Discover more like Scientific Anglers Sonar Stillwater Clear/Camo
$162.99Scientific Anglers Sonar Stillwater Clear/CamoHow can something be clear and camouflaged Thats easy. We took a mottled core, doused it with our new, supple clear coating, and we had the SONAR Stillwater Clear Camo. Designed for the unique demands of stillwater angling, the Clear Camo simply disappears beneath the surface, and features a slow, i...Buy from Store Showing More like this 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Stillwater Clear Camo Intermediate - KilwellCAMOUFLAGE LINE FOR SUB-SURFACE FISHING Scientific Anglers Sonar Series Smooth Sinking Lines: SONAR STILLWATER CLEAR CAMO How can something be clear and camouflaged Thats easy. We took a mottled core, doused it with our new, supple clear coating, and we had the SONAR Stillwater Clear Camo. Designed for the unique demands of stillwater angling, the &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99Scientific Anglers Sonar Stillwater HoverOne day, long ago, in a kingdom far, far away, we dreamed up a line that would sink, but not sink too much, one that would simply hover beneath the surface. Fast forward thousands of years and the SONAR Stillwater Hover sinking fly line was born. Built with an extra-slow sink rate, the Hover is down...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Stillwater Seamless Density - KilwellDOUBLE-DENSITY SINKING LINES Scientific Anglers Sonar Series Smooth Sinking Lines: SONAR STILLWATER CLEAR CAMO The SONAR Stillwater Seamless Density lines are a unique departure from the traditional graduated density lines of years past. With a variety of double-density sinking rates and a smooth, s...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Stillwater Clear Midge/Emerger Tip - KilwellFOR FISHING FLIES IN OR NEAR THE SURFACE FILM Scientific Anglers Sonar Series Smooth Sinking Lines: SONAR STILLWATER CLEAR MIDGE/EMERGER TIP When fishing stillwaters, midges are important flies. Just as important is the element of stealth. The SONAR Stillwater Emerger Tip addresses both of these factors handily. Designed for tossing multiple flies and long leaders &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Parabolic Sink S3/S5/S3 WF6S - KilwellSINKS IN A U-SHAPED PROFILE Scientific Anglers Sonar Series Smooth Sinking Lines: SONAR STILLWATER PARABOLIC SINK SA item number: 129442 Sure, the SONAR Stillwater Parabolic Sink sounds scientific, and thats because it is. These lines sink in a U-shape through the water column, suspending flies just below the bottom and creating enticing action with each &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Parabolic Sink S3/S5/S3 WF7S - KilwellSINKS IN A U-SHAPED PROFILE Scientific Anglers Sonar Series Smooth Sinking Lines: SONAR STILLWATER PARABOLIC SINK SA item number: 129459 Sure, the SONAR Stillwater Parabolic Sink sounds scientific, and thats because it is. These lines sink in a U-shape through the water column, suspending flies just below the bottom and creating enticing action with each &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99Scientific Anglers Sonar Titan Int/Sink3/Sink5Get this: we took one of our most popular tapers, the Titan, drenched it in various mixtures of tungsten powder, and created a triple-density sinking fly line that will absolutely change the way you fish streamers forever. This is a fully tapered sinking line, so it casts like a floater, but provide...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$179.99S.A. Sonar Stillwater Hover - KilwellSONAR STILLWATER HOVER For fishing flies just below the surface One day, long ago, in a kingdom far, far away, we dreamed up a line that would sink, but not sink too much, one that would simply hover beneath the surface. Fast forward thousands of years and the SONAR Stillwater Hover sinking fly line was &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Sink 25 Cold - KilwellSINKING-HEAD FLY LINES FOR COLD WATER Scientific Anglers Sonar Series Smooth Sinking Lines: SONAR 25 COLD When it comes to fishing streamers in cold water, its difficult to beat the SONAR Sink 25. Designed with a short 25 fast-sinking head, the Sink 25 sinking fly line gets flies deep extremely quickly and is paired with &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Titan Triple Density - KilwellTRIPLE-DENSITY SINKING FLY LINE Scientific Anglers Sonar Series Smooth Sinking Lines: SONAR TITAN Triple-density Sinking Fly Line Welcome to the triple-density revolution. We took one of our most popular tapers, the Titan, drenched it in various mixtures of tungsten powder and created a triple-density sinking fly line that will absolutely change the way you fish &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$149.99S.A. Frequency Full Sink & Int - KilwellALL-PURPOSE SINKING LINES Scientific Anglers Frequency Series Smooth Lines: FREQUENCY INTERMEDIATE and FULL SINK If theres a better way to fish lakes and ponds than with a full-sinking line, we havent found it. The Frequency Full Sink is the perfect sinking fly line for stillwater anglers; it handles streamers and wet flies with aplomb, cuts &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Titan Sink Tip - KilwellSINKING-TIP FLY LINE Scientific Anglers Sonar Titan series flylines; SINK TIP So you know where the fish are holding. Youve done your research. But you just dont know how deep they are. Luckily, the SONAR TITAN Sink Tip fly line offers a variety of solutions for all of your depth-finding needs. Just below the surface &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$162.99Scientific Anglers Sonar Titan Sink Tip Sink 6So you know where the fish are holding. Youve done your research. But you just dont know how deep they are. Luckily, the SONAR Titan Sink Tip fly line offers a variety of solutions for all of your depth-finding needs. Just below the surface Try the Sink 3. Holding steady in the shadowy depths Get th...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$189.99RIO Premier Aqualux Clear/Translucent Intermediate Sinking LineAn intermediate sinking line with a completely clear headessential for all lake anglers, with ultra-slick performance - Short, east-casting head for minimum false casts and maximum distance - Clear intermediate lineperfect for fishing in the first 2-6 feet of the water column - Ultra-slick, colored ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Saltwater Intermediate (Warm) - KilwellSLOW-SINKING FLY LINE FOR SALT WATER Its not very often youll need to fish topwater flies in the salt. Thats where an intermediate line comes in handy. The SONAR Saltwater Intermediate fly line features a slow-sinking clear head that cuts through the surface and provides an amazing amount of stealth for those wary fish cruising &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$179.99S.A. Sonar Camo Saltwater Intermediate (Coldwater) - KilwellSLOW-SINKING FLY LINE FOR COLD SALT WATER Camouflage line for sub-surface fishing Built on our coldwater camouflage it will get you on the blitz with out the tangles. Based on our popular Infinity Salt taper Made half-size heavy for larger flies and windy days Full intermediate, coldwater coating over camouflage core for &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Titan Full Intermediate - Saltwater - KilwellSONAR TITAN FULL INTERMEDIATE A slow sinking flyline, recomended for stalking Kingfish in our shallow New Zealand harbours. With a name like Titan, this line promises big things. Luckily, it does more than deliver. The SONAR Titan Full Intermediate fly line is designed to manhandle even the largest flies, and with its intermediate density, it &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$209.99S.A. Sonar Grand Slam Clear Tip - Saltwater - KilwellBONEFISH, PERMIT, AND TARPON, ALL ON ONE LINE Tarpon. Bonefish. Permit. All in one day. All on one line. Thats the idea behind the Mastery Grand Slam, a fly line designed specifically to help you achieve one of anglings most elusive accomplishments. Weve taken our most popular saltwater taper and added a clear intermediate tip &hellipBuy from Store ⊕ More like this Sport > Sporting good wholesaling 0 0
$189.99Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Anadro Stillwater IndicatorONE AND A HALF SIZE HEAVY LINE The Amplitude Smooth series of lines are, simply put, the highest-performance smooth fly lines in the world. With up to five times less drag and eight times the durability of traditional lines, this will change the way you look at fly line performance. - Features the r...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$159.90The Clear Signs of the Quran (Volume 1 & 2)TEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK Vol - 1 The Clear Signs of the Quran in the Physical Universe (35 Chapters) 1. The universes signs within the Quran are unveiled using scientific observations, reasoning, and historically verifiable events. 2. About 750 verses out of 6,236 more than a tenth ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$169.99RIO Fathom Cleansweep Lake LinesA COMPLETE SERIES OF "SWEEP" STYLE SINKING LINES designed for easy distance Easy casting, fast loading head for minimum false casts and quick distance Hang Marker shows where to fish "The Hang" Built on a supple core that will not tangle RIO'S CLEANSWEEP LINES are a series of sinking lines built wit...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$74.99S.A WetcelCan't decide what to fish for Our WetCel general-purpose sinking line is a simple, no-frills, weight-forward sinking fly line perfect for throwing nymphs and streamers to trout, bass, or panfish in streams, rivers, or lakes. It may not cost a lot, but that certainly doesn't mean the WetCel won't get...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$179.99RIO Fathom sinking line sink 6RIO'S FATHOM LINES are a series of sinking lines designed specifically for the lake angler. Each line has a short, quick-loading head for minimizing the number of false casts, and for quick, easy distance, and a color contrast between the head and the running line to easily show the line's loading p...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0