Discover more like Eco Friendly House Plants
$20Eco Friendly House PlantsAuthor: B C Wolverton Publisher: Weidenfeld Nicolson, United Kingdom (1996) Houseplants have always been a popular and stylish addition to homes and offices. Now research at NASA's John C Stennis Skylab Space Center has proved they are also vital to a healthy indoor environment. Dr Wolverton's resea...Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$151001 Little Ways to Save Our PlanetAuthor: Esme Floyd Publisher: Marks Spencer, United Kingdom (2007) Small changes to create a greener, eco-friendly world With ideas for recycling, conservation and enrgy efficiency, 1001 Little Ways to Save our Planet offers quick, simple ways to reduce your impact on the environment and start livin...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$25Burgon & Ball | Mini SnipsPocket sized snips perfect for deadheading, collecting herbs and pinching out annuals. 11cm in length with short razor sharp blades.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Non-store-based 0 0
$15Help! Earth Friendly Hints for Hassle-Free LivingAuthor: Barbara Briddock Publisher: Hodder Moa Beckett, New Zealand (1995) This is a comprehensive, environmentally friendly problem-solver created specifically for New Zealanders. It offers simple, cost effective shortcuts to a vast array of tasks, with tips on how to organise your home life better so that you have more leisure time to enjoy.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$40Conscious Style Home - Eco-Friendly Living for the 21st CenturyAuthor: Danny Seo Publisher: St Martins Press, United States (2001) It doesn't take much time, effort, or money to make a difference in the world. It's the small choices you make every day - from what you wear to what you use to furnish your home - that have a tremendous impact. In this lavishly ill...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$20Green CleanPublisher: L&K Design (2007) Green Clean including vinegar, citrus fruits and baking soda Many chemicals in the cleaning products used each day can harm you and your children, and the environment. Investingf in separate products for individual cleaning jobs can also be expensive when you add up the ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$25Eco-Chic WeddingsAuthor: Emily Elizabeth Anderson Publisher: Hatherleigh Press, United States (2007) Planning your wedding can be the best time to be eco-friendly. The wedding industry has a huge impact on the global economy and the environment, as wedding parties spend over $125 billion a year in the US alone. Eco-...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$20A year in the green house - an environmental diaryAuthor: John Elkington Publisher: Victor Gollancz (1990) John Elkington give an insiders view of the Green movement on the threshold of the Nineties. As tv screens were filled with evocative images of burning rainforests and oilspills; every paper carried headlines on green issues. Hardback, 278 pages (Used)Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$20Going GreenAuthor: Vivian Head This book gives you usefull hints and tips on how to become eco-friendly, for example: - avoid buying produce in fancy packaging, this will help reduce needless waste. - ride your bike to work instead of taking the car, this not only keep you fit but it reduces pollution as well....Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$20Your Health & Your HomeAuthors: Nina Anderson and Albert Benoist Publisher: Keats Publishing Inc, United States (1994) A step-by-step guide to diagnosing your home's environmental ailments and curing them fast The "sick house syndrome" is more and more recognized as the source of a host of diseases, and here is the first ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$60The Healthy Home WorkbookAuthor: Kimberly Rider Publisher: Chronicle Books, United States (2006) Your home is your haven. And a healthy home is one that's free of toxins and stocked with natural materials that are as good for your body as they are for your spirit. Interior designer Kimberly Rider leads the way to creating a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$45The Humane Home | Easy Steps For Sustainable & Green LivingCreate your own unique sustainable home and life with tools, tips, and inspiration from The Humane Home. Sarah Lozanova shows us how to evaluate all the ways our lifestyle and living choices can be more sustainable, from powering our homes to the food we consume and the air we breathe. Small steps e...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Non-store-based 0 0
$40Good Housekeeping - The Ecofriendly HomeAuthor: Dan Phillips Publisher: Harper Collins Illustrated, United Kingdom (2000) Adopting ecofriendly principles of living does not mean having to forfeit elegance in the home. A beautiful and inspiring guide to twenty-first century living, The Ecofriendly Home will help you design and furnish your...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$12.99Wiltshire: Eco Friendly Potato MasherThe Eco Tools range is a sustainably sourced, eco-friendly range ofkitchenware tools, here to help you reduce your carbon footprint. The handle ismade from bio-based polymers a mix of sugarcane and wood fibre. Frompeeling, whisking, mashing and straining, the Eco Tools range has it all Mashed potato...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Household appliance 0 0
$12.99Wiltshire: Eco Friendly Potato MasherThe Eco Tools range is a sustainably sourced, eco-friendly range ofkitchenware tools, here to help you reduce your carbon footprint. The handle ismade from bio-based polymers a mix of sugarcane and wood fibre. Frompeeling, whisking, mashing and straining, the Eco Tools range has it all Mashed potato...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Household appliance 0 0
$45Sustainable BeautySimplify and planet-proof your beauty routine and dresser with Sustainable Beauty. Featuring all the eco-friendly practical information and guidance you need, plus over 20 step-by-step projects and tutorials to start making your own zero-waste beauty products. Written by leading authority and make u...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Non-store-based 0 0
$9.99Wiltshire: Eco Friendly Solid SpoonThe Eco Tools range is a sustainably sourced, eco-friendly range ofkitchenware tools, here to help you reduce your carbon footprint. The handle ismade from bio-based polymers a mix of sugarcane and wood fibre. Frompeeling, whisking, mashing and straining, the Eco Tools range has it all The Eco Solid...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Household appliance 0 0
$25Collins Complete Energy-Saving DIYAuthors: Albert Jackson and David Day Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd (2008) Collins Complete Energy-saving DIY is the definitive guide to making energy-saving changes in and around your home. An extension of the international bestselling Collins Complete DIY Manual, this book provides the m...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$30Green is the New BlackAuthor: Ramsin Blanchard, forward by Lily Cole Publisher: Hodder Stoughton, United Kingdom (2007) How to Change the World with Style Are you a fashionista with a conscience Do you dream of cheap clothes that don't cost the earth Would you love to be ethical, but hate to compromise on style If so, Gr...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$8Wiltshire: Eco Friendly Solid SpoonThe Eco Tools range is a sustainably sourced, eco-friendly range ofkitchenware tools, here to help you reduce your carbon footprint. The handle ismade from bio-based polymers a mix of sugarcane and wood fibre. Frompeeling, whisking, mashing and straining, the Eco Tools range has it all The Eco Solid...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Household appliance 0 0
$10Living for the Future - Home and CitiesAuthor: Sally Morgan Publisher: Franklin Watts, Australia (1997) Every time we turn on a tap we use up some of earth'as resources. And the more people there are, the more resources we use up. These resources will not last forever - but we need them in order to live as we do. For the sake of the futu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$20New Zealand in FlowerAuthor: Alison Evans This book is a colourful foray into the world of New Zealand's native flowering herbs, shrubs and trees. Plants are presented alphabetically by scientific name with the environments they are found and descriptions of the plants follow introductions to the various groupings. Plan...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$15Craft from Recycled MaterialsAuthor: Diana Cross Publisher: Sally Milner Publishing, Australia (1993) Whether you are looking for different types of craft or simply for new ideas, this book will inspire you to create new craft tems from everday materials around the home. Recycling will give you enormous sense of satisfaction, a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$10Living for the Future - Energy and ResourcesAuthor: Paul Brown Publisher: Franklin Watts, Australia (1998) Every time we turn on a tap we use up some of earth'as resources. And the more people there are, the more resources we use up. These resources will not last forever - but we need them in order to live as we do. For the sake of the future...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0