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Lollyworld 182 Lollyworld- An online lolly shop in NZ with a variety of lollies delivered straight to your doorstep. Buy online & save your time. We have a collection of Gummies, jellies, sweet & sours, chocolates and American delights and more♡
Pik N Mix Lollies 815 We are an online lolly store. Pick and mix your own selection of lollies, delivered to your door. Over 280 different loose lollies. Gummies + Jellies, Sweet + Sours, Chocolates + Speckles, Foams + Fondants, Jellybeans, Bricks + blowpipes, American Ca...♡
Candy Co 342 Candy Co Limited is a Family Owned and Operated Online Lolly Shop, stockists of over 500 different varieties of Loose Pick and Mix Lollies, International Sweets and so much more. We specialise in Loose Confectionary, Promotional Lollies and Internati...♡
The Fudge Cottage 29 Huge selection of handmade fudge for every occasion. Fudge bars, logs, gift baskets and personalised gifts for special occasions♡
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