Discover more like Purple Dahlia Bush
$60Purple Dahlia BushIn stock This was another experiment I have a purple Dahlia which is a prolific flowerer. Each year these put out a real bush of dark green leaves and purple flowers. It was later in the afternoon and the sun was setting adding a little light to the Dahlia. I was trying out different settings on my ...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$60B & W Yellow DahliaIn stock #InMyGarden Every spring I re-plant my Dahlia Tubers hoping for a stunning array of continuous flowers in the summer. So far I have had heart- beautifying displays. I like colours bright colours and any variegated ones are always special and fascinating. This is a yellow dahlia in bright su...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Bumble Bee Nestled on DahliaIn stock Garden Moments you have to be amongst the plants to see them, to be at one and non-distruptive to the creatures which busy themselves with the delights of flowers and leaves. I find bumble bees secretive but fully open to everything around them I have never found a bumble bee next nor know ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Yellow Pointed Petal DahliaIn stock City botanic gardens are a explores paradise. Every garden bed and turn a plethora of plants and flowers and beautiful things to see. Amongst it all is yellow flowers, dark green leaves and a few bugs if you look at the right time A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Macro: Red & Yellow DahliaIn stock I was determined to have Dahlias for my wedding flowers. The florists werent hopeful that they would be able to supply them. So I found the ones I wanted, bought heaps and they now are the base for my Dahlia patch. Alas, this one wasnt ready in time and I missed out on having it in my bouqu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Bumble Bee on Red & Yellow DahliaIn stock Garden Moments you have to be amongst the plants to see them, to be at one and non-distruptive to the creatures which busy themselves with the delights of flowers and leaves. This photo sparked my love to capture these cute, physics-denying creatures. Their shape, their non-violence and onc...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Purple DaisiesIn stock Genuine lavender coloured flowers. On as bush, in the shape of daisies. This was another beautiful find at Christchurch Botanic Gardens. A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60B & W: Single Purple DahliaIn stock The technique of black and white colouring has arrived in camera This image was a fluke. I still cant remember who to set my camera to only capture one colour at a time anyone know, get in touch A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Pink & Yellow DahliaIn stock Look closely you will see a different site. Look closely and you might get blurry eyes. Look closely you might see it all. Look closely the colours are a mix. Look closely its a centre of a Dahlia A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Pink Dahlia PetalsIn stock Sunlight, flower. beauty. Dahlia, pink, petals. Shadow, green blur, leaf. Focused hyperfocused on those sunlit petals. #magic# nature #beautiful #inmygarden A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Pink Dahlia PetalsIn stock Same same but moved. Here is my warmth, here is my beauty. With love from Earth. A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Pink Dahlia PetalsIn stock Hyper-focused same plant different flower, same garden, same wall, same sunlight. Inviting and warm here is my beauty, here is my beauty. A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$25The Purple Dahlia - MastertonThe Purple Dahlia is a local flower grower and florist providing fresh and dried locally grown flowers based in Masterton. We run bespoke workshops for brides wanting to learn how to create their own wedding flowers, hen parties, birthday parties for adults and children, flowers for photoshoots and ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Credit card administration 0 0
$60Bumble Bee Fend on DahliaIn stock Right time, right place for this shot. I think the Bumble 1 is setting up to fend off Bumble 2 Or it could be a Bumble 2 has fluffed his approach and going to take out Bumble 1. There may even be another version what do you think A4 Print mounted. Fits standard size frame. Final Mounted Size: 400mm X 300mm Watermarks will be removed from final product.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dahlia 'Purple Flame'This colour is hugely popular for cut flowers, contrasting well with others in a bouquet and also stunning in the garden. The vibrant, rich purple flowers of Purple Flame contrast beautifully with it's dark stems and foliage,Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dahlia 'Mary Evelyn'Lovely old fashioned, charming collarette dahlia in a deep dark red, with a white and violet ruff. This dahlia will create a talking point in your garden with its pretty, unusual flowers.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dahlia 'Patches'Vibrant new dahlia, Patches has gorgeous pink petals with some flowers having a random dusting of white edges and some flowers are more solid colouring. This gives a whimsical, magnificent display on the plants.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Right Align: Red & Yellow DahliaIn stock Wind The most annoying thing for me when I am photographying It moves the perfect set up and alightment. Changes the lighting. Makes me have to push the shutter adhoc and take a photo on hope that the shutter is fast enough Here is one image which is a success of a wind capture A4 Print mou...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dahlia 'Karma Amora'This dahlia is a show stopper, flowering with deep red almost waterlily like flowers on long, strong, dark coloured stems. A favourite with landscapers as a statement dahlia, but also invaluable as a cut flower, with incredible vase life.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Left Align Bumble Bee on DahliaIn stock I find taking photographs in black and white simplifies what I am looking at. I dont do it much as I want to capture life as I really see it. For this shot I had to rely on the sun in the afternoon before it disappeared for the day. Because the bee was about to move, I had to push the shutt...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dahlia 'Nathalie G'This is a wonderful big ball type dahlia, with long strong stems, excellent for cut flowers. It has rosy salmon, peach pink blooms that make everyone get weak at the knees. A must have in a cut flower garden.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion'A stunning dahlia, highly sought, it has huge flowers on strong stems, snow white petals, edged in dreamy purple.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Hydranga, InvercargillIn stock Hydrangers so common around New Zealand. A hardy plant which changes the flower colour depending on the nutrients in the soil. If there is aluminum sulfate in the soil the flowers will be blue, if more lime is present the flowers will be pink. Alas. not every variety is like this and I thin...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dahlia 'Pink Magic'This elegant Dahlia has soft rose-pink petals with deep rose markings/veins and a soft yellow centre. The rounded flowers have long, sturdy stems and it makes a excellent cut or border flower.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0