Discover more like KŪmarahou Kete
$150KŪmarahou KeteOur KmarahouKeteprovides a selection of our most popular Kmarahou products, beautifully presented in our kowhaiwhai gift box. Our carefully curated kete range make great gifts and save you money- save over $25 when you purchase this kete. Kmarahou is a vulnerary rongoeffective for soothing and heal...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$150TÄtarÄmoa KeteOur Ttarmoa Box provides a selection of our most popular Ttarmoaproducts, beautifully presented in our kowhaiwhai gift box.Our carefully curated kete range make great gifts and save you money- save over$25 when you purchase this kete. Ttarmoa (Rubus cissoides) is an effective, calming rongo rakau t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$100Glycetract KeteG L Y C E T R A C T B O X S E T Our latest kete is finally ready to launch - a powerful, healing set of some of our most popular glycetracts - Kohekohe, Kawakawa, Kmarahou,TtarmoaandAngiangi. Purchasing our kete range enables you to save money - individually these glycetracts retail for $125; or sav...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$150TŪpÄkihi KeteOur TpkihiBox provides a selection of our most popular Tpkihiproducts, beautifully presented in our kowhaiwhai gift box.Our carefully curated kete range make great gifts and save you money- save over$55 when you purchase this kete. Tpkihi (Coriaria arborea)is a traditional mori rongo used to knit t...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$150Kawakawa KeteOur KawakawaBox provides a selection of our most popular Kawakawa products, beautifully presented in our kowhaiwhai gift box. Our carefully curated kete range make great gifts and save you money- save over$55 when you purchase this kete. Kawakawa is a powerful, reliable and effective rongo for trea...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$70Pani Pani KeteP A N I P A N I K E T E We've put together another gorgeous selection of our most popular 100% natural pani and creams - the perfect gift and a great way to test out our product. All the contents of the Pani Kete, but we've swapped out the Hand Sanitiser for ourK marahou Butter. KETE CONTAINS: 30gmK...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$319Cold & Flu KeteC O L D F L U K E T E Our Cold Flu Kete is a collection of rongo made from powerful and effective plant medicine extracts, vitamins and nutrients, designed to heal and boost your physical and mental wellbeing during the cold and flu season. The rongo contained in these kete have been well researched...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$62Dried Flowers and Herb DryerTie herbs or flowers together and hang them to dry upside down on this herb and flower dryerBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Flower 0 0
$98Glycetract Box SetG L Y C E T R A C T B O X S E T Weve put together aselectionof glycetracts that offer a powerhouse of concentrated rongo goodness - please note we have a very limited amount of these glycetracts. C O N T A I N S : KmarahouGlycetract50ml MulleinGlycetract50ml KawakawaGlycetract 50ml Individually thes...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$123.05Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Organic HerbBrahmi Herb (Bacopa monnieri) Organic. High quality, pure Brahmi organic dried herb for sale at Shaman's Garden, - shaman .Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Tea manufacturing 0 0
$65.50Hanging Rustic Herb / Flower DryerHerbs are delicious fresh but can also be used when dried. Tie fresh herbs together with twine and hang them up the hooks of this herb and flower dryer. Includes 5 hooks. Approximate dimensions: 35.5 cm x 35.5 cm x 40cmBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$55.99Nutra Organics Chicken Bone Broth | Garden Herb | 125gNutra Organic's Chicken Bone Broth Garden Herb is naturally nourishing with zinc B vitamins to support immunity, energy and gut wellbeing. Naturally delicious and gently refractance dried into a powder for maximum nutrients, their broths won't be beaten on flavour nutritional benefits. Ready in seconds, as tasty and nutritious as homemade, and easy to take on the go.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > General store operation 0 0
$78Kete C Abstract DesignYour kete arrives flat in a box to be assembled. This is a complex kitset with many pieces to fit in place. Instructions are included to help you. On the back of the kete there is a hole for a screw, so you can attach to the wall. Laser cut from printed MDF. We've called this layout C, wood feathers...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Artist supply 0 0
$78Kete A Abstract DesignYour kete arrives flat in a box to be assembled. This is a complex kitset with many pieces to fit in place. Instructions are included to help you. On the back of the kete there is a hole for a screw, so you can attach to the wall. Laser cut from printed MDF. We've called this layout A, wood feathers...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Artist supply 0 0
$78Kete B Abstract DesignYour kete arrives flat in a box to be assembled. This is a complex kitset with many pieces to fit in place. Instructions are included to help you. On the back of the kete there is a hole for a screw, so you can attach to the wall. Laser cut from printed MDF. We've called this layout B, light wood fe...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Artist supply 0 0
$120Spice and Herb GrinderItem: Spice Herb Grinder. Grind your dry spices into dust in just a few seconds. Good quality, heavy duty spice grinder. Capacity(g):100 Power(W):650 Rotate speed(R/MIN):28000 Size of product:16.5 13.8 33.5CMBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Clothing > Womenswear 0 0
$95Recovery KeteR E C O V E R Y K E T E Ourprovides a selection of our most popular detox and recovery products CONTAINS 50ML Kmarahou Glycetract 50MLKawakawa Glycetract 250ML Harker Herbals Detox Support Tonic K M A R A H O U G L Y C E T R A C T Kmarahouassistsliverand kidney function and helpsyour body to natural...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$95Kiwiana KeteBright Seasonal flowers arranged into a woven kete.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flower 0 0
$62.99Bbq garlic and herb pulled lamb, pomegranate glaze. Serves 2 - 3BBQ garlic and herb pulled lamb, pomegranate glaze. Serves 2 - 3 Hawkes Bay lamb shoulder marinated in garlic and crushed herbs, slow cooked and served with a pomegranate glaze and topped with fresh pomegranates. This is available for delivery on December 22nd. Serves 2 - 3 people (500G) Delivery ar...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$65Herb & Garlic Mix and Casings -Bulk KitIncludes Herb Garlic spice Mix to make approx 20 kg of sausages and 40m of 32/34 natural hog casings All you need to add is the meat, casings and a little water It is not difficult to make and so good and less than half the price in the shop and you know what is in itBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$50Sacred Herb Bundles For Energy Cleansing - Kiera FoggThe spiritual art of working with herb bundles has become a worldwide phenomenon, with celebrities, business executives, and modern spiritual seekers embracing the simple and powerful practice. Sacred Herb Bundles for Energy Cleansing is all about simplifying the process of creating custom herb bund...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$52Ceramic kete - Woven Maori basket - kete. Three designs: pohutukawa, kowhai or blue/green. These kete (basket) have a flat back and can hang on the wall straight away.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$80Kete with Red rosesSay "I love you" with a stunning red kete. Beautifully arranged in floral foam for easy care, no vase needed. Ideal for delivery to the office or home.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0