Discover more like Ruby Ficus elastica - 10L / 25cm / Large
$39Ruby Ficus elastica - 10L / 25cm / Large1 Large Ruby Ficus elastica in a 10L nursery pot. The Ficus elastica is often referred to as the Rubber Tree because the sap of this species is the original source of latex, but there's nothing plastic about this tree. The Ruby Rubber Tree has striking orange, pink, cream and green leaves and fire e...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$95Ruby Ficus elastica - triple planted - 10L / 25cm / LargeThe Ficus elastica is often referred to as the Rubber Tree because the sap of this species is the original source of latex, but there's nothing plastic about this tree. It's alive. it's alive The Ruby Ficus elastica Rubber Tree is a jewel in any collection. Its army green leaves are bordered and spl...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$65Tineke Ficus elastica - 10L / 25cm / Large1 Large Tineke Ficus elastica in a 10L nursery pot. The Ficus elastica is often referred to as the Rubber Tree because the sap of this species is the original source of latex, but there's nothing plastic about this tree. The Ruby Rubber Tree has striking orange, pink, cream and green leaves and fire...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$80$46- Home - Shop - Indoor Plants - Ficus elastica Ruby Ficus elastica Ruby $46.00Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Nursery 0 0 -
$35Ficus Elastica - RubyFicus Elastica - Ruby The Ficus Ruby is a lovely, easy-care plant with remarkable colouring. Shades of green, cream and dark coral pink make the Ficus Ruby unique, with each plant having its own colour intensity and variation of pigment. Add this easy-going houseplant to your plant collection today Comes in Nursery pot - 14cm Pictured in White Elho Pot - 16cm (not included)Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$72.29“Ruby” Ficus Elastica with Ceramic PotTemperature The Ficus Elastica does well in a range of temperatures. Ideal temperatures are between 15 and 29 degrees.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0
$56Ficus RubyFlower and Plant delivery is available only for Auckland Temperature The Ficus Elastica does well in a range of temperatures. Ideal temperatures are between 15 and 29 degrees. Light Your Ficus will grow best with consistent, bright indirect light. This will assist in keeping the beautiful deep red c...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flower 0 0
$59.99Ficus Ruby 2.5LThe Ficus Elastica Ruby is an easy-to-look after plant. The Ruby is a stunning variegated variety, with new shoots that emerge a deep ruby color and mature into large, glossy leaves with tones of green, cream and pink. It will slowly grow in size allowing your customers to enjoy it for years to come...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$45House Plant- Ficus Elastica 'Ruby'A popular easy care rubber plant that is great for an indoor space. Gorgeous green, cream and pink variagation and sits at over 30cm in height Delivered in a TFE white bag and custom tissue xBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Flower 0 0
$65Fiddle Leaf Fig - Ficus lyrata - 10L / 25cm / LargeSingle Ficus Lyrata in an 8-10L pot Growing a large Fiddle Leaf Fig is a wishlist plant for every plantkeeper but you don't need to be interested in plants to recognise these icons of interior decorating. There is often a large specimen inside many of the palatial homes we see on our screens and in ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$65Ficus elastica 'Ruby'Ficus elastica (Ruby) Commonly known as Rubber tree', these hard to find beauties are easy to grow. They are a real reward to any keen indoor plant owner for it's glossy leaves robust, tall tree-like shape. Can be grown upright without support or trained (with some support) into any climbing structu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flower 0 0
$72.90$42.29$42.29 The an easy-to-look after plant. The Ruby is a stunning variegated variety, with new shoots that emerge a deep ruby color and mature into large, glossy leaves with tones of green, cream and pink. It will slowly grow in size allowing your customers to enjoy it for years to come.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0 -
$30Rubber Plant 'Ficus elastica'Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) Description: Rubber plants are well-known for their ability to remove formaldehyde from the air. Their large, glossy leaves also make them aesthetically pleasing and easy to care for. - Allergies Removed: FormaldehydeBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$105Ficus Elastica Ruby KokedamaFicus Ruby has gorgeous pink and green tones on a large glossy leaf. Easy to grow, this eye-catching variety is a great plant to grow at home or in an office. Can get up 3 x 1.5m, however it's slow growing and it's height can be controlled. Medium to high light level required for optimal growth. Large size kokedama For more information about kokedama see Kokedama CareBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$65Danielle - Dark & Compact - Weeping Fig - Ficus benjamina - 10L / 25cm / LargeDanielle is a bushier, slower-growing compact variety of Ficus benjamina with dark green mature leaves and contrasting lime green new growth. Like nature but more refined. Ideal for beginner plant keepers or beyond. Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light - partial full sun. Moisture Soil Requirem...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$129.90Ruby Ficus in potA gorgeous Elastica Variegated Ficus plant in a soft pink pot. Ficus are hardy indoor plants that like a well lit position but not in direct sunlight. Approximately 28cm tall from base of pot to top of plant.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0
$50Ficus elastica - TinekeSouth Island Delivery Only. Plant Overview: The stunning variegated leaves on this house plant are shiny and thick which result in its common nickname "Rubber fig". The pink, cream and mint colourings compliment each other perfectly, forming a uniquely beautiful camouflage pattern. Ficus elastica Ti...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0
$44.99Variegated Ficus elastica 'Shivereana' 12CMVariegated Ficus elastica Shivereana'Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Gift 0 0
$165S Bend - Ficus microcarpa - 10L / 25cm / LargeEach Stylised S-bend Ficus microcarpa is entirely unique but are all themed along the same broad shape so you can purchase with assurance that you'll get a healthy plant similar to the one in the picture. Keep under cover outdoors away from frosts or place in bright indirect light indoors where your...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$65Ficus cyathstipula - African Fig - 10L / 25cm / LargeThis Ficus cyathstipula, commonly known as African Fig, is an easy-care indoor tree. It enjoys bright indirect light and its dark green glossy leaves can be pruned to shape. This large 10L/25cm plant is sure to make a stylish statement in any home. Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light - partial...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$75Ruby Ficus In A Gift BagThe Ficus Elastica Ruby is a sweet gift for a loved one or even just yourself It produces oval, glossy, dark green leaves flushed with pink and cream. Currently are approximately a metre tall, they are slow growing but will continue to grow taller. Weekly waterings are typically ample as they allow ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0
$150Standard Sabre Leaf Fig (Alii Fig) - Ficus maclellandii 25cm / 10L / LargeSabre Leaf Fig is a small tree with long, elegant draping foliage. Ficus maclellandii is suitable for bright positions indoors or in frost-free areas outdoors in containers or in ground and is easily pruned to standard shapes, bonsai or shelter. Light Requirements: Bright Indirect Light is ideal, ca...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$20Robusta Rubber Tree - Ficus elastica - 2.5L / 17cm / MediumThe Ficus elastica is often referred to as the Rubber Tree because the sap of this species is the original source of latex, but there's nothing plastic about this tree. It's alive. The Robusta Rubber Tree has forest green leaves, pink-red growth tips and is one of the faster growing and easiest Ficu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0