Valentines Day - Bouquet


A hand tied bouquet of fresh seasonal flowers spiralled with lush foliage and finished in our Valentines themed wrapping - red tissue, pink/white kraft paper & a red ribbon - to make the flowers pop!

Our Valentines Day Bouquet brings you a little bit of luxury at an affordable price. The perfect bunch of flowers to gift for your Valentines, Gal-entines or Pal-entines!

A mix of Reds, Whites & Pinks.


Small - Approximately 5 stems of flowers

Medium - Approximately 10 stems of flowers

Large - Approximately 15 stems of flowers

Available Monday 10th February - Friday 14th February

Flowers will vary depending on availability.

All bouquets will be wet wrapped to ensure that your flowers stay fresh until they arrive at their destination.

Wild Ivy Floral Boutique
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