Roses Bouquet


Flowers and Plants delivery is available only for Auckland

Selected premium quality roses are made with seasonal mixed green foliage and wrapped in white paper with ribbon.

Your choice of colors from red, pink, or mixed colors. (Mixed colors will be depending on availability. Leave it to us, we will create a gorgeous bouquet of mixed colors of roses!)

Delivery Prices (same-day delivery)

Pick up from our store 76 Coates Avenue Orakei Auckland: Free

Orakei Suburb: Free

Local Suburb: NZ$7.50 (Apply to ONLY LISTED SUBURB)

- Remuera

- Newmarket

- Parnell

- Mission Bay

- Kohimarama

- St Heliers

- Glendowie

Other Auckland suburbs: NZ$16.00 (Please see our area map for availability)

Order over NZ$150: Free ( Apply to website orders only)

White Tree Floral Design
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