B-GRADE | Ancient Kauri Treasure Box 6
Outlet products have slight imperfections in the timber such as small knots and small filled holes, cracks and marks, other than these minor characteristics, the products have the same level of quality as our full-priced items and these imperfections do not affect the of the product. Please see the images provided for examples of the minor imperfections that can be found on these products.
Please note: We do not accept on any of our outlet products. A box for all of your treasures!
This expertly made treasure box is the perfect size to fit all of your special treasures. Beautiful and functional with quality craftsmanship; treasure boxes are often used for storing taonga, certificates, documents, baby keepsakes, 21st birthdays, anniversaries or as a gift for special people in our lives. Where function meets beauty
Our boxes are hand crafted and finished to a very high standard, the naturally oiled warm timber has been expertly matched and joined, and the lid is hinged with solid brass hinges.
You'll love receiving, unwrapping and enjoying the warm touch and long-lasting smell of natural wood.