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$272.55New Zealand Land LawThe third edition of a comprehensive treatment of all the major topics in this area of law. Written by a team of expert authors, the text provides both practical guidance and critical analysis of all the major topics in this area of law. It also discusses the key developments to the law that have oc...Buy from Store Showing More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$417Constitutional Law : Principles and PolicesRelied on by students, professors, and practitioners, Erwin Chemerinsky's popular treatise clearly states the law and identifies the underlying policy issues in each area of constitutional law. Thorough coverage of the topic makes it appropriate for both beginning and advanced courses.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$184An Introduction to the Law of Contract in New Zealandoffers an uncomplicated analysis of the law of contract. This updated seventh edition takes account of the important developments that have occurred in statute and case law since the sixth edition was published in 2018. In that time, there have been several amendments to the principal Act, the Contr...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$315.10Health Law in New Zealandan authoritative account of the law relating to health care in New Zealand. Led by General Editors Professors Peter Skegg and Ron Paterson, it is a collaborative effort by some of New Zealand-s leading experts on the topic and the only high level analysis in the market. Based on Medical Law in New Z...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$301.30Todd on TortsThe many and varied developments in the field of torts during the last 4 years mean that this new, 9th edition of ( formerly The Law of Torts in New Zealand ) already is needed. As with previous editions, it seeks to explain and to discuss the evolving law in New Zealand and also to cover significan...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$160Family Law Policy in New Zealandconsiders family law as a whole, from the definitions of -family-, through to context, goals, aspirations and judicial outcomes. Since the 4th edition was published in 2013, family law has undergone significant legislative change. Included in this edition is commentary on the changes recommended by ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$86.99Property Law Legislation Handbook 2024Brookers a comprehensive collection of key property law acts and regulations in one convenient bound volume. The content has been carefully developed in consultation with land and property law courses across New Zealand to ensure broad and accurate coverage of legislation frequently used in study an...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$130Understanding Company Law, 4th edition, is a user-friendly resource written specifically to support non-law students studying the law of companies and other business organisations. Providing an excellent balance between theory, case law and practice, covers the essential concepts of company law, business organisations, fina...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$220Public International Law : A New Zealand PerspectivePublic International Law: A New Zealand Perspective is a major work for students of the public international law elective, practitioners and large firms with global practices. New Zealand experience and interests with international law differ from the European- or US-centric studies for reasons of g...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$130Understanding Commercial LawThis textbook provides students with a robust general understanding of the law, including how New Zealand laws are made and amended, and the legal significance and effects of the Treaty of Waitangi. The fundamentals of the law relating to contracts, consumers, torts, property and privacy are also di...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$70Crimes Act 1961The Bundle with Criminal Law Q&A is here. brings together, in one convenient volume, the entire and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. This title remains an accessible and portable reference point for the legislation required by students of criminal law, and practitioners working in criminal l...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$85.95Merry and Mccall Smith-s Errors Medicine and the LawThis second edition provides a more informed alternative to the blame culture which has increasingly come to dominate our response to accidents, whether in the medical field or elsewhere. It is aimed at all who have a deep interest in patient safety, medical law and the regulation of healthcare.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$175Criminal Law in Aotearoa New Zealanda textbook that sets out and discusses fundamental principles of criminal law, a selection of criminal offences and defences, and the law governing who can be held liable when an offence is committed. Importantly this text locates legal doctrine in the context of the constitutional foundations of th...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$179.40Health Care and the Lawrecognised as one of the leading texts setting out the basic principles of health care law in New Zealand. Since 2010 when the 4th edition of this book was published, there have been a number of legislative changes in the area of health care law, including health and safety, the euthanasia debate, p...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$100The Aotearoa New Zealand Legal System : Structures and ProcessesThe Aotearoa New Zealand Legal System: Structures and Processes is an introductory text for first-year law students at Aotearoa New Zealand's universities. Written in a clear, straight forward manner that is accessible and easy to follow, The Aotearoa New Zealand Legal System looks at the structures...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$70Crimes Act 1961brings together, in one convenient volume, the entire and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. This title remains an accessible and portable reference point for the legislation required by students of criminal law, and practitioners working in criminal law. Consolidated and reviewed regularly fo...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$280The Methodology and Practice of Therapeutic JurisprudenceThe community of therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) scholars and practitioners has grown in size and influence, both nationally and internationally, to the point where it has become a key driver of reform in courts and the criminal justice system. the first comprehensive work that explores and explains ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$131.99Non-Adversarial JusticeThis book outlines key aspects of the use of non-adversarial practices in the Australian justice system with reference to similar developments in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. It examines in detail non-adversarial theories and practices such as therapeutic jurisprude...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$232.30Elder Law in New Zealandwritten by contributors from a variety of backgrounds, ranging from legal and medical practitioners to elder law advocates and scholars, all of whom have applied their expertise to many of the legal issues encountered by New Zealands ageing population. Elder law is comprised of a range of distinct b...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$241.99Garrow & Fenton's Law of Personal Property in NZ : Volume 1Garrow and Fenton's Law of Personal Property in New Zealand, Seventh Edition is an authoritative guide on the law relating to personal property in New Zealand. The two-volume Seventh Edition enlarges the role of previous editions, reviewing recent developments in a wholly modern context. This highly...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$99Youth Justice in Aotearoa New ZealandYouth Justice in Aotearoa / New Zealand by Alison Cleland and Khylee Quince is an insightful critique of the New Zealand law of youth justice and its fitness for purpose.This work covers both theory and practice and contains the first analysis, from a Maori perspective, of Aotearoas world acclaimed ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$160.99Human Resource ManagementThe new edition of Raymond Stones is an AHRI endorsed title that has evolved into a modern, relevant and practical resource for first-year HRM students. This concise 15-chapter textbook gives your students the best chance of transitioning successfully into their future profession by giving them rela...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$107.10Community Health and Wellness : Principles of Primary HealthThe 7th edition of Community Health and Wellness has been fully revised and streamlined to incorporate contemporary thinking and research in community health and wellness from Australia, New Zealand and the global community. Written by Jill Clendon and Ailsa Munns, the new edition provides an easy-t...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0
$300.70Joseph on Constitutional and Administrative LawPhilip Joseph-s Constitutional and Administrative Law in New Zealand is one of the most recognised legal treatise titles in New Zealand. Now entering its fifth edition, this perennial text has been modernised with the new title. The new edition builds on the strengths of earlier editions, coupling h...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Services > Adult, community, and other education 0 0