Discover more like The Lord’s Prayer – A Yogi’s Prespective – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)
$21The Essence of Kriya Yoga – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Seemingly lost for centuries, the ancient science of Kriya Yoga was resurrected in 1861 when Shri Lahiri Mahasaya, the fountainhead of Kriya Yoga, took initiation from Mahavatar Babaji, who instructed him to teach this divine technique to a suffering humanity. In this book, The Essence of Kriya Yoga...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Science of Kriya Yoga – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Kriya Yoga is a scientific technique. It is the easiest, quickest, simplest technique for God-realization." These were the heartfelt words of Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji, the renowned Kriya Yoga master who tested and proved the effectiveness of this transformational technique for himself. He devoted...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20The Lineage of Kriya Masters – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Paramahamsa Prajnanananda is the successor and current spiritual head of the Kriya Yoga Institutions which were started and spread all over the world by his Master, Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who was Shriyukteshwar s and Yogananda s most outstanding direct disciple and one of the greatest realized K...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Dimensions of Kriya Yoga – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Among all the different spiritual practices, the most ancient and effective one is the science of Kriya Yoga. The ancient scriptures like the Vedas, Puranas, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, and other classical spiritual texts sing the glory of Kriya Yoga. It is a very simple, effective, non-sectarian, and ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$25The Bhagavad Gita In the Light of Kriya Yoga, Book 1 – Kriya Yoga Association …Book One: Chapters One through Six. Bhagavad Gita In the Light of Kriya Yoga is a true spiritual handbook essential for quick spiritual progress and God-Realization. This rare metaphorical interpretation of the first 6 chapters from the mouth of the Realized Master reveals its inner meaning and its ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$25The Bhagavad Gita In the Light of Kriya Yoga, Book 2 – Kriya Yoga Association …Book Two: Chapters Seven through Twelve. Bhagavad Gita In the Light of Kriya Yoga is a true spiritual handbook essential for quick spiritual progress and God-Realization. This rare metaphorical interpretation of the first 6 chapters from the mouth of the Realized Master reveals its inner meaning and...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$18Lord Jagannath: Through the Eyes of a Yogi – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Within the hallowed confines of Puri, one of Indias most holy cities, stands the Jagannath Temple. This magnificent monument is dedicated to the Supreme Lord of the Universe, Shri Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu. It is fitting that the temple is surrounded by myriad legends and mysteries, for it houses th...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Lahiri Masashaya – Fountainhead of Kriya Yoga – Kriya Yoga Association of Ne…While leading an ordinary life amidst every sort of adversity possible to the worldly man, Lahiri Mahasaya was able to reach the apogee of Self-realization, keeping it as his ultimate goal, solely through his spiritual practice and his love for his master. Through the practice of the divine and immo...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$5Daily Prayers – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Prayer is communication with God. Prayer is the art of expressing our love to God. Through prayer, the mind is purified and the heart is sanctified. Prayer has a healing effect on the body, the mind, and the soul. Prayer is common to all religions and transcends age. In this second printing, Paramah...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$26Torah, Bible and Kriya Yoga – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Metaphorical Explanation of the Torah and the New Testament in the Light of Kriya Yoga. The essence of all religious practices, all scriptures and the teachings of all the Prophets, Saints and Sages and Realized Masters is to get calmness and love through proper understanding and meditation. The rel...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Ten commandments of Yoga – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)In The Ten Commandments of Yoga, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda explains in detail the origin and meanings of the major steps in the path to enlightenment, from the path of self-discipline, Yama and Niyama, to the path of surrender to the Divine, Ishwara Pranidhana. Through clear explanations of abstract...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$22Autobiography of a Yogi – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)This is the first time that an authentic Hindu yogi has written his life story for a Western audience. Describing in vivid detail his many years of spiritual training under a Christlike master Sri Yukteswar of Serampore, Bengal Yogananda has here revealed a fascinating and little-known phase of mode...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$15The Road Less Traveled: My Journey to Monkhood by Swami Gurupriyananda – Kriya…Sudha Ma was born in a loving and devoted Hindu family in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India and grew up in Hyderabad where she spent the remainder of her childhood. Because she was raised in a family with great spiritual discipline, faith in god, prayer and worship came naturally. Her mother, a teacher,...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$6Expression of Love Prayer and Meditation – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)Driven by an unrelenting desire for nectar, the butterfly flies from one flower to the next. When it discovers the one that holds the sweet treasure, it gently alights, becoming completely still, as it blissfully enjoys the nectar. Similarly, our restless mind is like the fluttering butterfly, going...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$32Paramahamsa Hariharananda – Journey to the West – Kriya Yoga Association of …40th Anniversary Souvenir 1974-2014, Private accounts from his most devoted disciples This commemorative travel journal spans four decades of Kriya Yoga in the West with stories and photos from Paramahamsa Hariharanandas beautiful life as a supreme yogi and God-realized saint. It begins with his aus...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$30Shri Purushottama Rahasya (Mystery of Lord Jagannath) by Baba Chaitanya Charan D…Among the countless books that have been written about Lord Jagannath there is sometimes one that stands apart from the rest. Shri Purushottama Rahasya: The Mysticism of Lord Jagannath is such a book. What makes this book unique is that the esteemed author, Baba Chaitanya Charan Das, provides the re...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$25River of Compassion – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)A biography of Paramahamsa Hariharananda by his loving disciple and designated successor.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20The Essence of the Gita – Kriya Yoga Association of New Zealand (KYANZ)As with many of the worlds most significant scriptures, the Bhagavad Gitas rich metaphorical gems have been misconstrued by the masses. The Bhagavad Gita stands alone in describing the human predicament " our erroneous identification with our bodies and minds that prevents us from recognizing our di...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0