Discover more like MIG WIRE MILD STEEL XCEL-ARC 1.2mm 15kg SPOOL
$165MIG WIRE MILD STEEL XCEL-ARC 1.2mm 15kg SPOOLAvailability: AvailableBuy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$138MIG WIRE FLUX CORED XCEL-ARC 1.2mm 15kg SPOOLAvailability: AvailableBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$86.95Weldco Mig Welding Wire - Premium Mig Wire Mild Steel 1.2mm x 15kgWeldco Mig Welding Wire - Premium Mig Wire Mild Steel 1.2mm x 15kg (WDC0803) ER 70S-6 Grade For welding with gas co2 or Argon/co2 mix Copper coated to help prevent oxidation Precision wound for smooth feedingBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$105.90MIG WIRE MILD STEEL 1.0mm 15kg SPOOL ER70S-6Availability: AvailableBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$59.95Weldco Mig Welding Wire 0.8mm x 15kg Premium Mig Wire Mild SteelWeldco Mig Welding Wire - Premium Mig Wire Mild Steel 0.8mm x 15kg (WDC0800) For welding with gas co2 or Argon/co2 mix Copper coated to help prevent oxidation Precision wound for smooth feeding 300mm RollsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$87Hyundai Mig Wire Supercored 71H 1.2mm 15kgSupercored 71H is a titania flux cored wire for all position welding with high ampere. Its impact value is very good under high heat-input, arc is smooth and slag detachability is excellent - All position welding of shipbuilding, bridges, building and structural fabrication. - Use 100% CO2 gasBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$103.95Bossweld Mig Wire Gasless - 0.8mm x 4.5kgSelf-shielding, all-positional flux-cored MIG wire for single pass applications Smooth arc action, full slag coverage, easy slag removal low spatter No shielding gas is required Excellent for use on thin gauges of galvanised mild steel Precision layer wound MIG wire AWS - A5.20 E71T-GSBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$103.95Bossweld Mig Wire Gasless - 0.9mm x 4.5kgBossweld Mig Wire Gasless - 0.8mm x 4.5kg Self-shielding, all-positional flux-cored MIG wire for single pass applications Smooth arc action, full slag coverage, easy slag removal low spatter No shielding gas is required Excellent for use on thin gauges of galvanised mild steel Precision layer wound MIG wire AWS - A5.20 E71T-GSBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$95.95Bossweld Mig Wire Aluminium - 1.2mm x 2kgD200 Spool 5356 is considered to be the most commonly used aluminium wire Uses include storage Fuel tanks, boat building, bull bars, automotive general aluminium fabrication Suitable for welding a wide range of cast wrought aluminium alloys Precision layer wound aluminium MIG wire Double diamond shaved MIG wire, ensures smooth feed-ability AWS - A5.10 ER5356Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$249CorTen Solid Mig Wire 1.2mm (15Kg) DuroweldAWS A 5.28: ER80S-G ER80S-G is a Low-alloy copper-coated solid wire with Ni-Cu-Cr additions designed for weather-resistant steel. Thanks to the chemical composition and weld metal mechanical properties it is also used for welding high tensile strength steels. Suitable for the construction of contain...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$202.50Hyundai Supercored 81T1MAG FCW 1.2mm 15kg DuroweldAWS A5.29 E81T1- Ni 1 M H4 Hyundai Supercored 81 is a high tensile all position flux cored wire designed for 100% COshielding. You can get smooth arc, and low spatter, good weldability. Has good bead appearance, slag covering is uniform and easy to remove. For use in construction machinery, bridge structures and storage tanks. 15kg Spool.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$103.95Bossweld Mig Wire Aluminium - 1.0mm x 2kgD200 Spool 5356 is considered to be the most commonly used aluminium wire Uses include storage Fuel tanks, boat building, bull bars, automotive general aluminium fabrication Suitable for welding a wide range of cast wrought aluminium alloys Precision layer wound aluminium MIG wire Double diamond shaved MIG wire, ensures smooth feed-ability AWS - A5.10 ER5356Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$107.95Bossweld Mig Wire Aluminium - 0.9mm x 2kgD200 Spool 5356 is considered to be the most commonly used aluminium wire Uses include storage Fuel tanks, boat building, bull bars, automotive general aluminium fabrication Suitable for welding a wide range of cast wrought aluminium alloys Precision layer wound aluminium MIG wire Double diamond shaved MIG wire, ensures smooth feed-ability AWS - A5.10 ER5356Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$69.95Weldco Mig Welding Wire 0.8mm X 4.5kg GaslessWeldco Mig Welding Wire - Premium Gasless Multi Pass 0.8mm x 4.5kg (WDC0775) A top Multi-pass Gasless Mig Wire (No Gas Needed) Excellent Arc Characteristics Single or Multi-Pass E71T-11 All Position Wire General Purpose Wire for Mild Steel, Galvanised Steels Factory Fresh Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag Lowe...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$69.95Weldco Mig Welding Wire 0.9mm X 4.5kg GaslessWeldco Mig Welding Wire - Premium Gasless Multi Pass 0.9mm x 4.5kg (WDC0777) A top Multi-pass Gasless Mig Wire (No Gas Needed) Excellent Arc Characteristics Single or Multi-Pass E71T-11 All Position Wire General Purpose Wire for Mild Steel, Galvanised Steels Factory Fresh Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag Lowe...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$52.95Bossweld Mig Wire Stainless Steel - 0.9mm x 1kg316LSi would be considered the most widely used stainless steel MIG wire For welding of similar composition (316 316L in some cases 304 304L) as well as joining mild low alloy Precision layer wound wire Low Carbon content reduces the risk of Carbide precipitation Easy starting and Smooth feeding wire AWS - A5.9 ER316LSiBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$59.95Weldco Mig Welding Wire -0.8mm x 1kg Stainless Steel Premium Mig WireWeldco Mig Welding Wire - Premium Mig Wire Stainless Steel 0.8mm x 1kg 316L Grade High quality finish Precision wound for smooth feedingBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Internet only 0 0
$105Hyundai Supercored 71LHM FCW 1.2mm (15kg) DuroweldAWS A5.20 E71T-1M/9M Hyundai SC-71LHM Cored is a titania type flux cored wire for all position welding of building, shipbuilding, bridge construction, machinery, and vehicles. It has extra low hydrogen level(H5) and provides an exceptionally smooth and stable arc with a fast freezing slag system. Provides excellent weld-ability with minimal clean up. Use with Argon/C02 Mixed Gas. 15kg SpoolBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$119Xcel Men’s 2mm Comp X L/S Springsuit WetsuitXCEL COMP X 2MM L/S SPRINGSUIT - BLACK. PLUSH THERMO LITE CHEST = COMFORT AND WARMTH S" SEAL UPPER BODY. Coastal SportsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$85$69XCEL FEATURES AND BENEFITBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0 -
$112.50Hyundai Supercored 70NS MCW 1.2mm DuroweldAWS A5.18 E70C-6M Hyundai Supercored 70NS is a metal-cored wire which combines the high deposition rates of F.C.W with the high efficiencies of a solid wire, provides exceptionally smooth and stable arc, low spatter and minimal slag coverage. 70NS is used for welding in shipbuilding, machinery, brid...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$142.50Hyundai Supercored 80ML MCW 1.2mm (15kg) DuroweldAWS A5.28 E80C-Ni1 H4 Hyundai Supercored 80ML is the metal cored wire which combines the high deposition rates of a flux cored wire with the high efficiencies of the solid wire. SC-80ML provides an exceptionally smooth and stable arc, low spatter and minimal slag coverage and achieves good impact value to low temperature(-50 ). Use Ar 10-25% CO2 gasBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$325CoreTen Solid Mig Wire 0.9mm (15Kg) DuroweldAWS A 5.28: ER80S-G ER80S-G is a Low-alloy copper-coated solid wire with Ni-Cu-Cr additions designed for weather-resistant steel. Thanks to the chemical composition and weld metal mechanical properties it is also used for welding high tensile strength steels. Suitable for the construction of contain...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$195DUROARC 316LSI Stainless Steel MIG Wire DuroweldAWS A5.9 ER316LSi All Positional Premium Solid Stainless Steel Mig Wire 12.5kg 5kg Spl Duralloy 316LSI is a stainless steel MIG wire with high silicon levels to improve arc characteristics and improves weld edge wetting weld pool fluidity. EDuralloy 316LSI used for welding of 316 and 316L grade stai...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0