Discover more like Camellia Charm Pack Squares - Melody Miller for RSS
$24.50Camellia Charm Pack Squares - Melody Miller for RSSCamellia Charm Pack - by Melody Miller RS0029PP 42 pieces 5" x 5" cuts Would you like to attend a tea party in Melody Millers dreamy tearoom A stirring set of light and airy prints with all you'll need for a relaxing afternoon oasis: teacups, teaspoons, regal butterflies, hibiscus and other parlour flowers. polka dots and some delightful macrame patterns.Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$24.50Elixir Charm Pack Squares - Melody Miller for RSSElixir Charm Pack - Melody Miller Ruby Star Society Manufacturer: RUBY STAR SOCIETY Stock #: RS0037PP Product Content: 42 Piece Assorted Type: Charm Pack 5" x 5" Designer: Melody Miller Group Name: Elixir Origin: Made in JapanBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$25Reverie Charm Pack Squares - Melody Miller for RSSRS0047PP Reverie Charm Pack includes 42 5" squares and includes duplicates of some prints. Tour a garden of color in Reverie This collection by designer Melody Miller peaks in versatility with florals and foliage in selections that stretch the color wheel before your eyes.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$24.50Stay Gold 5” Charm Square Pack - Melody Miller for RSSStay Gold - Melody Miller Stay Gold Charm Pack includes 42 5" squares and includes duplicates of some prints Robert Frost wrote that nothing gold could stay, but this collection by designer Melody Miller is gonna try. Metallic butterflies, chrysanthemums, daisies, dragonflies and other flowers in navy, blues, green, pinks, red, orange and yellow.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7.50Spark Pine (FQ) - Melody Miller RSSSpark Pine Fat Quarter - Melody Miller RSS RS0005 17 Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0005 17 Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name:Spark Origin:Made in Japan Color:Dark Green Theme:Dots FAT QUARTERBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$15Curio Flicker in Moss - Melody Miller RSSCurio Flicker in Moss by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Flicker Miss RS0065 18 Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0065 18 Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name: Curio Origin:Made in Japan Color: Grey Theme:Dots Sold in 1/2m units. 1= 1/2m, 2 = 1metre, 3 = 1.5mBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7.50Curio Flicker in Moss (FQ) - Melody Miller RSSCurio Flicker in Moss (FQ)- by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Flicker Moss RS0065 18 Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0065 18 Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name: Curio Origin:Made in Japan Color: Grey Theme:Dots FAT QUARTERBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7Spark Sorbet Metallic (FQ) - Melody Miller RSSSpark Sorbet Metallic by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Spark Sorbet RS0005 62M Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0005 62M Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name:Spark Origin:Made in Japan Color:Pink Theme:DotsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7.50Spark Jade Fat Quarter - Melody Miller RSSSpark Jade Fat Quarter by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0005 65M Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name:Spark Origin:Made in Japan Color: Dark Green Theme:Dots FAT QUARTERBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$15Curio Flicker in Galaxy - Melody Miller RSSCurio Flicker in Galaxy by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Flicker Galaxy RS0065 22M Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0065 22M Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name: Curio Origin:Made in Japan Color: Grey Theme:Dots Sold in 1/2m units. 1= 1/2m, 2 = 1metre, 3 = 1.5mBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$14Spark Peach Cream - Melody Miller RSSSpark Peach Cream by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Spark Peach Cream RS0005 61M Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0005 61M Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name:Spark Origin:Made in Japan Color: Peach Theme:Dots Sold in 1/2m units. 1= 1/2m, 2 = 1metre, 3 = 1.5mBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7.50Spark Evening (FQ) - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietySpark Evening Fat Quarter - Melody Miller for Ruby Star Societ Manufacturer Item:RS0005 49M Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name:Spark Origin:Made in Japan Color: Light Purple FAT QUARTERBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$85Flowerland Jelly Roll - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietyFlowerland Jelly Roll - Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Includes 40 2.5" x 42" strips of fabric Liven things up with this bright and radiant collection by designer Melody Miller. Flowerland is an exciting and fun collection full of blossoming florals and fluttering butterflies that have been designed with a contemporary modern look.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$24.50Firefly Charm Pack Squares - Sarah Watts for RSSRS2066PP Firefly Charm Pack includes 42 5" squares and includes duplicates of some prints Few designers can artistically capture the moving parts of night life like Sarah Watts. In this collection you can find wildlife, flowers blooming under moondbeams and foliage-all in vibrant and electric color combinations.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$24.50Honey Charm Pack Squares - Alexia Abegg for RSSHoney Charm Pack- Alexia Abegg for RSS includes 42 5" squares and duplicates of some prints Granny squares, hexie and double wedding ring cheater yardage, plus an assortment of geometric block prints, make these designs by Alexia Abegg a cozy collection by a crafter, for crafters. Add accents of flowers and mushrooms ooo Honey Pair these prints with the corresponding Basics from Ruby Star Society.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7.50Sundream Buttercup Fat Quarter - Rise & Shine Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietySundream Buttercup FQ - Rise Shine Melody Miller Ruby Star Society RS0078 14FQ Melody Miller has done it again with her new collection Rise and Shine in her signature punchy colours of pink, orange, cream and pops of green. It's a fantastic group that includes large scale prints for a feature right ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7.50Spark Navy Fat Quarter - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietySpark Navy FAT QUARTERby Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Spark Navy RS0005 74 Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0005 74 Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name:Spark Origin:Made in Japan Color:Dark Blue Theme:DotsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$24.50Sketchbook Charm Pack Squares - Alexia Abegg for RSSRS4070PP Sketchbook Charm Pack includes 42 5" squares and includes duplicates of some prints Alexia Abegg give us a glimpse into the world of art with Sketchbook. This collection features textures, backgrounds and geometric designs that look as though they came straight from the brush, stencil or stampBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$25Twirl Charm Pack Squares - Sarah Watts for RSSTwirl Charm Pack includes 42 5" squares and includes duplicates of some prints Imagine youre spinning on a dance floor with trails of changing colors following your heels and you have Twirl by Sarah Watts. This collection of backgrounds spans multiple color variations to choose from.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$7.50Spark Icebox FAT QUARTER Jolly Basics - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietySpark IceboxFAT QUARTER by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Spark Icebox RS0005 72 Ruby Star Manufacturer:Ruby Star Society Manufacturer Item:RS0005 72 Description:100% Cotton Type:43"-44" Wide Designer / Author:Melody Miller Group Name:Jolly Basics Origin:Made in Japan Color:Aqua Theme:DotsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$15Elixir Lush Balmy - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietyElixir Balmy RS0043 12 Ruby Star#1 Manufacturer: RUBY STAR SOCIETY Stock #: RS0043 12 Product Content: 100% Cotton Type: 43"-44" Wide Designer: Melody Miller Group Name: Elixir Origin: Made in Japan Color: Orange Theme: Florals Elixir Metallic Smoke by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Sold in 1/2 metre units 1 = 0.5m, 2 = 1 metre, 3 = 1.5metresBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$14Blossom Metallic Cream Soda - Stay Gold by Melody Miller for RSSStay Gold Blossom Metallic Cream Soda RS0024 11 Ruby Star#1 Manufacturer: RUBY STAR SOCIETY Stock #: RS0024 11M Product Content: 100% Cotton Type: 43"-44" Wide Designer: Melody Miller Group Name: Stay Gold Origin: Made in Japan Color: Cream Soda Theme: Novelty Sold in 1/2 metre units 1 = 0.5m, 2 = 1 metre, 3 = 1.5mBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$25Vessel Charm Pack Squares - Alexia Abegg for RSSVessel Charm Squares - Alexia Abegg includes 42 5" squares and duplicates of some prints Contain yourself with Vessel A modern mix of artisan delights: Pots, jars and other handmade creations, all painted in some of bisque crafter (and fabric designer) Alexia Abeggs favorite pottery-painting hues. Polka dots, small arches, stripes, diamonds and even a few daisies complete this artistic collection.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$25.50Spark Mini Dessert Roll Cool - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietySpark Mini Dessert Roll Cool (7) - Melody Miller Ruby Star Society 5" x WOF ( 7 pieces) Dessert Rolls are a Trademark of Moda Fabrics and typically contain all the SKU's of a fabric line but cut 5" x WOF, so a fat Jelly Roll. Super handy if you need more than 2 1/2" and therefore can be used where 5...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0