Discover more like Kawakawa Super Balm - Green
$20Kawakawa Super Balm - GreenD E E P G R E E N G O O D N E S S A luxurious deep green skin balm rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial antiseptic compounds to soothe and heal your skin. C O N T A I N S : Kawakawa leaves Cold pressed sunflower oil Natural beeswax A P P L I C A T I O N : Use for general massage and topical ski...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$20Kawakawa Super Balm - GoldG O L D E N G O O D N E S S Our Gold Kawakawa Balm is a beautiful skin balm, rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial antiseptic compounds to soothe and heal your skin. C O N T A I N S : Kawakawa leaves Cold pressed sunflower oil Natural beeswax A P P L I C A T I O N : Use for general massage and ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Hypericum & Kawakawa BalmS K I N H E A L I N G G O O D N E S S Our gorgeous Hypericum and Kawakawa Balm is a beautiful combination of skin healing rkau. H Y P E R I C U M : Hypericum(St John's Wort) is used topically for the treatment of scars, wounds, abrasions, burns, sunburns and inflammatoryskindisorders. K A W A K A W...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$70Pani KeteP A N I K E T E We've put together a gorgeous selection of our most popular 100% natural pani - the perfect gift and a great way to test out our product. We've also included our super popular 50ml Kanuka Sanitiser for your purse or waka. KETE CONTAINS: 50ml Knuka Hand Sanitiser 30gm Kawakawa Super ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$70Pani Pani KeteP A N I P A N I K E T E We've put together another gorgeous selection of our most popular 100% natural pani and creams - the perfect gift and a great way to test out our product. All the contents of the Pani Kete, but we've swapped out the Hand Sanitiser for ourK marahou Butter. KETE CONTAINS: 30gmK...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19Kawakawa Balm30gm 65gm Wild Free Kawakawa balm is made of simple and natural ingredients, suitable for all skin types.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$90Kawakawa BoxK A W A K A W AB O X Our Kawakawa Box provides a selection of our most popular kawakawa products, beautifully presented in our kowhaiwhai gift box. Kawakawa (Piper Excelsum) effectively treats infection and helps reduce inflammation in various skin conditions.Rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-microbia...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$14Baby Botty BalmA gentle antioxidant blend of soothing, healing herbs and emollients in a wax barrier for protection. Apply with each nappy change to help prevent rashes. Gently apply to soften cradle cap. Size: 30gm or 60gm pots Ingredients: Olive oil, beeswax, wheatgerm oil, St.Johns wort, comfrey, lavender, cale...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$110Birthday BoxB I R T H D A Y B O X Our birthday box has been carefully curated to provide a selection of our most popular and effective rongo, beautifully presented in our kowhaiwhai gift box. CONTAIN S 30gm Green Kawakawa Super Balm 30gm Tpkihi and Knuka Rapid Relief Balm 50ml Kmarahou Dark Oil 50ml Gold Kawaka...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$18Kawakawa BalmThe perfect balance between incredible versatility and technical care. An emollient used to treat irritations of the skin associated with; dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, bites, burns and nappy rash. Kawakawa: Ultra hydrating and rich in bioactives that help target inflammation and stimulate skin cell ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19Arnica & Kawakawa Balm30gm 65gm This balm is infused with Organic Arnica flowers, kawakawa and Lavender. Rub onto bruises, veins, sore muscles, swellings, damaged tissue, sore joints, scars.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$95MOTHER'S DAY KETEG I F T K E T E We have put together a beautiful kete for mum- a selection of natural pamper products to indulge herwith. C O N T A I N S : 50ml Kawakawa Toner 50ml Gold Kawakawa Oil 30gm Kmarahou Butter 60gm Ktukutuku Moisturier 20gm Hypericum and Kawakawa Lip Balm KAWAKAWATONER A light, refreshin...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$2.46Glass Amber Pot 30gm and 60gm30gm and 60g Cosmetic amber pot and white wadded capBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Baby Balm / PÄpi PaniP P I P A N I Our Ppi Pani has been lovingly formulated with natural herbs and oils to gently soothe and protect baby's delicate skin. Specially formulated for infants children Ideal for use in the nappy area, scalp or any dry or irritated skin including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and rashes Hyd...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$9Kawakawa Lip Balm Poipoia ŌtautahiOur cutest edition to the whnau We have used our recipe of our kawakawa balm and turned it into a lip balm. A little goes a long way with this one Our lip balm is scent free and contains all the healing properties that kawakawa gives to protect our skin. Size: 10g  Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Skin wholesaling 0 0
$30Kawakawa Balm And KÄnuka Sanitiser - Mini KeteM I N I K E T E KAWAKAWA BALM AND KNUKA HAND SANITISER A great little mini pack of our best selling Kawakawa Super Balm and Knuka Hand Sanitiser, perfectly sized to fit in your purse or bag. Kawakawa Super Balm 30gm Knuka Hand Sanitiser 50ml Woven Kete 1. KNUKA HAND SANITISER 50ML We've developed a...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$3.79Clear Cosmetic Pot 30gmVersatile 30gm clear pots for cosmetics, pills, creams, more. 49mm diameter, 27mm height.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Plastic container, household 0 0
$19Comfrey & Kawakawa First Aid Ultra30gm 65gm This balm is designed to have all the benefits of the many fantastic herbs to create a great First Aid Ultra" balm. Herbs are homegrown by Desiree Lee who has a diploma in Nutrition and a certificate in herbalism.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$1.3530gm Aluminium Tins / Lip Balm / Cosmetic Pots / BlackBlack Aluminum tins with screw top. 30ml / gm These great looking aluminium tins are ideal for your, lip balms, homemade creams, lotions, or balms, they make great candle tins perfect for gifts novelty or selling at the markets. Diameter:52mm height:21mmBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Kawakawa Healing BalmAotea's Kawakawa Balm. A multi purpose healing balm based on traditional use of Kawakawa for irritations, abrasions and pains. Kawakawa leaves have a super high anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and analgesic content making it an amazing balm for all sorts. With Almond and Tea Tree Oil, and some bee...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Art, Hobby & Craft > Art gallery 0 0
$20Kopakopa PaniK O P A K O P A P A N I ( P L A N T A I N ) Kopakopa (Plantain) is known as "Nature's First Aid Kit" and treats a myriad of ailments including bites and stings, eczema, wounds, bladder infections, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, constipation, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, hepatitis, kidney inflammation, swel...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Kawakawa Body CreamR I C H C R E A M Y G O O D N E S S Our Kawakawa Body Cream is formulated to help soothe dry, irritated and eczema-prone skin. Deeply nourishing, silky smooth and easily absorbed, leaving your skin feeling soft and intensely moisturised, and layered with Lemon essential oil to add a fresh, citrus s...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20AUNTY'S "MEAN MÄORI MEAN" BALMM E A N M O R I M E A N B A L M Aunty's Mean Mori Mean Balm is one of her most popular massage blends - used to treat bone pain and inflammation in the joints (rheumatoid arthritis). Although this rongodoes not contain any rkau, it is used during mirimiri and romiromi treatments as a rapid and effec...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$19Kawakawa BalmOur Kawakawa and Hemp Seed Oil balm is an all round multi-purpose balm. Kawakawas soothing, antibacterial properties are gentle on your skin and have been known to combat inflammation. Presented in a handy reusable tin, take your kawakawa balm with you to use on the go. Benefits: SOOTHE RESTORE MOISTURISE In stockBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Interior design or decorating 0 0