Discover more like Wheat Grain for Milling or Sprouting (NZ Organic, Hard wheat, Good for bread, Bulk) - 25kg
$169.95Wheat Grain for Milling or Sprouting (NZ Organic, Hard wheat, Good for bread, Bulk) - 25kgFreshly ground flour makes for healthier and tastier bread every time - and the smell is delectable. Wheat is one of the oldest and most important cultivated food plants. Long before the beginnings of agriculture, people gathered wild wheat for food. Wheat is a member of the grass family. It contain...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$149.95Bulk Wheat Flour for bread (freshly stoneground, organic, NZ grown) - 25kgOrganic Flour for Bread (Freshly Stoneground, Grown) - 25kg Lighter than full wholemeal wheat flour with enough grain to give it taste and texture. Ideal for bread makers and general baking. Perfect for sourdoughs. Freshly milled by stone-milling the whole wheat grain, Chantal flour contains the bra...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$156.95Rye Grain (Organic) - 25kgOrganic Rye Grain (NZ Grown, Bulk) - 25kg Rye is now a very popular baking grain, especially in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, where various types of rye flour are used in a range of applications. While not gluten free, it is lower in gluten than wheat. Many people prefer rye to wheat because its D...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$144.95Wholemeal Wheat Flour, Stoneground, NZ Organic - 25kgWholemeal Wheat Flour (Stoneground, Organic, Bulk) - 25kg Grown in New Zealand. Milled in Hawkes Bay. Baked in your Kitchen. Made from the whole grain, retaining all the natural nutrients. This versatile flour results in hearty baked goods with a superbly unique NZ flavour. An all purpose flour suit...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$144.95Unbleached White Wheat Flour (organic,stoneground, bulk) - 25kg BagWhite Flour (Stoneground, Organic, Bulk) - 25kg The White flour is stone ground in New Zealand, from grown certified organic wheat grain. It is a soft flour, with a protein content of 8.3% No chemical bleaching. No alcohol treatment. No additives. No anti-bacterial or anti-fungal agents. No bromate ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$144.95Unbleached White Wheat Flour (organic,stoneground, bulk) - 25kg BagWhite Flour (Stoneground, Organic, Bulk) - 25kg A great all purpose wheat flour made from wheat, where the germ and bran have been removed then slowly ground in the traditional manner to give it a lighter, finer texture. This white flour is ideal for baking and bread making. No chemical bleaching. N...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$144.95Wholemeal Wheat Rollermilled Flour, Organic, Bulk, 25kgWholemeal Flour (Rollermilled, Organic, Bulk) - 25kg This is a great all purpose wheat flour made from whole wheat that has been slowly rollermilled in the traditional manner to give it a lighter, finer texture. No chemical bleaching. No alcohol treatment. No additives. No anti-bacterial or anti-fun...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$164.95Organic Bulk Bulghur Wheat - 25kgOrganic Bulghur Wheat (Bulk) - 25kg Centuries of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures have been using bulghur wheat as a staple. The wheat is cleaned, par-boiled and dried before being broken up and sieved into different sizes. Because bulghur is pre-cooked, it naturally resists mould, contamin...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$154.95Organic Rye Grain (NZ Grown) - 1kgBulk Organic Kibbled Rye Grain (NZ Grown) - 25kg Kibbled Rye, otherwise known as cracked rye - is simply rye grain that has been crushed into pieces. Add to your favourite bread mixes to give add a touch of the continent - a chewy texture and hearty flavour Rye grain has a deeper, stronger taste tha...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$55.69Bulk Wholemeal Flour, organic, whole wheatWholemeal Flour (Stoneground, Organic, Bulk) - 3kg, 12.5kg or 25kg This is a great all purpose flour - made from whole wheat that has been slowly stoneground in the traditional manner. Containing the bran and wheatgerm as well as the endosperm, it is particularly nutritious and gives baked goods a s...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$244.95Mung Beans (organic, bulk) - 25kgMung Beans (Organic) - 25kg Mung beans are high in vegetarian protein so are a good addition to vegetarian and vegan recipes. Mung beans can take the place of meat in a range of traditional recipes and give a great texture. Like all legumes, mung beans are very high in fibre more so than fruits and ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$179.95White Rice (organic, medium grain) - 3.5kg or 25kgWhite Rice - Medium Grain (Organic, Bulk) - 25kg Medium grain rice has kernels which are 2 to 3 times longer than their width. When cooked, the rice tends to remain moist and tender, with a moderate stickiness, clinging together more than long grain. It can be steamed or baked and is used most often...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$179.95Ceres Kibbled Wheat (organic) - 25kgCeres Kibbled Wheat (Organic) - 25kg Kibbled (cracked) wheat is made from whole raw wheat berries which are crushed or cut into smaller pieces. It carries a great deal of nutrition and fibre since it includes the rich outer bran and germ of the wheat. It is often added to healthy diets, especially f...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$56.00Happy and Healthy Buckwheat (organic) - 3.5kg, 10kg & 25kgBulk Buckwheat (Hulled, Organic) - 3.5kg, 10kg 25kg Originating thousands of years ago in China, buckwheat has been a part of the diets of many Asian and European cultures for many years. It is used to make Japan's beloved soba noodles, delicious gallettes in France and blinis in Russia. Organic Buc...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$194.95Bulk Organic Sorghum Grain - 25kgCeres Sorghum Grain (Organic, Bulk) - 25kg An ancient grain native to Northeastern Africa, this resilient plant is revered as a super crop. This wholegrain food is packed with nourishing plant-based goodness, including protein and dietary fibre. Whole sorghum grainwith its dense, chewy texturemakes ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$149.95Bulk Organic White Wheat Flour - rollermilledOrganic White Flour (Rollermilled, Bulk) - 25kg This is a great all purpose wheat flour - made from wheat where the germ and bran have been removed then slowly ground by steel fluted rollers into a fine flour to produce this white premium bakers flour. No chemical bleaching. No alcohol treatment. No...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$189.95Rye Flour (organic, wholemeal) - 25kgRye Flour (Organic, Wholemeal, Bulk) - 25kg Rye has a unique hearty flavour. It mingles agreeably with the nutty taste of whole wheat. It is specially rich in minerals notably Potassium and B vitamins. Rye ferments readily producing a desirable soureness in breads. Although rye contains some gluten ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$339.95Organic Bulk Couscous (wholewheat. organic) - 3kg or 20kgBulk Organic Couscous (Wholewheat) - 25kg Wholewheat couscous is a wonderful, versatile pasta made by milling whole durum wheat, leaving the rich yellow endosperm granules called semolina which is then mixed with small amount of water to form small granules of pasta. It can be served as a breakfast ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$249.95$239.95Organic Black Long Grain Rice (Bulk, Gluten-Free) - 25kg Black rice is unmilled rice, meaning the nutrient-rich black husk of the rice has not been removed, so its better for you. The anthocyanin of black rice is higher than even that of blueberries, but with less sugar, more fibre and vitamin E ant...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$159.95Cornflour Bulk OrganicOrganic Corn Flour (Gluten Free, Bulk) - 20kg Organic Corn Flour is produced by finely milling corn (maize) kernel into a soft, yellow flour. No further refinement or processing is then applied. Organic Corn Flour is a nutritious flour to include in your diet. It is high in fibre which is important ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$172.95Bulk White RiceBulk Organic Long Grain White Rice - 25kg The perfect accompaniment to any meal, long grain rice is a staple in our kitchen. The kernels are four or more times longer than they are wide, and cook up to be firm, relatively dry, and fluffy. This rice works well in dishes that require separate, texture...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$299Quinoa Black (Organic, Gluten Free, Bulk) - 3kg, 10kg & 25kgQuinoa Black (Organic, Gluten Free, Bulk) - 3.5kg, 10kg 25kg Organic Black Quinoa is the perfect rice substitute. It is cooked in a similar manner as rice, and has light, fluffy and slightly crunchy texture and a slightly nutty flavour that can help enhance your dishes. Dry quinoa can also be the pe...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$82Bulk Organic Rice Flour (white)Bulk Organic White Rice Flour - 10kg or 25kg Made from white rice (hulled rice kernels), this is a mild, light flour that is easy to digest. It is gluten-free, wheat-free and vegetarian. No chemical bleaching. No alcohol treatment. No additives. No anti-bacterial or anti-fungal agents. No bromate ad...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$379.95Bulk Spelt Organic CouscousCeres Wholemeal Spelt Couscous (Bulk, Organic) - 25kg Organic spelt couscous is a natural whole food option for couscous lovers, it is harder to find than wheat varieties but it can be used in recipes in the same way. It is a versatile pasta made of tiny grains of steamed spelt. With its slightly nu...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0