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$50.55Ant Bait 20 gramsUse outdoors indoors to control annoying ants NoPests Ant Bait is a premium ant bait that has no odour, is non-staining and easy to apply. The highly palatable bait matrix in NoPests Ant Bait encourages ants to consume as much bait as possible and return it to the nest. NoPests Ant Bait controls all...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$108.40Maxforce Quantum Liquid Ant Bait - 3 X 30g Syringe PackMaxforce Quantum is a professional grade viscous liquid ant bait made of 99.9% naturally derived ingredients. For the control of ants in and around the home. It's patented formulation system (HVL Technology) naturally preserves the bait to ensure long terBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$65Vanquish Pro Ant Baita new generation Ant Bait with both protein and carbohydrate in the matrix to attract a wider variety of ants. Vanquish Pro has Fipronil as it's active ingredient, at very low levels, so that the bait wiBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$41.40Sentry Feeder Bait StationTheis a popular, cheap, compact and weather proof bait station. Suitable to use for our entire entire bait / pellet range and will hold 300 grams of bait. These are available in 1 packs, 6 packs or 10 packs. Sentry feeder bait stations can be used to control the following pests: rabbits, possum and ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$47.99NO Ants Total Solution Pack- Everything you need for effective ant control in one pack. - Fast acting and long lasting. - For indoor and outdoor use. - Detailed instructions included. - Contains: NO Ants Bait Stations, 60 g NO Ants Gel Bait, 680 ml NO Ants Barrier Spray ready to use and 450 g NO Ants Ant Sand. Follow directio...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$60Etherics 5 - help with pests - BdMaxEtherics 5 contains some of Dr Steiner's original BD preparations, aimed at enhancing plant health to help against pests.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Agricultural 0 0
$53.19Key Industries Rabbit Bait StationMulti purpose three feeding ports bait station for feeding pellet baits to pests, ideally rabbits.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Landscaping supply 0 0
$39.13Common Turf Pests PosterNew edition: A1 in size, the poster clearly shows examples of common pests, signs to look for, and time of year these pests are prevalent. Identify which pests are plaguing your turf early so you can take action with this helpful poster.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$50Seacliff Organics - Metarhizium Anisopliae (Makes 100L)Metarhizium Anisopliae is a naturally occurring soil fungus thats found throughout the world. Metarhizium is parasitoid that causes green Muscardine disease and death in a wide range of insect pests. M. Anisopliae, is used as a bio pesticide in conventional and organic agriculture. Metarhizium Anisp...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Garden supply 0 0
$44.99Managing Pests and DiseasesTHIS TITLE IS NOW OUT OF PRINT. : A Handbook for New Zealand Gardeners is an expanded and revised edition of Rob Lucass successful publication Whats That Pest With over 700 high-quality photographs, it provides New Zealand gardeners and horticulturists with a simple, comprehensive, easily used reference guide to pest identification and&hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$80Combo: Common Turf Diseases and Common Turf Pests Posters comboThe IPM Scope combines a digital camera, precision optics and LED lighting into a powerful handheld microscope and imaging software package. in on fine details of plant disease symptoms, or insects. Instead of straining to look into a tiny eyepiece, place the IPM Scope over the leaf and view the magnified image right on your computer screen.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$253Pro TrapFor Possums, Mustelids and Feral Cats The makes it safe to catch invasive pests like possums, stoats, ferrets, feral cats and other pest animals. These live-capture cage traps are a safe and humane way to get rid of unwanted pests. To learn more about the position of the trap, its setting and baitin...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$138EnviroMate100TM - Automated Bait StationTarget Species: For Rodent and Possum Control Increase catch rate with fewer visits to the target area" The EnviroMate is an all-in-one non-toxic/ toxic bait dispensing pest control tool. This automated and programmable tool can be used alone or in conjunction with traps. EnviroMate 100TM is strong ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$23Philproof ® Large Possum Bait stationThe Philproof Large possum bait station can hold 1,800g of pelleted bait and is suitable in remote locations, or where you want to limit return visits for rebaiting. This is important in remote places, when access to refill the bait station isBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$38.62Electric Pet Lice and Flea Remover with Powerful suction effectively captures pe…Enter and Choose Your Suburb to Check the Postage FREE SHIPPING ETA: 4 - 12 Working Days Shipping Carrier: International Registered Post Ships from and sold by GlobaloutletBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Homewares 0 0
$99Tacx T2028 ANT+ AntennaUse the Tacx ANT antenna to connect an ANT trainer to your computer. That enables you to use computer software during your training sessions, such as the Tacx Trainer software, Zwift and TrainerRoad. These programs read the training data transmitted by an ANT trainer and can control the trainer. Due...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Repair and maintenance 0 0
$23Philproof ® Large Possum Bait stationThe Philproof large possum bait station can hold 1,800g of bait and is suitable more accessible locations. This is important in remote places, when access to refill the bait station is difficult. 1,800g of Pestoff is enough bait to kill 23 larBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$99.90Tacx ANT+ Antenna AmplifyTACX ANT ANTENNA AMPLIFY The Tacx ANT Antenna Amplify increases the strength of the wireless ANT connection between the trainer interface and your PC.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Bicycle and accessory 0 0
$23Philproof ® Large Possum Bait stationThe Philproof Large possum bait station can hold 1,800g of pelleted bait and is suitable in remote locations, or where you want to limit return visits for rebaiting. This is important in remote places, when access to refill the bait station isBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$223.30Multi Feeder Bait Station + Rabbit Bait SpecialWhy not get yourself a bargain with this fantastic deal. 2 x Multi Feeder Bait Stations 10kg Pindone Rabbit Bait. The Multi Feeder Bait Station is very safe, efficient and effective bait station that holds 2kgs of Pindone Rabbit Bait. Pindone Rabbit Bait is a tried and trusted highly effective antic...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$179.40Final 8KgFinal - 8 Kg A powerful rat and mouse bait containing double strength 0.05% brodifacoum, it is strongest single-feeding anticoagulant on the market being a highly flavourful and weatherable bait that competes well against other food sources. A centre holeBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0
$78.20Cage TrapLive Capture for Possum or Feral Cat Using suitable baits most pests can be trapped. The trap is triggered by the animal stepping onto a treadle when trying to access the bait at the back of the trap. This results in the sprBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Business > Paint wholesaling 0 0