Live2Give Organic Wholegrain Spelt Sourdough with Seeds


Please note we collect our fresh baked bread every Monday evening, so any orders containing bread will go out on a Tuesday.

Our most popular bakery loaf is back! A truly local bread! The organic spelt grain is grown by our friend Harry in Bulls, before being ground to a superfine but 100% wholegrain flour in a zentrofan mill by Lindsay here in Palmerston North. The bread is then prepared and baked by Richard and friends at Purebread in Kapiti according to our original recipe, before going in our boxes here at live2give :)

Ingredients: Organic wholegrain spelt flour, organic sourdough starter, organic sunflower seeds, organic linseeds gold, organic linseed brown, blanched almonds, organic sunflower oil, fresh yeast, organic sea salt.

Wholegrain Organics Online
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