Discover more like Tarakihi Fillets Frozen
$60Tarakihi Fillets FrozenOur Tarakihi fillets are frozen free-flow in 1kg bags, or layer-packed into larger 2kg or 5kg boxes. Shop online at Harbour Fish. wide delivery.Buy from Store Showing More like this Services > Seafood processing 0 0
$40.90Seafood Pack: Tarakihi & GurnardThis pack contains Tarakihi and Gurnard fillets, either 500g or 1kg of each, depending on what pack you order. These two fish are very versatile which means there are endless possibilities of ways to cook these beautiful fresh fillets. We take the skin off and de-bone our Tarakihi and Gurnard fillets to make it easier for you to enjoyBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$42.90Seafood Pack: Snapper & TarakihiCan't decide between two Kiwi classics Why not have both This pack contains Snapper and Tarakihi fillets, either 500g or 1kg of each, depending on the pack you order. We take the skin off and de-bone our Snapper and Tarakihi fillets so it's easier for you to enjoyBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$44Monkfish Fillets FrozenBuy premium frozen seafood at Harbour Fish. Our skinless boneless frozen Monkfish fillets come in handy 2kg boxes or 5kg cartons.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Seafood processing 0 0
$32.50Gurnard Fillets FrozenOur Frozen Gurnard Fillets are blast frozen skinless boneless. Our frozen fish is packed in handy 2kg 5kg cartons. Buy Frozen Gurnard Fillets online.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Seafood processing 0 0
$156Tarakihi – 5kg Frozen WestfleetPrimary Navigation - 0 - View Cart - Checkout - Home - Our Story - Our Fleet - Our Factory Facilities - Our People - Shop - Our Fishery - Sustainability And Our Environment - Our Catch - Contact - Careers Shop FrozenTarakihi 5kg Frozen Tarakihi 5kg Frozen 5kg carton. Fresh frozen and free flowed for convenience. In stockBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Seafood processing 0 0
$42.90CHRISTMAS PRE-ORDER: Tarakihi & Snapper (Delivery 20 December)All Christmas Pre-orders will be sent on Thursday 19th December, for overnight delivery. Orders for rural and South Island addresses will be sent on Wednesday 18th December. Pre-orders close on the 15th of December. A pack that is covering all of your Kiwi classic Christmas fish needs. This pack con...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$40.90CHRISTMAS PRE-ORDER: Tarakihi & Gurnard (Delivery 20 December)All Christmas Pre-orders will be sent on Thursday 19th December, for overnight delivery. Orders for rural and South Island addresses will be sent on Wednesday 18th December. Pre-orders close on the 15th of December. A pack that is covering all of your Christmas fish needs. This pack contains Tarakih...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$37.40OctopusOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$69.99SM-ScallopOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine (Product of ChinaBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$45.99Musang King Frozen Seedless Monthong Durian PulpOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$24Salted Jellyfish HeadOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$40.99Fresh Chill Blue Cod Fillets (coming-soon)New Zealand Premium ProductsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$99.99SM Alaska King Crab LegsOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$31.99YY Australia Banana Prawn U15Our high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$44.90Seafood Pack: Snapper and GurnardThis pack contains Snapper and Gurnard fillets, either 500g or 1kg of each, depending on the pack you order. The versatility of both fish makes it great for a variety of dishes, giving you endless possibilities. We take the skin off and de-bone our Snapper Gurnard fillets so its easier for you to enjoyBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$36.99Wild Cought Kuruma Prawn 800gOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$28.99Nishin Raw Van Prawn Meat 26/30 800gOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$44.40Seafood Pack: Snapper & John DoryThis pack contains Snapper and John Dory fillets, either 500g or 1kg of each, depending on the pack you order. The versatility of both fish makes it great for a variety of dishes, giving you endless possibilities. We de-bone and take the skin off our Snapper fillets, whilst we de-bone but leave the skin on our John Dory to make the most of the flavour.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$48.99Nishin Premium Quality Fresh Water Jumbo Prawn 6/8 800gOur high-quality frozen products are great for a variety of global cuisine.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0