Discover more like Tagiwig - Immune Tonic - [25ml]
$28.90Tagiwig - Immune Tonic - [25ml]A natural remedy to boost the immune system. Immune Tonic is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support an animal suffering from a challenged immune system or at times when they need an immune support. All of us including our pets will need an immune boost at some stage in our lives. There...Buy from Store Showing More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Mouth Tonic - [25ml]Mouth inflammation in cats and dogs. Mouth Tonic is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of a cat or dog that is suffering from gum inflammation, gingivitis, mouth and gum disease, tooth decay, bad breath,and tartar build up. All our remedies have been deve...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Kidney Tonic - [25ml]A natural kidney support. Kidney Tonic is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of an animal suffering from impaired kidney function, kidney complaints, under function and renal failure. Kidney Tonic has been developed to support all problems that develop wi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - House Dust Mite - [25ml]A natural remedy for house dust mite allergies in cats and dogs. H.D.M is a homeopathic and herbal blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of an animal suffering from allergies to house dust and house dust mites. More and more pets are become allergic to house dust or house...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Spray - [25ml]A natural remedy for spraying cats. Spray is a homeopathic and flower essence blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of a cat that is spraying Cats spraying is usually related to stress, something would of changed in the house, somebody moved in or out, a new cat has arriv...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Bladder Tone - [25ml]Urinary incontinence in Dogs and Cats. BladderTone is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of a cat or dog that is suffering with urinary incontinence problems. Many animals suffer from urinary incontinence and this condition can be caused or recognised as ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Feline Sniffles - [25ml]A natural remedy for Cat flu. A homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of a cat that is suffering from cat flu. Symptoms can include - sneezing, sinus congestion and discharge, ulceration of nose or mouth and weeping eyes. All our remedies have been developed b...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Bowel Move - [25ml]A natural remedy for constipation in cats and dogs. Bowel Move is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the natural immune response of an animal suffering from a sluggish bowel and constipation. It not only assists with constipation, but can also be used to help promote healthy bowel ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Uri-Tone - [25ml]For Urinary tract infections (UTI), cystitis in cats and dogs. Uri-tone is a homeopathic blend designed to support the immune response of a cat or dog that is suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections, cystitis, crystal build up, bladder inflammation and pain. UTI's are becoming more common ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Canine Sniffles - [25ml]A natural kennel cough remedy. Canine Sniffles is a homeopathic blend that has been designed specifically to support the natural immune response of an animal suffering from kennel cough, a dry hacking cough, respiratory and chest inflammation. Dogs get coughs for many reasons, this can be from going...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Ears - [25ml]A natural remedy for ear mites and ear inflammation. Ears is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of an animal that is suffering from ear mites, ear inflammation, offensive smells and discharge. Many pets can develop sore ears or ear mites. This can be from...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Fear Less - [25ml]A natural remedy for fear of thunder and fireworks. Fear Less is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of an animal suffering from fear, fright or nervousness associated with - but not limited to fireworks, thunder, thunderstorms, gunfire, vacuum cleaners, l...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$28.90Tagiwig - Drama Queen - [25ml]A natural remedy for anxiety and stress in cats and dogs. Drama Queen is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of an animal suffering from minor emotional upset, anxiety, over grooming and stressful behaviour. Drama Queen is great at helping to settle an anx...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$56Immune Tonic Immune ModulatorImmune Modulator As Medical Herbalists we believe herbal medicine can be our ally. Immune Tonic is designed for those who want to support the immune system during any illness. We recommend this tonic for those have underlying health conditions who want to do everything possible to help their body d...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Health supplement 0 0
$53General Tonic DepurativeAlterative A mixture of stress reducing, immune modulating and digestive herbs to support overall vitality. An excellent introduction to herbal medicine. Take daily for 6 weeks. Echinacea root ~ Immune tonic Withania root Adaptogenic Milk thistle seeds Liver tonic Dandelion root Gall bladder tonic Liquorice root Adrenal tonic  Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Health supplement 0 0
$54Harker Herbals Immune TonicHarker Herbals immune Tonic contains 12 harmonious herbs and essential oils to support the body's natural immune response, especially when rundown and feeling tired. Formulated in a traditional North American style, this tonic includes echinacea purpurea, thyme and horehound, traditionally used to support everyday immune health and long term recovery for those prone to immune challenges.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$55$31$31.00 Immune Tonic Combats Flu-like symptoms. Take at the onset of a man-flu to prevent the full manifestation of symptoms or part way though a man-flu to help relieve symptoms such as sore throat, chesty cough and sinus congestion. Drink plenty of fluids. If you take the ManFlu Tonic for a Covid i...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Health supplement 0 0 -
$58Survivor Immunity Immune ModulatorImmune Modulator Benefits those who are affected by stress which impacts on the immune system. This tonic supports the stress response and supports a tired immune system. It benefits those who fall sick easily or have had past illnesses which have left the immune system vulnerable to further exposu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Health supplement 0 0
$57Winter Tonic TrophorestorativeRestorative Tonic This winter tonic is a mixture of immune boosting and mood boosting herbs to get you through the winter. It also contains warming herbs that aid digestion and protects you from the spoils of comfort winter foods as well as provides a boost for the circulation. Take it for 3 months...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Health supplement 0 0
$24.50Pet Minerals 25mlMineral tonic containing Seaweed Livaux.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Specialised food 0 0
$38.50Immune TonicA Malcolm Harker original tonic of 12 harmonious herbs and essentail oils to support the body's natural immune response, especially when rundown and feeling tired. Formulated in a traditional North American style, this tonic includes echinacea purpurea, thyme and horehound, traditionally used to sup...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Food manufacturing 0 0
$39.50SedaPet – Dog – 25mlNatural calmative remedy for animals.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Specialised food 0 0