossing of the axes symbolise confidence and courage. New Zealand women are strong and passionate, and throughout history have been first movers in female leadership across the globe.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$75Evolve Charms Enamel Twenty-one LKE084Traditionally at twenty-one, people were considered mature enough to hold a key to the family house and be seen as a senior within the family. Our Twenty-one charm honours this tradition, and celebrates being reliable and trusted by others.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$69Evolve Charms Silver Ladybird (Luck) LK233The much loved little ladybird has forever been a symbol of luck. She is delightfully playful, make your wish known to her and she will fly away and grant it. Anyone wearing this charm holds a little token of luck on their wrist as the ladybird brings positive energy and good fortune to those who believe and dare to dream.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$89Evolve Charms DANGLES - STG CAT PENDANT CHARM ( INDEPENDENT)LKD059 Cats are the perfect companion, small and low maintenance. These much-loved animals evoke a spirit of independence, cleverness and of course, curiosity. Historically, cats have been associated with magic and mystery. Finely crafted from sterling silver, this elegant Cat pendant charm exudes style and independence.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$55Evolve Charms Silver NZ Fern LK064An iconic symbol of New Zealand, this native fern branch often embellishes the uniform of anyone representing our country at an international level. The outline of our New Zealand fern is instantly recognisable to us all, evoking a sense of dedication, commitment and success. This charm inspires a real sense of pride and patriotism for Aotearoa.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$79Evolve Charms Enamel Toi Toi (Strength) LKE081Toi Toi are synonymous with New Zealand gardens and coastal landscapes. This special charm features detailed spear like flowering stems alongside blue and green cubic zirconia stones, representative of the panoramic coastal landscapes where this plant is often found. Much like the sturdiness of the toi toi, this charm provides strength to the wearer, wherever they are.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$89Evolve Charms DANGLES - STG DOG PENDANT CHARM ( LOYAL)LKD058 The dog is man's most loyal and loving companion, lending truth to the statement of man's best friend'. At home in the backyard as the adored family pet, or in New Zealand's high country as the hard-working farm dog, he is truly one of our most faithful friends. Our striking sterling silver Dog pendant charm symbolises this extremely special bond.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$75Evolve Charms Enamel Universe (Family & Friends) LKE038Swirling silver korus embellish this black enamel charm representing our entire universe. Each swirl symbolises our cherished friends and family, those who closely support us through our life journey and make our whole world complete.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0
$79Evolve Charms Enamel Kōtukutuku (Beauty) LKE075Popular among New Zealand garden enthusiasts, the ktukutuku (tree fuchsia) produces nectar rich flowers which attract insects and native birds such as the Tui, Ttapu and Pihipihi. Representing the beautiful colours of our New Zealand gardens, our Ktukutuku charm features fuchsia enamel flowers and s...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Clothing > Jewellery 0 0