Discover more like Flowerland Fat Quarter Bundle - Melody Miller Ruby Star Society
$198Flowerland Fat Quarter Bundle - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietyFlowerland Fat Quarter Bundle - Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Flowerland Fat Quarter Bundle includes 28 fat quarters Liven things up with this bright and radiant collection by designer Melody Milker. Fliwerland is an exciting and fun collection full of blossoming florals and fluttering butterflies that have been designed with a contemporary modern look.Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$85Flowerland Jelly Roll - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietyFlowerland Jelly Roll - Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society Includes 40 2.5" x 42" strips of fabric Liven things up with this bright and radiant collection by designer Melody Miller. Flowerland is an exciting and fun collection full of blossoming florals and fluttering butterflies that have been designed with a contemporary modern look.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$210Rise and Shine Fat Quarter Bundle (28) - Rise & Shine Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietyRS0076FQ (28 SKUS) Melody Miller has done it again with her new collection Rise and Shine in her signature punchy colours of pink, orange, cream and pops of green. It's a fantastic group that includes large scale prints for a feature right down to the cute small repeats that can be used in any proje...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$92.90FLOWERLAND by Melody Millerfor Ruby Star Society Flowerland fabric collection is designed by Melody Miller for Ruby Star Society. Melody Millers floralsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$270BOLT Flowerland Posies Balmy - Melody Miller Ruby Star SocietyFlowerland Posies Balmy 1 BOLT This is for one partial bolt of 11.75 metres, shipping to be confirmed not more than $15 to an Urban address.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$189Water Fat Quarter Bundle - Ruby Star SocietyWater Fat Quarter Bundle (27) - Ruby Star Society 27 Fat Quarters Another fabulous collective effort from all five RSS designers with the common theme of water and all its nuances of dark through to light blue. Each designer has brought her signature style to the table and you dont have to be a blue lover, like myself, to appreciate the versatility of this bundleBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$77Add It Up Rainbow Fat Quarter Bundle - Ruby Star SocietyADD IT UP RAINBOW FAT QUARTER BUNDLE - Ruby Star Society Add it Up has been my go to Ruby Star basic ever since Alexia Marcelle Abegg first introduced it way back in the C&S days. Ill be very sad to see it phased out ( its no longer being printed) and Ive already run out of some colours. So Im not s...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$56Strawflower & Friends Fat Quarter Bundle - Ruby Star SocietyStrawflower Friends Fat Quarter Bundle (8) - Ruby Star Society I love the Navy Strawflower print from Jen Hewett's Floradora line for Ruby Star Society so I've teamed it up with some other RSS friends. There's something about the Navy Lavender combo that really appeals, and it's nice that other line...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$56Pink Bunny Bundle - Ruby Star Society FabricsRSS Pink Bunny Bundle (8) - Ruby Star Society Fabrics RSSBUNNY A mixed line bundle of Ruby Star fabric and a pop of Moda Maeve rounds out this very pretty bundle, think Periwinkle Blue and Candy Pink. 8 FAT QUARTERSBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$190Favorite Flowers Fat Quarter Bundle (26) - Collaborative Collection Ruby Star SocietyRS5143FQ (26 SKUS) Favorite Flowers Fat Quarter Bundle includes 26 fat quarters Create a bouquet of flowers from this stunning collection. Favorite Flowers features modern designs of blooming florals and bright hues, perfect for springtime themed project. Pair these prints with the corresponding bas...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$56Dusk Bunny Bundle - Ruby Star Society FabricsRSS Dusk Bunny Bundle (8) - Ruby Star Society Fabrics RSSBNYDSK A mixed line bundle of Ruby Star fabric actually inspired by the cats spooking around at dusk print, ready for night time mischief. A very calm bundle in more muted RSS colours. 8 FAT QUARTERSBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$56Strawberry Fizz - Ruby Star Society BundleStrawberry Fizz Fat Quarter Bundle (8)- Ruby Star Society Bundle 8 Fat Quarters Strawberry Fizz features the zingy Strawberry Toss in Citron from Kimberly Kights Picture Book line with some equally punchy friends, and theyre all begging to become a fun bright project.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$63Cool Butterfly Bundle (9) - Ruby Star Society FabricsRSS RSSCOOLB A mixed line bundle of Ruby Star fabric using the Backyard cool butterfly print as the colour inspiration for your next project. 9 FAT QUARTERSBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$56Hot Cardinal Bundle - Ruby Star Society FabricsRSS Hot Cardinal Bundle (6) - Ruby Star Society FabricS RSSCARD A red and pink combo gets me every time and using the Cardinal print as the inspiration puts this group on the hot side of that combo, and gives it a subtle punch. 6 FAT QUARTERSBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$224.75Floradora Fat Quarter Bundle (31) - Jen Hewett for RSSFloradora Fat Quarter Bundle includes 31 fat quarters Stop to smell the roses in Floradora, a contemporary collection from Ruby Star Society. Jen Hewettblends bold bloomswith gorgeous geometricdesigns and darling dots ingreen, orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue and a sprinkling of metallic, too. 18 x 21Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$224.75Petunia Fat Quarter Bundle (31) - Kimberly Kight for RSSPetunia Fat Quarter Bundle includes 31 fat quarters Lovely ladybugs, tossed flowersand turnips adorn Petunia, a contemporaryfloral collection from Ruby Star Society. Enjoy Kimberly Kightsblooming blossoms, buds and geometricprints in a garden of pink, blue, teal, red and ochre hues. 18 x 21Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$86Peachy Keen - Ruby Star Society BundlePeachy Keen is 12 fat quarters of Ruby Star yumminess. Mixed lines and designers all with the common thread of Peach just begging to become the stars of your next project. Id love to see them against a darker Essex linen or for a soft beach feel a Champagne or Ivory background would be equally gorgeousBuy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$55Glow Moth Fire Bundle - Firefly Sarah Watts for Ruby Star SocietyGLOW MOTH FIRE BUNDLE The Moths from Sarah Watts Firefly line were always going to be a favourite with me Ive curated a RS bundle just for you as I appreciate how hard it is to pull complimentary fabrics for a feature print using only a computer screen. Each bundle contains half a metre of Glow Moth...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$80Pink & Orange Bundle - Heather Ross & Ruby Star Society12 FAT QUARTERS I have a lot of fave fabric colour combos, its hard not to when youre surrounded by such pretty things. But right near the top if not number 1 is Pink and Orange Together they turn the ordinary into extraordinary and whenever I see a quilt featuring these colours Im like a moth to a flame.come join me Heres 12 fat quarters from RSS and Heather Ross to get you started.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$182Linear Fat Quarter Bundle (25) - Rashida Coleman Hale for RSSLinear Layer Fat Quarter Bundle All 25 prints cut to 18 x 21 Grab everyones attention with this collection by designer Rashida ColemanHake. Linearfeatures fabulous contemporarydrawings of lovely ladies, wavy linesand thriving florals, paired with numerous eye-catching colors.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$203Backyard Fat Quarter Bundle - Sarah Watts for RSSBackyard Fat Quarter Bundle - Sarah Watts Includes 29 Fat Quarters 18 x 21 RS2084FQ Sarah Watts inspires once again with this collection of small furry animals, birds and butterflies set amongst a whimsical garden in the style that only Sarah can produce. It covers both dark moody hues of the night ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$52Box Of Eights Peach Perfection - Ruby Star SocietyBOX8PPRSS Sometimes you just need a little extra to finish your project or theres a colour missing you need to balance it out but you dont want to waste money on a fat quarter or half yard. A Box of Eights is the answer everytime A Box of Eights contains 2 metres of fabric cut into versatile fat eig...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0
$80Peach Fuzz - Mixed Fat Quarter BundlePeach Fuzz (10) - Mixed Fat Quarter Bundle This bundle ( 2 only) contains some OOP Cotton Steel along with AGF Charleston by Amy Sinibaldi Priory Square by Katy Jones. Peach Fuzz is 10 fat quarters of mixed lines including Essex, Cotton Steel, RSS and Fableism all with the common thread of Peach jus...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Fabrics textile 0 0