Discover more like LB-52U E7016 5kg Duroweld
$92.50LB-52U E7016 5kg DuroweldAWS A5.1 E7016 LB-52U is the world's No.1 covered electrode for "uranami" welding, or the root pass melt-through welding with penetration beads. With LB-52U your welding will be easier and faster, and you will have confidence in the quality of your welds in any kind of pipe welding of mild steel and...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$82.5060/40 RESIN CORED SOLDER 0.5KG Duroweld60/40 Solder Wire with resin core. Used for general and electrical soldering applications. Resin core requires no flux. Low melting point with narrow range. Strong solder. Free-flowing and very good wetting. Suitable for electrical soldering and other soldering requiring fine tolerances.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$195Electrode Oven 5Kg DuroweldElectrode Oven 5Kg Temperature 150 deg C Electrode Length 450mm Input Voltage AC 220VBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$144Bloodstone Rough /5kg BagListing is for 1 x Bag ofBloodstone Rough(5kg).Individual pieces are approximately between 24mm - 40mm in length.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$35DUROARC ER70S-6 Mig Wire 1.0mm 5Kg DuroweldAWS A5.18 ER70S-6 DUROARC ER70S-6 is copper coated low carbon all-positional mig welding wire. This wire has excellent welding performance with a stable arc and less spatter, ER70S-6 is the most common wire for welding mild and medium strength steels. Suitable for use with Straight CO2 or Argon/C02 Mix shielding gas for general Mig welding. Available in 2 spool sizes - 5kg and 15kgBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$35DUROARC ER70S-6 DuroweldAWS A5.18 ER70S-6 DUROARC ER70S-6 is copper coated low carbon all-positional mig welding wire. This wire has excellent welding performance with a stable arc and less spatter, ER70S-6 is the most common wire for welding mild and medium strength steels. Suitable for use with Straight CO2 or Argon/C02 Mix shielding gas for general Mig welding. Available in 2 spool sizes - 5kg and 15kgBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$36Mixed Dyed Tumble 20-30mm/1KGBUY 5KG TO RECEIVE UNOPENED FULL 5KG BAG. BUY 10KG = 2 X 5KG BAGS ETC. Tumbles measure 20-30mm. May consist of Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Aventurine, Assorted Jaspers,Assorted Natural Agates, Assorted Dyed Agates and more.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$95Hyundai Gasless Flux Cored Wire DuroweldAWS A5.20 E71T-11 Gasless Flux Cored Wire is used for light structural, short assembly welds, other general fabrications and galvanized steel fixtures like gates. It is an all position self-shielded flux cored wire designed for single multi-pass welding of thin mild and medium tensile Steel. Available in 0.8mm, 0.9mm, 1.2mm and 1.6mm 5kg and 15kg Spools.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$108Blue Quartz Rough /5kg BagListing is for 1 x Bag ofBlue Quartz rough (5kg). Each piece varies from approx. 30-50mmBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$180Amazonite Rough /5kg BagListing is for 1 x Bag of Amazonite rough (5kg). Pieces range in size from 20-50mm.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$180Mixed Moonstone Rough /5kg BagListing is for 1 x Bag of Mixed Moonstone rough (5kg). Rough pieces range from approximately 20-35mm in length.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$195DUROARC 316LSI Stainless Steel MIG Wire DuroweldAWS A5.9 ER316LSi All Positional Premium Solid Stainless Steel Mig Wire 12.5kg 5kg Spl Duralloy 316LSI is a stainless steel MIG wire with high silicon levels to improve arc characteristics and improves weld edge wetting weld pool fluidity. EDuralloy 316LSI used for welding of 316 and 316L grade stai...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$90Rose Quartz Rough /5kg Bag5kg bag of rough rose quartz pieces average size 20-40mm To buy 500g of same material, visit this listing: https:// crystallight /shop/rough-crystals/rough/pale-rose-quartz-rough-small-5/Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$54.50Talarc B3 Tig 1.6mm- SOLD BY KG DuroweldSOLD PER KG PRODUCT COMES IN 5KG PACK - PRICE FOR PACK IS $272.50 AWS A 5.28: ER90S-B3 B3 Tig Wire ia a Low alloy copper-coated tig rod with 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo content to be used for the welding of creep resistant steel. Chemical composition of rod conforming to AWS specification. It is used in chem...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$54.50Talarc B3 Tig 2.4mm-SOLD PER KG DuroweldSOLD PER KG PRODUCT COMES IN 5KG PACK - PRICE FOR PACK IS $272.50 AWS A 5.28: ER90S-B3 B3 Tig Wire ia a Low alloy copper-coated tig rod with 2.25% Cr and 1% Mo content to be used for the welding of creep resistant steel. Chemical composition of rod conforming to AWS specification. It is used in chem...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$126Assorted Mixed Tumble 10-20mm/5kg BagEach is Unique, you will recieve one 5KG Bag Similar to the one photographed.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$185Tubemetal Fine Brazing Rod DuroweldTungsten Hardfacing Brazing Rod Size: 1/8inch diameterBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$25.20Mixed Tumble (A) Extra Small/ 1 KGThe size of each tumble stone is approximately 6-15mm in length. Purchase 5kg to recieve unopened 5kg Bag. 10kg = 2 x 5kg Bags etc. Contains Aventurine, Jasper, Howlite, Orange Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Moss Agate, Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, Rainbow Jasper, Agate,Goldstone, Pink Opal,Rose Quartz, Black...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$27Amethyst Rough Points Small /250gPriced per 250g. Each piece is approximately10mm - 40mm(250g is bewteen18-25 pieces) Bulk listing 5kg Amethyst points: https:// crystallight /shop/rough-crystals/rough/amethyst-rough-points-5kg-bagBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$90Mahogany Obsidian Rough /5kg BagListing is for 1 x Bag of Mahogany Obsidian Rough(5kgs).Individual pieces are approximately between 15mm - 40mm in length.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$32.40Mixed Tumble (A) Large 1kgThe size of each tumble stone is approximately 20-40mm in length. 1kg is approx 70 stones. Purchase 5kg to recieve unopened 5kg Bag. 10kg = 2 x 5kg Bags etc. Contains Aventurine, Jasper, Howlite, Orange Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Moss Agate, Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, Rainbow Jasper, Agate,Goldstone, Pi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$108Lepidolite Rough /5kg bagListing is for 1 x Bag of Lepidolite rough (5kgs).Individual pieces are between 15mm - 40mm each.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0
$216Quartz Points /5kg bagContains mixed sizes of Quartz points. These are also called garden quartz for their function, but are not to be confused with lodolite. Dimensions are of bag.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > China, glassware and earthenware wholesaling 0 0