Discover more like Hot Wheels Vintage Racing Neon Clock - NENC-545
$90Hot Wheels Vintage Racing Neon Clock - NENC-545Hot Wheels Vintage Racing Neon Clock is a perfect piece for a Hot Wheels fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room, workshop or in a childrens bedroom as a display piece, to tell time and they are also great to act as a night light.Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Hot Wheels Neon Clock - NENC-546Hot Wheels Neon Clock is a perfect piece for a Hot Wheels fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room, workshop or in a childrens bedroom as a display piece, to tell time and they are also great to act as a night light.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Vintage Car Neon Clock - NENC-565Vintage Car Neon Clock is the perfect piece to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$100Canterbury Draught Neon Clock - NENC-1054Are you after a piece of Retro, Vintage Kiwiana Are you a follower of all things Canterbury Then if so this Clock is for you. It will look amazing in a Kitchen, Office, Entertainment Area, Clubrooms and or the Bach(Crib) A perfect way to keep time. All our Neon Clocks are produced with high quality ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Tūī in a Kowhai Tree Neon Clock - NENC-547T are unique to New Zealand and belong to the honeyeater family, which means they feed mainly on nectar from flowers of native plants. T in a Kowhai Tree Neon Clock is a beautiful example of our T. This Clock would be ideal as an overseas gift. It would grace any location, Business or Home. A Slice of Kiwiana Available in two Neon Tube (Green NENC-547G, White NENC-547W)Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Lamborghini Neon Clock - NENC-123Lamborghini Neon Clock is the perfect piece for a Lamborghini fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop. NB: The neon tube on this clock is yellow, not white.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Castrol Wakefield Motor Oil Neon Clock - NENC-137Castrol oil has become synonymous with world speed and endurance records. Our Castrol Wakefield Oil Neon Clock reflects this in its Orange livery. This clock would be perfect for the "Speed Demon" in your life. A statement for your Office, Workshop, Garage, Retail and or Entertainment Area.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Ford Oval Neon Clock (Blue-NENC-114B, White-NENC-114W)Ford Oval Neon Clock is the perfect piece for a Ford fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Mustang Neon Clock - (Blue NENC-16B, Red NENC-16R)Mustang (blue or red tube) Neon Clock is the perfect piece for the Mustang fan to hang in the truck shop, man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Dixie Motor Oil Neon Clock - NENC-41Founded the company as Dixie Bottle Gas Co. in 1946. The company changed its name to Dixie Gas Oil in 1963. Our Neon Clock Dixie Motor Oil reflects the changing market of the 1950s-60s with its Soft Neon Glow. This clock is ideal for any Clubroom, American Nostalgic Enthusiast, Garage, Workshop or Entertainment AreaBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Toyota Neon Clock - NENC-36Toyota Neon Clock is the perfect piece for a Toyota fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop. NB: Tube on this clock is red, not pink as it appears in the photo.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Valvoline Neon Clock - NENC-139Valvoline pioneered America's original engine oil brand decades before the first automobile ever rolled off an assembly line. The Valvoline Neon Clock is ideal for a Workshop, Retail, Advertising, Garage and ClubroomsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Frosty Boy Neon Clock - NENC-548YOften licked but never Beaten Since is first began in the 1960s, Frosty Boy has been enjoyed by many generations and has established itself as a beloved Kiwi icon among New Zealanders Our Neon Frosty boy Clock is the missing piece of nostalgia for your Caravan, Bach/Crib, Workshop, Retro or Vintage Retail. Hospitality or Entertainment area.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Alfa Romeo Neon Clock - NENC-15Alfa Romeo Neon Clock is the perfect piece for an Alfa fan to hang in the Garage, Workshop, Clubrooms and Entertainment Area.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Ford 1955-57 Emblem Neon Clock (Red-NENC-09R, White-NENC-09W)Ford 1955-57 Emblem Neon clock is the perfect nostalgia piece for a Ford fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Yamaha Neon Clock - NENC-526Yamaha Neon clock is the perfect piece for a Yamaha fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Matchless Neon Clock - NENC-532Matchless Neon clock is the perfect piece for a Matchless fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Triumph Union Jack Neon Clock (Blue NENC-522B, Red NENC-522R, White NENC-522W)Triumph Union Jack Neon clock (blue, red or white tube) is the perfect piece for a Triumph fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Route 66 Neon Clock - NENC-34Route 66 Neon Clock is a perfect piece for a nostalgia fan to hang in the Garage,, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Camaro by Chevrolet Neon Clock - NENC-124Camaro by Chevrolet Neon Clock is the perfect piece for a Camaro fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90VW Logo Neon Clock - NENC-131VW Logo Neon Clock is the perfect piece for a VW fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Pokemon Neon Clock - NENC-149Pokemon Neon Clock is a perfect piece to hang in a child's bedroom as a decorative piece, for them to learn to tell time plus they also act as a great night light.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Kitten Neon Clock - NENC-570The Ultimate Cat Lovers Neon Clock This clock would grace any Home, Office, Workplace, or Childrens areaBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0
$90Ford V8 Genuine Parts Neon Clock (White-NENC-01W,Blue-NENC-01B )Ford V8 Genuine Parts Neon Clock is the perfect piece for a Ford fan to hang in the man cave, shed, bar, pool room or workshop or for a Ford business to hang in the foyer/reception area.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Electric light fittings 0 0