Discover more like 1 kg creamed NZ bush honey
$191 kg creamed NZ bush honeyBrought to you by the lovely Jefferies Family, delicious creamed bush Honey. This honey comes from the Pongakawa bush area in the Bay of Plenty. Bringing natures best from some hardworking bees direct to you 1kg. NZ wide delivery onlyBuy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$221 Kg Creamed Native Bush - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 1 Kg Creamed Native Bush, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$201 Kg Creamed Native Bush - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 1 Kg Creamed Native Bush, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$17.50Gillard Creamed Honey 1Kg- Raw Native BushRaw Native Bush flavoured honey. This 100% pure New Zealand raw honey offers a fuller flavour with a hint of caramel. This honey is collected from key locations across the majestic Manawatu region of the North Island. Well New Zealand right. Where is not majestic So did you know the totally best thi...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$15Coastal Bush Honey 260G CreamedThis Coastal Bush honey is an everyday honey. A wide coastline range of pollen and nectar are represented in this honey. Mnuka, Knuka, cabbage trees along with other seaside flowers make this mix unique. The presence of Phutukawa taste is remarkable, given the exuberant blooming every summer season....Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$16Honey by the Sea - Coastal Bush Honey, CreamedThis Coastal Bush honey is an everyday honey. A wide coastline range of pollen and nectar are represented in this honey. Mnuka, Knuka, cabbage trees along with other seaside flowers make this mix unique. The presence of Phutukawa taste is remarkable, given the exuberant blooming every summer season....Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Flower 0 0
$28Coastal Bush Honey 530G CreamedThis Coastal Bush honey is an every day honey. A wide coastline range of pollen and nectar are represented in this honey. Manuka, Kanuka, Cabbage trees along with other seaside flowers make this mix unique.The presence of Pohutukawa taste is remarkable, given the exuberant blooming every summer seas...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$7250g Creamed Native Bush - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 250g Creamed Native Bush, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$14Creamed Clover HoneyA real favourite since ages ago. Nothing quite says breakfast like this sweet honey on your toast. We cream this honey to ensure it is consistently smooth and easy to spread. Just like our other honeys, this creamed clover honey is all natural and coarse filtered to ensure all the goodness that natu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$8250g Creamed Native Bush - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 250g Creamed Native Bush, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$12Creamed Honey Honey HarvestCreamed Honey from Honey Harvest Apiaries is the perfect addition to your pantry. Unlike other honey, this creamy delight is made from 100% pure, raw honey, slowly whipped and crystalized for a smooth, spreadable texture. It's perfect for adding a sweet layer to toast and pancakes, or for adding a h...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Services > Apiarist 0 0
$14Miele Apiaries - Creamed Clover Honey 500gORDERS MUST BE IN BY MIDNIGHT 2 DAYS BEFORE YOUR DELIVERY DAY (eg. MIDNIGHT MONDAY FOR WEDNESDAY DELIVERY). SEE YOUR DELIVERY ZONE MAP AND SCHEDULE HERE. Receive a $1 discount off when you return the glass jar. Just clean the jar, pop a note with your name and address inside, and leave out on your n...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Milk and cream processing 0 0
$12.70Thyme Honey (Creamed)Thyme Honey is gathered from the high alpine regions of New Zealands South Island. Produced from Common Thyme" (Thymus vulgaris) this honey is herbal and distinctive. Arataki Thyme Honey is ideal for marinades or whenever a stronger honey flavour is preferred. Arataki creamed Thyme Honey is crafted ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$7250g Creamed Thyme - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 250g Creamed Thyme, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$201 Kg Creamed Thyme - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 1kg Creamed Thyme, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$16.50Gift Boxes option 1Check out our gift boxes With 2 x 250g jars of honey choose what variety of honey you want in your gift pack: honeys available in liquid and creamed- Raw Manuka and Native BushBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Honey manufacturing 0 0
$24.95Hapa Honey Farms - Creamed Wild Apple Honey **Limited Harvest**Creamed Wild Apple Honey - Limited Harvest HHF delicately creamed their wild apple honey to achieve a perfectly luxurious texture. Our creaming process enhances the flavors, bringing out the complexity and nuance of the already delicious honey. The result is a beautifully smooth and rich honey that ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Homewares 0 0
$201 Kg Creamed Floral (Dunedin Hives) - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 1kg Creamed Floral, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$12.70Clover Honey (Creamed)Arataki clover honey is pleasingly mild and deliciously sweet, gathered from the widespread flowering pastoral land, found throughout the pristine New Zealand landscape. This sweet light honey produced from its white and pink blossoms is adored around the world. Arataki Clover Honey is crafted using...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$221 Kg Creamed Thyme - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 1kg Creamed Thyme, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$201 Kg Creamed Clover - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandkgFarm Gate Honey - 1 Creamed Clover, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$8250g Creamed Clover - Farm Gate Honey New ZealandFarm Gate Honey - 250g Creamed Clover, available for you to purchase from our online store and delivered to your door.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$12Multi-Flora with Manuka HoneyGenerously teeming with the tastes of New Zealand, guaranteed to contain at least 10% rich, golden Manuka Honey. A popular choice, this is a delicious honey. Arataki Multiflora with Manuka Honey is unique blend of honey combining the richness of New Zealand's native Manuka honey with the milder mult...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Beekeeping 0 0
$9Bruce and Sharon's HoneyBruce and Sharon have beehives dotted around the Taieri plain and on the hills around it. They don't really produce honey - the bees do that - so I guess you could say they curate honey: they put the hives in good places, they look after the bees, and they get the honey extracted and creamed. Clover...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Food > Grocery home delivery 0 0