Discover more like Syngonium Pink Splash L 15cm Nursery Pot - The Little Things
$49.99$39.99Dont miss this Syngonium Pink Splash. This is an uncommon plant, that we dont often have available. You will enjoy seeing it take off. This is a well established plant, in a 15cm Nursery Pot. Please choose from our selection of 15-16cm size Ceramic Pots to add one to your order.Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0 -
$29.99Syngonium Pink L 15cm Nursery Pot - The Little ThingsA beautiful Syngonium Pink. This is a well established plant, in a 15cm Nursery Pot. Please choose from our selection of 15-16cm size Ceramic Pots to add one to your order.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$29.99$19.99A beautiful rare Syngonium that is quite new to New Zealand, this wee specimen is rooted and in active growth, in a 7cm size Nursery Pot. The Pink Perfection has gorgeous pink toned leaves with a green edge. Please do a quick google search if you havent seen an adult one. Please note that we &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$79.99Syngonium Starlite (Rare) S 7cm Nursery Pot - The Little ThingsA beautiful rare Syngonium that is quite new to New Zealand, this wee specimen is rooted and in active growth, in a 7cm size Nursery Pot. The Starlite is sought after for its gorgeous variegation. Each leaf is completely unique. The leaves grow to be quite long and thin, with a ruffled pinkish/red edge, and &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$34.99Syngonium Pink Splash M 10cm - The Little ThingsDont miss this Syngonium Pink Splash. This is an uncommon plant, that we dont often have available. You will enjoy seeing it take off. This is a well rooted small plant, that has recently been repotted into a 10cm size pot. Please choose from our selection of 13cm size Ceramic Pots to add one to &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$29.99Scindapsus 'Silvery Ann' M 15cm Nursery Pot - The Little ThingsA beautiful Scindapsus plant with two growing points and gorgeous new growth. The Silvery Ann is currently very sought after. This one wont take long to get big. Please note that this plant comes in a 15cm black nursery pot. Please feel free to add a Ceramic Pot to your order if you wish to, &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$49.99Syngonium podophyllum 'Albo' M 15cm - The Little ThingsA lovely Syngonium Albo, with beautiful variegation. This is a relatively uncommon plant. This is a newly established plant, in a 15cm size pot, with a beautiful new leaf unfurling. It could be repotted with a grow pole or support in a couple of months. Please feel free to select from one of our 16cm Ceramic &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$815cm Nursery Pots 10pk - The Little Things15cm Nursery Pots - Free Hamilton Delivery- Indoor PlantsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$31.50Syngonium Golden AllusionThese are an easy-care house plant, syngonium can handle some neglect and are generally not bothered by bugs. They require some pruning to keep the plant bushy as they do climb and trail. This Syngonium has a lovely lime green leaf with pink veins. Comes in 12cm nursery Pot, we also have some great ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$35Syngonium - ChiapenseSyngonium Chiapense Comes in Nursery pot - 14cm Pictured in White Elho Pot - 14cm (not included)Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$14.99Ledebouria socialis 'Silver Squill' M 10cm Nursery Pot - The Little ThingsA lovely drought-tolerant plant, it likes succulent or cactus (well drained) mix best, and will do well in bright environments. Grows from a bulb, and can eventually be divided at the base. Please note that this plant comes in a 10cm black nursery pot. Please feel free to add a Ceramic Cover Pot to your &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$28.50Syngonium MickeyThese are an easy-care house plants, syngonium can handle some neglect and are generally not bothered by bugs. They require some pruning to keep the plant bushy as they do climb and trail. This Syngonium has a lovely little arrow shaped leaves, pink shaded on the top and green on the underside. Growing 30-60cms. Comes in 12cm nursery Pot, we also have some great pots to finish the look.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$22Syngonium Mini PixieThe cutest syngonium, this is a lush full plant, easy care like most syngoniums Comes in Nursery pot - 14cm Pictured in White Elho Pot - 16cm (not included)Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$19.99Philodendron Heartleaf S 15cm - The Little ThingsFree Hamilton Delivery- Indoor PlantsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$63Syngonium in BlackSyngonium Red Heart is an easy to care for plant with pink and green leaves that are shaped like arrowheads. New leaves are glossy and look a little crumpled until they unfurl, giving this indoor plant extra texture and character. Likes to be kept moist in a location with moderate to bright light (b...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$29.99Peperomia Hope M 15cm - The Little ThingsGet your own beautiful Peperomia Hope at a good price An established plant, well rooted, in our custom media, growing well. Please note that plant received will be the one shown. This is in a 15cm black nursery pot. Please feel free to add a 15-16cm size Ceramic Pot to your order if you wish to, from &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$6.5010cm Nursery Pots 10pk - The Little Things15cm Nursery Pots - Free Hamilton Delivery- Indoor PlantsBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$9Clear Nursery Pot (10 Pack)Want to see how healthy your roots are without disturbing them Then we have the solution, with our new clear nursery pots which are transparent. Note, please don't allow the pots to be in direct sunlight, as the roots can be burnt. Our nursery pots are manufactured 85% from recyclable polypropylene ...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$37.99$34.99A beautiful baby Prince of Orange Philodendron, potted in a mix of moss and coco perlite blend. Please note that the item received will be the one shown here. This could be repotted into a free draining soil/media in a couple of months or when the roots reach the bottom of the pot. Please note &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$20Syngonium Maya Red- * dusty soft pink leaves *Syngonium Maya Red - This easy-care plant features stunning dusty soft pink and green heart-shaped leaves, making it a unique and beautiful addition to any decor. This plant can be either trailing or climbing. You choose Your Syngonium Maya Red will be beautifully gift wrapped by our Florists- ready...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0
$45Syngonium Neon Pink - beautiful dusty pink leavesSouth Island Delivery Only. Syngonium is an easy care, fast growing indoor plant. Due to the uniquely pointed foliage, syngoniums are often referred to as arrow head plants. Syngonium are very tolerant of low-light conditions, making them great for adding a burst of colour to shaded corners of the h...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Flowers > Florist 0 0
$49.99$39.99A lovely baby Monstera Thai Constellation plant, potted in coco perlite and a potting mix blend. Please note that the plant received will be the one shown here. This plant is newly established, but has strong roots. Give it a good soaking when the soil starts to dry out. This could be repotted into a &hellipBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0 -
$6.90RAIN Clear Pot Starter Pack - 7 Clear Nursery Pots from 7cm to 17cmThis is for one Rain Clear Pot Starter Pack which includes one of each in all the most popular sizes from 7cms to 17cms wide with 7 different clear pot sizes in total. The only sizes not included from the Rain clear pot range are the biggest 20cm and 23cm wide sizes. Each pot is clear with drainage....Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0
$35Syngonium AlboThis is a must have for anyone who loves syngonium. Like all syngoniums, this one is also an easy care plant. This foliage is sure to brighten up your home It is one of the very best plants for indoors or pots. Syngoniums are considered fast growing and easy care. Will do best in bright indirect light. Comes in Nursery pot - 12c m Pictured in White Elho Pot - 14cm (not included)Buy from Store ⦾ More like this Home & Garden > Plant, garden 0 0