Crystal Energy Bracelets


8mm crystal bead elasticated bracelets on cards which describe the crystals qualities and properties.

- Amethyst / Peace - associated with peace, creative thinking and spiritual awareness. The ancient Greeks wore amethyst and decorated drinking cups with it in the belief that it would prevent drunkenness.
- Aventurine / Decisiveness
- Carnelian / Balance - a good balancer, connects you with your inner self and aids concentration. Romans used Carnelian to make engraved gems for jewellery.
- Fluorite / Learning - believed to improve learning, enhance focus and aid concentration. The Romans mined fluorite in England to make their tables and goblets.
- Hematite / Energy - strengthens the body and promotes optimism and courage. Believed beneficial for enhanced personal magnetism. The name Hematite is derived from the Greek word for blood.
- Howlite / Calm - helps to control emotions and restores a sense of calm. Howlite is commonly used to make decorative objects such as small carvings or jewellery components.
- Obsidian / Strength
- Opalite / Clarity
- Quartz / Power
- Rose Quartz / Love
- Sodalite / Creativity
- Tigers Eye Gold / Wisdom

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