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$40Tikanga: An Introduction to Te Ao MaoriAn introduction to te ao Maori, the guide to understanding the Maori world from a 21st century point of view. The book we've all been needing for decades; a unique explanation of the world of Maoridom for Pakeha, and all others disconnected from the Maori world. Told with simple lucidity and great e...Buy from Store Showing More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$21My First Words About Tikanga MāoriFrom the marae to the whare, from getting to know each other to sharing kai, this illustrated picture dictionary is a fabulous guide to the Maori way of life Stacey Morrison has created an illustrated guide to Maori customs and practices for children (and adults), as a companion to her #1 bestsellin...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$29.95The Maori Picture DictionaryA playful and comprehensive look-up reference to everyday words, for anyone interested in te reo Maori. This comprehensive picture dictionary contains illustrations for over 1400 of the most common words used in daily life. Wonderfully illustrated by two up-and-coming Maori artists, / Te Papakupu Wh...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$7.99what is an amphibian? maori RRP $15.99what is an amphibian Maori A series of statements covering different aspects of what makes up an amphibian, in an effort to find out exactly what a reptile has that is unique.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$18Teach Your Dog Maori - Anne CakebreadA light-hearted, fully-illustrated retro-style picture book with 50 words and phrases for you to practise your Maori with your furry best friend. Suitable as a first introduction to Maori for learners of all ages, for tourists who would like a fun way to pick up a few basic words when visiting New Zealand, and as a revision book for adults who haven't used their Maori for a while.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$18.26Book- My First Words Tikanga MāoriMy First Words About Tikanga Mori Author: Stacey Morrison Paperback / softback Trade paperback ( UK) 32 pp h 275 mm x w 215 mm x s 4 mm 189 g Description: From the marae to the whare, from getting to know each other to sharing kai, this illustrated picture dictionary is a fabulous guide to the Mori way of life Stacey Morrison has created an illustratedBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$21Matariki The Maori New YearThis book is an introduction to the star group Matariki. Known in other cultures by names including the Pleiades and the Seven Sisters, Matariki featured strongly in pre-European New Zealand. It marked the beginning of the Maori calendar, and its rising before the sun in late May or early June was g...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$34.99Maori Tales Of Long Ago - A. W. ReedMaori Tales of Long Ago is a fresh facsimile edition of a classic collection of sixteen stories adapted from Maori mythology for a young readership. The tales were originally published by A.W. A.H. Reed during the late 1940s in two hardback volumes, Maori Tales of Long Ago and Wonder Tales of Maoril...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$39.99Transgressing TikangaFirst-hand accounts written by Pkeh men and women who were captured by Mori up to 1884, when committing blatant acts of aggression or unknowingly transgressing tikanga.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$8.99hinepau (maori) By Gavin Bishophinepau (maori) by gavin Bishop Hinepau is cast out by her tribe because they fear her difference, thinking she is a witch. But she is the one, with her upside down weaving, who is able to heal the land after it is destroyed by volcanic ash. Interest age: 2-6 years 32 pagesBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$8.99I Can't Imagine How That Happened Maori Paperback RRP $21.99I Can't Imagine How That Happened Maori Paperback I Can't Imagine How That Happened (Maori Edition) Meg and her Grandpa are off camping and fishing at the lake. Grandpa keeps playing practical jokes on Meg, but then Meg gets her own back 32 pagesBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$30Aroha - Maori wisdom for a contented life lived in harmony with our planetPerfect if you're looking for: - An introduction to te Ao Mori - A new perspective - A beautiful gift In this stunning book, respected Maori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder shares traditional Maori philosophy through 52 whakatauki simple, powerful life lessons, one for every week. The lessons offer a ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$65Books of Mana: 180 Māori-Authored Books of SignificanceBooks of Mana celebrates the rich tradition of Maori authorship in Aotearoa New Zealand. It reveals the central place of over 200 years of print literacy within te ao Maori and vividly conveys how books are understood as taonga tuku iho - treasured items handed down through generations. In this beau...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$11.99First Words Te Reo Maori & English Board BookMoana Road First Words Board book Learn alongside your tamariki with these fun, colourful books that illustrate all the things we love about beautiful Aotearoa with words in Te Reo Maori and English. Book Size: H14 x W14 x D1.2 cmBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$8.99Kia Heke Te Po RRP $21.99Kia Heke Te Po A charming introduction to New Zealand's night wildlife, starting with the kiwi. Each page describes the creature to be found on the next page, encouraging the reader to predict what the animal might be. 24 pagesBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$16Animals For Kiwi Babies BBEnglish Te Reo Maori. Baby's first words for the most commonly encountered animals in Aotearoa, in English and Maori.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$40Atua: Maori Gods and HeroesGavin Bishop's stunning once-in-a-generation compendium introduces readers to the pantheon of Maori gods demigods and heroes and explores Aotearoa's most exciting legends from the Creation to the Migration. Meet the gods demigods and heroes of the Maori people of Aotearoa in this breathtaking large-...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$25.50Nga Tikanga Hautu Waka O AotearoaThe New Zealand General Road Code has been translated into te reo Maori. There are no changes in road rules or regulations. The translation of the road code into te reo Maori will help the growing number of reo Maori speakers to understand the road rules and regulations. ISBN: 9781991068835 Imprint:...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$14Know Your Maori Weaving (plaiting-weaving-tukutuku-whakatauki)MURDOCH RILEY: Weaving was born of necessity, to keep the body warm, to clothe it, just as potters of pre-history made pots for mankind to hold foods and liquids. B oth processess also express the human need to make and create, using the hands and eyes. Weaving of natural, organic materials has a so...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$70Aroha: Maori wisdom for a contented lifelived in harmony with our planet The timeless wisdom of Maori proverbs - 52 traditional Maori sayings explained by respected Maori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder, showing us how we can live better lives, in harmony with the planet. Ki te kotahi te kakaho ka whati, ki te kapuia, e kore e whati When we...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$41Māori Philosophy: Indigenous Thinking from AotearoaCovering the symbolic systems and worldviews of the Indigenous peoples of Aotearoa, New Zealand, this book is a concise introduction to Maori philosophy. It addresses core philosophical issues including Maori notions of the self, the world, epistemology, the form in which Maori philosophy is conveye...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0
$38Maori at Home: An Everyday Guide to Learning the Maori Language - Scotty & Stacey MorrisonThe accessible and fun guide for everyday Kiwis looking to learn and speak the Maori language around the home. Kei hea o putu whutuporo Where are your rugby boots Homai te ranu tomato Pass me the tomato sauce Kei te pehea te huarere i tenei ra How is the weather today Kei hea to mahi kainga Where is...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Books 0 0