Discover more like Flag Spreader (for Indoor Ceremonial Pole)
$34.95Flag Spreader (for Indoor Ceremonial Pole)Flag Spreader for Indoor Ceremonial Silver Flagpole Kit Stainless Steel flag spreader that clips onto our indoor ceremonial pole to hold the flag out to increase the display area.Buy from Store Showing More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$99.95Indoor Ceremonial FlagpoleExtendable (up to 2.5m) Indoor Ceremonial Silver Flagpole Kit with 3 x 5 Ft New Zealand Flag Flagpole Kit Contains: Stainless Steel Pole (2 piece extendable) Stainless Steel Floor Base (can be weighted if necessary) 3 x 5 Ft (90 x 150 cm) New Zealand flag. This flag pole is easily assembled within s...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$139.95New Zealand - FULLY SEWN (0.9 x 1.5m for Indoor Pole)90 x 150 cm (3 x 5 ft) Flag of New Zealand - Heavy duty, highest quality, fully sewn flag. Made from fully sewn heavy duty polybunting fitted with sleeve and ties for fitting to the Indoor Ceremonial flagpole. Fully sewn Union Jack and Appliqued Stars. This is a top quality flag for high quality dis...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$9.95Vanuatu (Flag for Magnetic Car Flag Pole)15 x 23 cm (6 x 9 in) Vanuatu Flag Made from printed polyknit and hot cut edges, with small sleeve to attach to a magnetic car pole pole. Flag only. - Magnetic Car Flag Pole sold separately - $29.95. Quantity Discounts Combine any Flag items to get greater discounts: Flag Quantity Discount 2 5% 3 10% 4 15% 5 or more 20%Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$9.95New Zealand (Flag for Magnetic Car Flag Pole)15 x 23 cm (6 x 9 in) New Zealand Flag Made from printed polyknit and hot cut edges, with small sleeve to attach to a magnetic car pole pole. Flag only. - Magnetic Car Flag Pole sold separately - $29.95. Quantity Discounts Combine any Flag items to get greater discounts: Flag Quantity Discount 2 5% 3 10% 4 15% 5 or more 20%Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$9.95Scotland (Flag for Magnetic Car Flag Pole)15 x 23 cm (6 x 9 in) Scotland Flag Made from printed polyknit and hot cut edges, with small sleeve to attach to a magnetic car pole pole. Flag only. - Magnetic Car Flag Pole sold separately - $29.95. Quantity Discounts Combine any Flag items to get greater discounts: Flag Quantity Discount 2 5% 3 10% 4 15% 5 or more 20%Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$9.95Tino Rangatiratanga - Maori (Flag for Magnetic Car Flag Pole)15 x 23 cm (6 x 9 in) Tino Rangatiratanga - Maori Flag Made from printed polyknit and hot cut edges, with small sleeve to attach to a magnetic car pole pole. Flag only. - Magnetic Car Flag Pole sold separately - $29.95. Quantity Discounts Combine any Flag items to get greater discounts: Flag Quantity Discount 2 5% 3 10% 4 15% 5 or more 20%Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$9.95United Tribes of New Zealand - 1834 (Flag for Magnetic Car Flag Pole)15 x 23 cm (6 x 9 in) United Tribes of New Zealand - 1834 Flag Made from printed polyknit and hot cut edges, with small sleeve to attach to a magnetic car pole pole. Flag only. - Magnetic Car Flag Pole sold separately - $29.95. Quantity Discounts Combine any Flag items to get greater discounts: Flag Quantity Discount 2 5% 3 10% 4 15% 5 or more 20%Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$9.95United States of America - USA (Flag for Magnetic Car Flag Pole)15 x 23 cm (6 x 9 in) United States of America - USA Flag Made from printed polyknit and hot cut edges, with small sleeve to attach to a magnetic car pole pole. Flag only. - Magnetic Car Flag Pole sold separately - $29.95. Quantity Discounts Combine any Flag items to get greater discounts: Flag Quantity Discount 2 5% 3 10% 4 15% 5 or more 20%Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$5Watkins Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs and Climbers (includes Roses) by Stephen Barn…A guide to ornamental trees, shrubs and climbers which will prove to be indispensable for every serious gardener wanting to broaden their horticultural horizons. Listing more than 1800 different species and varieties of trees, shrubs and climbers, the books compact format makes it a handy, take-anywhere reference on trips to garden centres, on garden &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$18Retractable Hand Held Flag Pole 2 MetresPremium Quality Stainless steel retractable poles, suitable to any small size flag (300x450mm or smaller). We can also custom make flags for you. Length: retractable from 30cm to 200cm with a soft handle Quantity discounts are available. Please check the details in the options Warning: Don't extend the top 2 pieces when windy. The pole is not designed for outdoor using.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Flag or banner 0 0
$25.50Adjustable Awning Spreader Pole 1.54m Eye to EyeSEND-NOW PAY-LATER OPTIONS AT THE CHECKOUT SERVICES: ZIP, Laybuy, Afterpay, (all are up to 6 weeks to pay) SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 6 customer ratings (6 customer reviewsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$48.50Adjustable Aluminium Awning Spreader Pole 2.75m C Clip to C ClipSEND-NOW PAY-LATER OPTIONS AT THE CHECKOUTSERVICES: ZIP, Laybuy, Afterpay, (all are up to 6 weeks to pay) SCROLL DOWN FOR FULLBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$38.95Adjustable Awning Spreader Pole 2.75m Eye to EyeSEND-NOW PAY-LATER OPTIONS AT THE CHECKOUT SERVICES: ZIP, Laybuy, Afterpay, (all are up to 6 weeks to pay) SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL Rated 4.50 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings (4 customer reviews) In stockBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$29.95Extension Pole (4 Ft) for Standard Flagpole4Ft (1.2m) Extension Pole for Aluminium Flagpole Made from Aluminium and is designed for the standard flagpoles we sell. This will extend a 16Ft pole to a 20Ft pole or the 20Ft pole to a 24Ft pole. NB: This pole is not suitable for the Heavy Duty Flag Pole or as a flagpole by itself.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$39.87Adjustable Awning Spreader Pole 2.75m Flat Hook to C ClipSEND-NOW PAY-LATER OPTIONS AT THE CHECKOUT SERVICES: ZIP, Laybuy, Afterpay, (all are up to 6 weeks to pay) SCROLL DOWN FOR FULLBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$42.95Adjustable Awning Spreader Pole 2.75m Flat Hook to EyeSEND-NOW PAY-LATER OPTIONS AT THE CHECKOUT SERVICES: ZIP, Laybuy, Afterpay, (all are up to 6 weeks to pay) SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings (2 customer reviewsBuy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$99Food FlagBright red with white text, vertical flag. Designed for use with a pole and swing top arm - see the drop down menu for pole and base options. Fabric: PolyKnit Size: 1800mm x 750mmBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Flag or banner 0 0
$49.95Extension Pole (5 Ft) for Heavy Duty Flagpole5Ft (1.5m) Extension Pole for Heavy Duty Flagpole This pole is designed for the extension of the Heavy Duty flagpoles we sell. This will extend the 20Ft pole to a 25Ft pole. NB: This pole is not suitable for the standard flag poles or as a flagpole by itself.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$29.95Magnetic Car FlagpoleMagnetic Car Flag Pole - Black For use for government, embassy or consular vehicles. Would fit sleeved flags if 80 - 150 mm in height (Flag not included - 150 x 230 mm flag pictured as example) 70mm Diameter Magnetic Base 250mm Height Flexible pole Rated to vehicle speeds of 140km/h Quantity Discoun...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$110Food Windblade FlagStylish and popular, windblade shaped Food flag. Knit fabric, size 1800mm x 700mm. These flags are 2.4m high when on the pole. Hot Food also available. Choose your pole and base options from the drop down menu.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Flag or banner 0 0
$59.958Ft Wall Mounted Aluminium Flagpole8 Ft (2.4 m) Aluminium Wall Mounted Flagpole Kit with 3 x 5 Ft New Zealand Flag Flagpole Kit Contains: Aluminium Pole (2 pieces) Gold Finial Ball Tangle Free Securing Rings Snap hooks for attaching flag Wall bracket (At fixed 45 degree angle) 3 x 5 Ft New Zealand flag - NB: Lower quality than our st...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Nursery 0 0
$29Vertical Pole Bracket | Freestyle Cat TreeVertical pole bracket. Suitable for Indoor Outdoor Freestyle. The Freestyle Cat Tree is a customisable, space efficient and play system for both indoor and outdoor cats. Choose from a wide range of fun, practical and durable accessories to create an exciting cat tree tower that encourages your pets ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Potting mix manufacturing and packaging 0 0
$79Rectangle Flag Poles Medium 3mWhole fibreglass poles, 3x stronger than aluminum poles. The price is for a 3 piece pole set, 3m long of the vertical sectors in total, and two options for the length of the horizontal bar for medium size rectangle flags only. - 0.7m long bar, fiberglass - 0.9m long bar, stainless steel Attention: Please make sure that your existing base has a spindle diameter of about 14mm. ,Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Home & Garden > Flag or banner 0 0