Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin 700ml


MASTER GIN: Global Gin Masters 2022

Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin is a modern style of Australian Gin from the Yarra Valley. Made using whole oranges, pepperberry leaf, cinnamon, cardamom and star anise, this is spicy with big citrus notes. Perfect in a gin & tonic, made to your preference, but for something a bit different, try a Red Snapper:

- 45ml Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin
- 100ml tomato juice
- 20ml lemon juice
- 15ml Worcestershire sauce
- Tabasco
- Lemon
- Celery

Build in a highball over ice. Stir well to combine, and garnish with a celery stick and lemon wedge (with a touch of cracked black pepper if you want to add a little something extra!)

ABV: 41.8

wine direct
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