The Power Of Essential Oils Ebook


- Learn how essential oils support the mind and body?
- Discover which oils are best used to support brain health?
- How to train your mind through the application of essential oils?
- Learn which essential oils are best for your emotional needs?

Essential oils can help with emotional struggles, by clearing emotional energy blockages within the body. Releasing and erasing subconscious beliefs that are holding you back from achieving true happiness.

The compounds in the oils have significant healing properties.

"As a certified Holistic Mind-Body Practitioner and aromatherapist, I am always looking for a natural alternative to achieve balance and harmony within".

Inhaling our therapeutic essential oil blends that are made specifically to deal with certain emotions and affirming your new positive affirmation can help to bring clarity to the mind and healing to the body allowing emotional healing to take place.

Combining neuroscience and aromatherapy is a wonderful way to train the brain so you can achieve inner peace, calm, and happiness in all areas of your life"

Love and wellbeing to you all Nicola x

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